Contoh Pidato Bertema Pentingnya Pendidikan, Bahasa Inggris


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Semoga contoh teks pidato tentang pentingnya pendidikan yang di tulis menggunakan bahasa inggris ini dapat menjadi bahan contoh untuk kamu yang sedang mencari bahan referensi untuk ceramah di depan teman-teman kamu, ataupun yang akan mengikuti Lomba atau Festival.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

First of all, let us together to offer praise and thanksgiving
Allah SWT, which on this day we all still be miraculous pleasure, which
we simply can not count how many pleasures that God has given us.
Prayers and peace may always remain tercurahkan to sire great prophet
Muhammad SAW.

Mr / Mrs teacher whom I respect.
Colleagues in arms that I'm proud, in a good opportunity
This allow me to learn to speak with the theme: EDUCATION

Mr. and Mrs. Teacher and Gentlemen .....
Education is a fairness to all of us whether it
physical education, spiritual, formal and informal, in school or outside

In this modern era we are required to keep pace explore science
knowledge, if we are just a little off guard we will left behind by friends
we were kept pace explore science.

His comrades were honored by God, we all have been conscious and aware of the importance of education, since we were attending school from kindergarten, elementary school until now we will leave school this, a lot of science that we get both general science science and religion, of which we know can not know, of that do not understand we can understand. For it was in this auspicious occasion let me expressed his gratitude to Allah SWT. And thanks to Mr. immeasurable and the teacher where he not get enough to constantly remind us to study hard and learn. With that encouragement Alhamdulillah we now reap the results.
By constantly beg for forgiveness and His blessings hopefully what we citacitakan
Allah SWT grant. Amin yes Rabal Alamin.
Presumably that's all I can say on this auspicious occasion
apologize for any kehilafan and drawbacks.

Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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