Superhero Quiz

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Anda patut mencoba Super Hero Personality Test dari
untuk mengukur seberapa super hero-kah Anda.
Hasil test menunjukkan bahwa saya adalah :
You are Green Lantern
Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.

Ayoo... pada ngisi & kirim hasilnya di sini yaa....

Your results:
You are The Flash

The Flash 75%
Iron Man 60%
Superman 60%
Robin 57%
Spider-Man 45%
Green Lantern 45%
Supergirl 35%
Batman 35%
Hulk 30%
Catwoman 25%
Wonder Woman 5%

Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

hehehehe.. tukang rayu ternyata...
Your results:

You are The Flash

Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

The Flash 90%
Green Lantern 85%
Spider-Man 70%
Supergirl 70%
Superman 70%
Hulk 70%
Catwoman 70%
Robin 55%
Wonder Woman 55%
Iron Man 55%
Batman 30%

flash gordon kaleeeee

Your results:
You are Green Lantern
Green Lantern 85%
Superman 70%
The Flash 65%
Iron Man 65%
Spider-Man 60%
Supergirl 58%
Robin 55%
Hulk 55%
Catwoman 50%
Batman 45%
Wonder Woman 33%
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

siapa yah ?? saya juga baru denger tuh superhero
Your results:
You are The Flash
The Flash 100%
Spider-Man 80%
Supergirl 80%Green
Lantern 80%Superman 80%
Wonder Woman 60%
Iron Man 60%
Hulk 60%
Robin 50%
Catwoman 40%
Batman 40%
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

keren jugak...:)

menurut gw

The Flash 80%
Spider-Man 100%
Supergirl 48%Green
Lantern 90%Superman 50%
Wonder Woman 50%
Iron Man 80%
Hulk 100%
Robin 59%
Catwoman 25%
Batman 70%
avatar 100%
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