Camera Nikon DSLR /SLR (D3200/d3/5200/D600/D7100/Dll) [] Free Ongkir

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Halo agan dan aganwati sekalian
numpang promosi yah :) . disini kita menjual berbagai macam produk untuk photography mulai dari camera Pocket hingga camera medium format
Mungkin kalian sudah tidak asing dengan nama OKTAGON :D :D
sekilas penjelasan ttg oktagon dibawah ini ya gan

Tentang Toko Kamera Oktagon
Memulai bisnisnya pada tanggal 21 September 2002, Oktagon berkomitmen untuk memberikan dukungan sepenuhnnya pada perkembangan dunia fotografi di Indonesia. Dengan latar belakang pengalaman dan tradisi yang panjang di dunia fotografi, Oktagon berharap dapat memberikan sebuah layanan yang baik dan menyenangkan bagi pelanggannya.
Sejalan dengan pesatnya perkembangan industri fotografi, Oktagon terus menawarkan solusi yang mutakhir dan terbaik. Untuk itu Oktagon menyediakan berbagai jenis produk, tidak hanya bagi mereka yang awam, tapi juga bagi kalangan profesional yang membutuhkan solusi yang terintegrasi. Dengan variasi produk yang beragam dan dukungan merk-merk yang terpercaya, diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi bagi kebutuhan fotografi pelanggan.
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Oktagon dan divisi-divisinya juga ditunjang dengan hadirnya sebuah ruang galeri yang dapat menampung berbagai aktifitasnya. Baik sebagai ruang ekspresi dan apresiasi, tukar pikiran dan belajar. Untuk itu, Oktagon aktif menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan pameran, pemutaran film, forum diskusi dan temu komunitas, seminar dan workshop, uji produk dan lain sebagainya. Diharapkan berbagai kegiatan tersebut dapat memberikan kontribusi yang berarti bagi penikmat, penggemar dan pelaku profesional fotografi.

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Untuk Product Kita update di #post 2 dan seterusnya ya gan :)
atau bisa juga di akses ke

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Promo Valentine

Minimum Transaksi Rp.2.000.000 Dapatkan
Sepasang Boneka cantik
Voucher Belanja Rp.25.000

*Promo Berlaku Hingga 28 Februari 2014
*Promo Tidak berlaku Kelipatan
*Promo Hanya Berlaku Untuk transaksi Online di website Oktagon
*Promo Berlaku selama Persediaan Masih ada

Promo Free Item

Setiap Pembelian Camera Type dibawah Ini
* Canon EOS 7D kit Lens 15-85mm
* Nikon 1 J1 Kit with 10 MM lens (silver)
* Nikon 1 v1 kit with 10 mm Lens (Black)
* Nikon D7000 Kit with AF-S 18-105

Mendapatkan Free Item :
* Free Memory SDHC 8 GB
* Free Card Reader
* Free Tas Camera

Note : Promo Berlaku selama Persediaan Masih ada
: Promo Hanya Berlaku Untuk transaksi Online di website Oktagon


1.Nikon D3000 Kit with AF-S 18-55mm VR

Penambahan terbaru untuk produk Nikon yang berkualitas dengan format-DX SLRs digital. D3000 adalah pilihan yang ideal bagi

orang-orang yang ingin meng-upgrade ke SLR digital dan juga ada fitur mode Panduan terbaru.

-Mode Panduan yang baru menyediakan bantuan untuk membuat pengaturan kamera dan dengan menggunakan teknik yang professional
-Layar LCD sebesar 3.0”, sekitar 230k-dot dengan penyesuaian keterangan
-Nikon dengan format-DX sensor gambar CCD dengan 10,2 megapiksel efektif
-Sistem Pengurangan Debu
-Sistem Pengolahan gambar EXPEED Nikon yang ekslusif
-Enam mode scene yang secara otomatis menyesuaikan pencahayaan, pengolahan gambar, dan pengaturan lainnya untuk

menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang superior
-Scene Recognition System, memanfaatkan 420-piksel sensor RGB, meningkatkan kemampuan autofocus, pencahayaan yang otomatis

dan kinerja auto white balance
-Active D-Lightning untuk pola / corak yang halus dalam lingkungan yang berkontras tinggi
-Modul sensor autofokus Multi-CAM 1000 yang menampilkan 11 titik AF, menyediakan cakupan autofokus di seluruh frame dengan

cepat dan tepat
-Sistem Picture Control meliputi Portrait dan Landscape untuk kustom warna yang lebih hidup
-Palet yang luas pada menu Retouch dalam kamera termasuk efek miniatur baru yang dapat memodifikasi gambar terlihat seperti

model gambar miniature
-Sensitivitas yang luas dimulai dari ISO 100 – 1600, pengaturan Hi-1 meningkatkan sensitivitas ISO 3200
-Viewfinder dengan cakupan frame sekitar 95% dan mudah melihat dari jarak pandang mata 18mm (pada -1.0 m-1)
-Continuous shooting sampai dengan 3 fps
-I-TTL flash control asli Nikon
-Desain yang sangat efisien untuk menghemat energi yang memungkinkan pengambilan gambar sebanyak kurang lebih 550 gambar

dalam satu kali pengisian baterai Li-ion EN-EL9a (standar CIPA, dengan AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR dan penggunaan

flash setiap pengambilan gambar lainnya.)
-Software Nikon ViewNX yang membuat penelusuran dan pengaturan gambar anda menjadi mudah
-Opsional software Capture NX2 untuk editing foto memungkinkan untuk mengedit foto dengan cepat dan mudah
-Bentuk Body yang relative compact, ringan, dan halus

2.Nikon D3100

Tersedia dalam Stok :
1.Nikon D3100 Body Only
2.Nikon D3100 Kit with AF-S 18-55mm VR
3.Nikon D3100 Kit with AF-S 18-55mm Non VR

Nikon D3100 Kit VR dirancang untuk pengguna DSLR yang ingin mengambil gambar indah tanpa khawatir melakukan operasi yang

rumit. Kamera beresolusi 14.2 MP ini juga dilengkapi berbagai fitur, seperti Auto Scene Selector, Scene Recognition, dan

fungsi Guides Mode yang akan memudahkan Anda mendapatkan gambar yang diinginkan. Vibration Reduction (VR) pada kamera ini

memungkinkan Anda mengurangi blur karena guncangan.

· Deskripsi Produk Nikon D3100 Lensa Kit 18 – 55mm VR
Nikon D3100 merupakan kamera DSLR bagi Anda fotografer pemula dan hadir dengan harga yang terjangkau. Dengan berbagai

teknologi mutakhir, memudahkan Anda untuk mengambil gambar dalam kondisi apapun dengan kualitas yang menawan. Kamera ini

dibekali dengan resolusi hingga 14.2 megapiksel dengan sensor CMOS DX-format serta sudah termasuk lensa 18-55mm. Rekam

momen berharga Anda dengan kualitas Full HD. Dengan desain yang kompak, Anda kini dapat membidik objek kapanpun dan

dimanapun. Dengan berbagai fitur canggih lainnya, bidik gambar dan hasilkan kualitas gambar yang prima dengan Nikon D3100.

Vibration Reduction (VR) pada kamera ini memungkinkan Anda mengurangi blur karena guncangan.

· Kinerja Optimal
Tangkap lebih banyak objek melalui lensa wide 18-55mm pada pemotretan landscape dan pemotretan grup. Dengan lensa wide-

angle memungkinkan Anda untuk membidik objek apapun yang Anda inginkan. Dengan teknologi prosesesor pengolah gambar Nikon

Expeed 2 dan resolusi 14.2 megapiksel menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang jernih, tajam dan detail. Sensor CMOS-nya

menawarkan rentang ISO yang sangat lebar (ISO 100 hingga 3200) dengan tingkat noise yang rendah yang memungkinkan Anda

untuk memfoto pada kecepatan rana yang lebih cepat dan mengurangi terjadinya blur. Pemotretan atau juga pengambilan video

hanya dengan genggaman tangan pun akan tetap terlihat bagus walaupun pada kondisi minim cahaya.

· Kualitas Video Full HD
Kamera DSLR Nikon D3100 memiliki fungsi merekam video berkualitas Full HD dengan resolusi 1920 x 1080 piksel @24 fps.

Kamera ini juga telah dilengkapi fitur full autofokus serta jack mikrofon eksternal stereo.

· ISO 100 – 3200
Rentang ISO normal pada kamera ini adalah 100 - 3200, Anda juga bisa menambahnya hingga ISO 12800(Hi2). ISO yang tinggi

membuat Anda bisa melakukan pemotretan pada kondisi kekurangan cahaya, ataupun juga berguna untuk meningkatkan kecepatan

shutter untuk menangkap momen-momen yang berlangsung dengan sangat cepat.

· Sistem Autofokus 11 titik
Anda bisa dengan leluasa memilih area titik fokus, karena terdapat 11 titik fokus yang bisa Anda pilih.

· Layar LCD 3”
Lakukan komposisi dan review hasil foto melalui layar LCD dengan 230.000 dot, yang juga akan memberikan Anda akses terhadap

sistem menu kamera dengan kontrol yang cepat. Terdapat juga penyesuaian tingkat kecerahan pada layar sehingga Anda dapat

melihat hasil gambar lebih jelas dan tajam pada dalam ataupun luar ruangan.

· Active D-Lightning

Salah satu fitur yang ada di seri kamera DSLR Nikon terbaru adalah Active D-Lighting. Fungsinya untuk mengontrol shadow dan

highlight, sehingga detail foto akan selalu terjaga dengan baik.

· Picture Control
Berbagai mode efek yang bisa digunakan pada kamera ini seperti Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, dan

Landscape bisa diaplikasikan pada foto-foto Anda.

· Koneksi HDMI
Dengan koneksi port HDMI yang ada di kamera, Anda bisa secara langsung menghubungkan kamera ke TV HD, menyaksikan hasil

foto serta video melalui layar yang lebih besar.

3.Nikon D3200

Tersedia dalam Tipe
1.Nikon D3200 Body Only
2.Nikon D3200 Kit AF-S 18-105mm VR DX ZoomNikkor (Black)
3.Nikon D3200 Kit AF-S 18-55mm VR DX Zoom-Nikkor (Black)
4.Nikon D3200 Kit AF-S 18-55mm VR DX Zoom-Nikkor (Red)

Nikon D 3200 kit 18-55 VR Black, kamera digital SLR yang memadukan fitur-fitur beginner friendly dengan kemampuan optimal

dalam body yang compact dan stylish. Kamera ini hadir dengan 24 Megapixel CMOS sensor dan Razor-sharp 11-point autofocus

system yang ditunjang dengan layar TFT LCD 3.0 inch dan lensa standar berukuran 18-55 mm.

Deskripsi Produk Nikon D3200 – Lensa Kit 18-55 mm – 24.2 MP

Nikon D3200 merupakan kamera DSLR bagi Anda fotografer pemula dan hadir dengan harga yang terjangkau. Seri lanjutan dari

Nikon D3100 ini membawa berbagai peningkatan kemampuan. Dengan berbagai teknologi mutakhir, memudahkan Anda untuk mengambil

gambar dalam kondisi apapun dengan kualitas yang menawan. Kamera ini dibekali dengan resolusi hingga 24.2 megapiksel dengan

sensor CMOS DX-format serta sudah termasuk lensa 18-55mm. Rekam momen berharga Anda dengan kualitas Full HD. Dengan desain

yang kompak, Anda kini dapat membidik objek kapanpun dan dimanapun. Dengan berbagai fitur canggih lainnya, bidik gambar dan

hasilkan kualitas gambar yang prima dengan Nikon D3200.

· Kinerja Optimal
Tangkap lebih banyak objek melalui luas lensa 18-55mm pada pemotretan landscape dan pemotretan grup. Dengan lensa wide-

angle memungkinkan Anda untuk membidik objek apapun yang Anda inginkan. Dengan teknologi prosesor pengolah gambar Nikon

Expeed 3 dan resolusi 24.2 megapiksel menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang jernih, tajam dan detail. Sensor CMOS-nya

menawarkan rentang ISO yang sangat lebar (ISO 100 hingga 6400) dengan tingkat noise yang rendah yang memungkinkan Anda

untuk memfoto pada kecepatan rana yang lebih cepat dan mengurangi terjadinya blur. Pemotretan atau juga pengambilan video

hanya dengan genggaman tangan pun akan tetap terlihat bagus walaupun pada kondisi minim cahaya.

· Kualitas Video Full HD
Kamera DSLR Nikon D3200 memiliki fungsi merekam video berkualitas Full HD dengan resolusi 1920 x 1080 piksel @30 fps.

Kamera ini juga telah dilengkapi fitur full autofokus serta jack mikrofon eksternal stereo.

· ISO 100 – 6400
Rentang ISO normal pada kamera ini adalah 100 - 6400, Anda juga bisa menambahnya hingga ISO 12800(Hi2). ISO yang tinggi membuat Anda bisa melakukan pemotretan pada kondisi kekurangan cahaya, ataupun juga berguna untuk meningkatkan kecepatan shutter untuk menangkap momen-momen yang berlangsung dengan sangat cepat.

· VR Image Stabilization
Sebagai kombinasi dari image-senson shift dan VR image stabilization akan membantu menghasilkan gambar yang tajam serta meminimalisir gambar blur saat Anda melakukin zoom in atau zoom out. Kamera ini juga dilengkapi Motion Detection untuk membantu menghasilkan gambar yang kebih tajam dengan secara otomatis memiliki shutter speen yang lebih cepat dan ISO lebih tinggi untuk mengatasi objek yang bergerak ataupun guncangan ketika sedang mengambil gambar.

· Sistem Autofokus 11 titik
Anda bisa dengan leluasa memilih area titik fokus, karena terdapat 11 titik fokus yang bisa Anda pilih.

· Layar LCD 3”
Lakukan komposisi dan review hasil foto melalui layar LCD dengan 921.000 dot, yang juga akan memberikan Anda akses terhadap sistem menu kamera dengan kontrol yang cepat. Terdapat juga penyesuaian tingkat kecerahan pada layar sehingga Anda dapat melihat hasil gambar lebih jelas dan tajam pada dalam ataupun luar ruangan.

· Active D-Lightning
Salah satu fitur yang ada di seri kamera DSLR Nikon terbaru adalah Active D-Lighting. Fungsinya untuk mengontrol shadow dan highlight, sehingga detail foto akan selalu terjaga dengan baik.

· Picture Control
Berbagai mode efek yang bisa digunakan pada kamera ini seperti Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, dan Landscape bisa diaplikasikan pada foto-foto Anda.

· Koneksi HDMI
Dengan koneksi port HDMI yang ada di kamera, Anda bisa secara langsung menghubungkan kamera ke TV HD, menyaksikan hasil foto serta video melalui layar yang lebih besar.

4.Nikon D3 Body Only

The D3 is designed for professional use in demanding conditions. The exterior of the D3 is crafted of magnesium alloy and the camera’s shutter mechanism is tested to 300,000-cycle releases. The 3-inch LCD is strengthened with tempered glass and the D3’s comprehensive array of rubber gaskets and seals protect vulnerable entry points from dust and moisture.

A Nikon-original 12.1-megapixel FX-format (23.9 x 36mm) CMOS sensor, in concert with Nikon's exclusive digital image processing system, delivers breathtakingly rich image quality, while also reducing noise to unprecedented levels with even higher ISOs Continuous shooting at up to 9 frames per second at full FX resolution and up to 11fps inthe DX Crop mode,

offers uncompromised shooting speeds for fast-action and sports photography Extreme Low-noise ISO range with Advanced Noise Reduction enables photographers to confidently select from 200-6400 ISO with an expanded range that includes Lo-1 (100 ISO)Hi-1 (12,800 ISO) and Hi-2 (25,600 ISO) The 3.0-inch super density 920,000-dot VGA color monitor with 170-degree wide-angle viewing and tempered-glass protection makes it possible for even more critical image review Fast, accurate 51-point autofocus with 3D Focus Tracking and three Dynamic AF modes deliver exacting autofocus precision at blazing speeds Two LiveView shooting modes, Hand-held or Tripod, are perfect when shooting in a studio, remote situations or from challenging angles Nikon's exclusive Scene Recognition System (SRS), with an improved 1,005-Pixel 3DColor Matrix Metering II, provides even more intelligent auto exposure capabilities, along with smarter auto white balance detection and faster, more accurate AF performance Nikon's Self-diagnostic shutter system, tested to 300,000 cycles, is a clear indication of advanced engineering and durable construction New Picture Control settings give photographers dramatically advanced color control with 4 preset options: Standard, Neutral, Vivid and Monochrome, as well as 9 customizable settings

5.Nikon D3s Body Only

Nikon D3s Body Only hadir dengan resolusi 12.1 MP, ISO Range 200 - 12.800, Image Sensor CMOS dan spesifikasi multi frame

9.0 fps. Kamera yang dirancang Weather-proof dan ditunjang display LCD 2.7 inch ini juga mampu merekam video dengan kualitas 720p/24 fps HD movie.

6.Nikon D3X Body Only

Product Highlights
- 24.5 Megapixel Resolution
- FX-format (full frame) CMOS Sensor
- Nikon EXPEED Image Processor
- NEF (RAW) Files at 12- or 14-bit Color
- 3" Super-density LCD Monitor
- Live View Shooting Modes
- 5 fps Continuous at Full Resolution
- Scene Recognition System
- Virtual Horizon Indicator
- Dual CF Card Slots

Kedalaman bit dipilih dari 12-bit (4.096 ton) atau 14-bit (16.384 ton), keduanya menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang luar biasa melalui pipa pengolahan 16-bit, untuk gradasi tonal yang halus.

Dua Mode Pemotretan Live View
Dua mode “Live View” menambah fleksibilitas, dan pembesaran sampai 27x dalam mode Tripod, ketajaman akurasi focus mudah dikonfirmasi

Fast, accurate 51-point AF system
4 Sistem fitur mode AF Dinamis, termasuk 3D Focus Tracking, untuk autofocus presisi dan ketajaman

3-inch super-density 921.000-dot VGA monitor LCD
Kalibrasi pabrik Individu menjamin akurasi warna setiap monitor D3X untuk resensi gambar yang kritis.

Nikon Picture Control
Empat pilihan preset: Standard, Neutral, Vivid dan Monokrom, dan 9 pengaturan yang disesuaikan yang memberikan kecanggihan kontrol warna pribadi.

Dual Slot Kartu CF dengan Overflow, Backup dan Copy Options

Teknologi Pengolahan Gambar Nikon EXPEED
EXPEED meluas dan menjamin ketepatan beraneka ragam gambar dan mengurangi kebisingan, bahkan pada ISO yang tinggi.

Sensitivitas Low noise ISO 100-1600
Ditambahkan pengaturan ISO Lo-1 (setara ISO 50), Hi-1 (setara ISO 3200) dan Hi-2 (setara ISO 6400) yang memperpanjang fleksibilitas.

Continuous shooting sampai dengan 5 fps pada resolusi FX-format penuh
Tim Gambar komersial berkualitas dengan kecepatan dan penanganan untuk membuat peluncuran baru-kemungkinan di studio atau di lokasi.

1.005-Pixel 3D Color Matrix Metering II dengan Scene Recognition System
Dua teknologi Nikon yang eksklusif menyediakan kemampuan eksposur otomatis yang cerdas, bersama dengan auto white balance detection yang lebih cepat, kinerja AF menjadi lebih akurat.

100% Liputan Viewfinder
Komposisi Logam Campuran Magnesium yang keras, tahan lama, dan teliti

Efektif melindungi dari debu, kelembaban dan gangguan elektromagnetik invasif dengan mekanisme diagnostik yang diuji untuk melewat 300.000 siklus.

7.Nikon D4 Body Only

Product Highlights
-16.2Mp 36.0 x 23.9mm CMOS Sensor
-Nikon FX-format
-EXPEED3 Image Processor
-3.2" LCD Screen w/ Live View
-AF-S & AF-I NIKKOR Lens Compatible
-100-12800 ISO
-Matrix, Center-Weighted, Spot Metering
-CompactFlash Type 1 & XQD Compatible
-1080p HD Broadcast Quality Video

Nikon calls their D4 Digital SLR Camera a "total professional imaging machine". They would be correct in doing so. Designed for the working photographer, the D4 meets the most-demanding photog's needs and then some. Packed with features essential to getting the job done, and getting it done well this rig is more than a digital camera, it's a shooter's bread and butter.

Building off the basic structure of its predecessor, the D4 goes big in a number of ways which are sure to be appreciated.
The camera features a 16.2Mp 36 x 23.9mm CMOS sensor with Nikon's FX-format and the EXPEED3 image processor. ISO sensitivity can now be extended as low as ISO 50 or as high as 204,800 with a standard range of 100-12,800 ISO. Additionally, 10 frames per second continuous shooting in FX-format for up to 200 shots ensures the decisive moment will not be missed.

The D4 records in RAW, JPEG, TIFF, and RAW + JPEG files. Metering options include RGB 3D Color Matrix III metering, center-weighted, and spot. Additionally, compatible storage media includes the future of professional storage, XQD memory cards, and Type I CompactFlash memory cards (UDMA compliant). Of course, NIKKOR AF-S and AF-I lenses are compatible with the D4 body, putting an extensive line of lenses at the photographer's disposal.

Another improvement on D4's little brother would be the slightly bigger LCD screen. Up from 3", the D4 has a 3.2" LCD monitor with a 170° viewing angle, approximately 100% frame coverage, automatic monitor brightness control, and Live View. In Live View the image can be enlarged up to 46x to make on the spot focus confirmation. Surrounding the monitor are illuminated buttons for ease of use even in low light. Additionally, quick access Live View confirms exposure, white balance, monitor hue, histogram, focus mode, AF area mode, and focusing accuracy with ease.

The D4 also boasts stellar auto focus features - like 51 AF points, an AF mode selector switch, and fast AF point selection. All three of these components of the AF system ensure accurate, fast shooting whether the subject is a room full of children or a high-speed sporting event.Of course, the D4 wouldn't be a professional level DSLR if it didn't include full HD video capture. The D4 does so, making it equally a pro videographer's tool as much as a pro photographer's. From 1080p broadcast quality video at 30 or 24 fps to full manual control to the option to add an external mic for stereo audio capture, the D4 isn't just a digital camera that also captures video.

Features like the aforementioned Live View allow the videographer to confirm capture of their footage on the camera's LCD and an external (optional) monitor simultaneously. It also gives you access to Picture Controls to handle the look and feel of the video, in-camera. Peak audio meters also allow the videographer to adjust sound levels manually in 20 incremental steps. Remote start and stop of view using wired and wireless remote accessories is also an option, among many others.

Nikon FX-format (36 x 23.9mm) CMOS Sensor with 16.2 Effective Megapixels
D4 achieves an ideal balance of high pixel count and FX-format sensor size, producing exceptionally sharp, clean and well-saturated images and offers flexibility in post-production cropping for magazine-quality print and web publishing3.2" Super-Sharp 921,000-Dot LCD Monitor with Automatic Monitor Brightness Control Ambient brightness sensor automatically adjusts LCD visibility according to environment for bright, crisp image playback, menu adjustment and Live View shooting. Enlarge images up to 46x to make on the spot focus confirmation - crucial for high resolution shooting

Full 1080p HD Broadcast Quality Video
Create true broadcast quality video using Full 1080p video at 30 or 24fps in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC HD format. D4's 16.2Mp sensor combined with B-frame data compression delivers high quality video ensuring unmatched moving image integrity for clips up to 29 min. 59 sec. in length. Fast sensor readout enables reduced rolling shutter - especially useful during panning sequences

View Simultaneous Live View Output on External Monitors & Record Uncompressed Video Via HDMI Check video recording on the camera's LCD and external monitor simultaneously; ideal for focus pullers and camera operators. When the highest possible image quality is required you can bypass memory cards and record uncompressed footage directly from the image sensor onto an external storage device. The clean HDMI output signal is 1080p video in 4:2:2 color space (8-bit). Options to customize the signal are also included.Full HD Recording with FX, DX (1.5x crop) and 1920 x 1080 (2.7x) Crop Mode Settings
The FX-based format renders exquisitely shallow depth of field (DOF) as well as wide-angle shooting. The DX-based format offers a picture angle that is 1.5x crop to the focal length and is ideal when you can't get close enough to the action when an existing lens is used. For even more of a telephoto effect, the 1920 x 1080 crop format gives you a 2.7x.

Versatility like this lets you explore different moods with the large and comprehensive selection of NIKKOR lenses. All three modes deliver exceptional Full HD 1080p outputStandard ISO 100 to 12,800, Expandable from ISO 50 Up to ISO 204,800 Equivalent
The 16.2 megapixel D4 offers similar clean, low-noise performance as its predecessor D3s at ISO 12,800 and expands the range by one EV, making ISO 100 standard. For more extreme/challenging conditions, drop to ISO 50 equivalent or raise sensitivity to as high as ISO 204,800 equivalent. With the D4, shoot confidently in nearly any light - even in places where the human eye has difficulty focusing

10/11 Frames Per Second Continuous Shooting in FX-format for Up to 200 Frames. Realize 10 fps shutter bursts with full AF and AE performance in FX-format. Boost the frame rate up to 11 fps in FX-format, locking focus on the position detected in the first frame

Faster, More Responsive 51-Point AF System
D4's AF sensor utilizes 51 strategically placed AF points that are designed to capture subjects as you choose: by working together like a net to capture moving subjects or for pinpoint accuracy. Use a single AF point to home in on the exact place on your chosen subject. Each of the 51 AF points delivers fast and accurate AF detection to an impressive low light level of -2 EV (ISO 100, 20ºC) with every AF NIKKOR lens - expect to shoot more smoothly at night stadium assignments, poorly lit indoor arenas, cathedrals, theaters and any other low-lit venues

AF Detection Up to f/8
D4 aligns its 15 cross-type sensors in the center to detect contrast for both vertical and horizontal lines with lenses f/5.6 or faster. The five central points and three points to the left and right of them in the middle line are compatible with f/8

EXPEED 3 for Faithful Colors, Fine Tones and Wide Dynamic Range: Optimized for Stills and HD Video
EXPEED 3 results in still images with faithful, well-saturated color and natural depth. Tones are subtle and nuanced, from pure pitch black to pure white. For images produced even under harsh light, the D4 output preserves smooth color gradation with abundant tone and detail. When shooting in dim lighting at high ISOs, the camera's intelligent noise reduction lowers noise without degrading image sharpness. Full HD 1080p video is rendered with reduced moiré, false colors, jaggies, and sharp edges. Noise reduction technology specifically designed for video preserves clarity

Comprehensive High Fidelity Audio Recording and Playback Control
Built-in external stereo microphone input allows for recording crystal clear sound using the optional ME-1 Stereo Microphone and can be precisely controlled in 20 incremental steps. Check audio in isolation as you record using headphones directly connected to the camera. Preview adjustments before or during Live View recording.Time Lapse Shooting: Capture a Variety of Scenes of Subjects at a Breathtaking Pace
The D4's time-lapse shooting lets you set intervals and frame rates in order to dramatically relay slow-moving activity at dramatic speeds. The D4 allows you to shoot time-lapse photography with replaying rates from 24 times to 36,000 times faster than normal. Time-lapse shooting files can also be saved as movie files91,000 Pixel RGB 3D Color Matrix Metering III with Advanced Scene Recognition System Face detection using the optical viewfinder and detailed scene analysis using the 91K RGB sensor enables superior auto exposure, auto white balance detection, AF performance and i-TTL flash exposure

Two Live View Shooting Modes
Photography Live View and Movie Live View modes add flexibility; exposure, white balance, monitor hue, histogram, focus mode, AF area mode and focusing accuracy are easily confirmed

Expand Dynamic Range Using Built-In HDR
Combines two exposures at up to 3EV to create a single image revealing an extremely wide dynamic range, but with less noise and richer color gradation than ever beforeFlash Compensation and Exposure Compensation Separated for Better Creative Control With the D4, in addition to conventional global flash and background exposure compensation, as well as flash exposure compensation, there is a new function that allows you to compensate only the background exposure independently from the subject illuminated by Nikon Speedlights

Dedicated Nikon Picture Control ButtonConvenient Picture control button provides six preset options: Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Landscape and Portrait for stills and video while 9 customizable settings provide advanced, personalized color control.Two Axis Virtual Horizon Graphic Indicator.Use either LCD monitor or viewfinder to check if camera is level; horizontally or with forward or rear rotation

Improved Vertical Shooting Operation
One unique set of controls for both horizontal and vertical shooting. Comprised of a main-command dial, an AF-ON button and a joystick style AF selector, each set is laid out identically for a more intuitive operation regardless of camera orientation

Speedier AF Point Selection
In addition to the round multi-selector used for AF point selection, the D4 incorporates a new joystick style sub-selector made of rubber that's more responsive to your finger's touch. Positioned for optimal control during both

horizontal and vertical shooting, this new button permits a speedier shift of AF points Illuminated Buttons Let You Set Functions in Low-Lit and Even Dark Shooting Situations.D4 uses back-illuminated operation buttons and release mode dials for clear visibility in the dark

Magnesium Alloy Body with Weather Sealing
To sustain peak performance, even in the most demanding environmental conditions, the body, exterior, and mirror box of the D4 are comprised of strong-yet-lightweight magnesium alloy. This assures the camera's superb reliability and extra long

life. Thorough measures are taken to seal and protect against invasive moisture, dust and even electromagnetic interference. A comprehensive weather and dust sealing, combined with additional Nikon engineering, further ensure integrity of the camera body

400,000 Cycles Durable, Accurate Shutter Unit with Mirror Balancer
For the utmost reliability and rigorous performance, the D4's shutter has been tested for 400,000 cycles on fully assembled cameras at extreme continuous burst rates for extended time periods. The camera's mirror balancer minimizes the bounce of the mirror's down movement with such finesse that it extends viewing time and allows more time for AF operation - one reason why the D4 can offer autofocus and focus tracking even during high-speed continuous shooting

Self-Diagnostic Shutter Monitor
To sustain precision shutter operation throughout the mechanism's lifespan, the D4 incorporates intelligent shutter monitor technology. Should any shutter speed variance be detected, the camera automatically corrects to adjust between actual speed and correct shutter speed

WT-5A Wireless Transmitter Compatibility
With Image transmission mode you can transmit images to an FTP server or computer, either automatically or by manually selecting images. With PC mode you can operate the D4 via Camera Control Pro 2. For HTTP mode: You can use a web browser via computer or smart phone, show thumbnails of images stored in the camera's memory cards, or make slide shows, view
images, operate simple camera controls for remote shooting or begin live view shooting, including video, which is new to the WT-5A. From one master camera, release up to 10 remote D4 camera and WT-5A combinations. An optional iPhone application for remote control is also available for the WT-5A

Intelligent Power Management
Power consumption and power management systems are engineered throughout the D4 for even greater operating efficiency using a new, small and high-capacity EN-EL18 rechargeable Li-ion battery. Expect long battery life and the ability to shoot up to approx. 2,600 images per charge

Flash Modes
First curtain shutter; Auto; Red-eye reduction; Slow rear curtain sync; Second curtain sync; Slow sync; Slow sync / re

8.Nikon D300S Body Only

Product Highlights
- 12.3 Megapixels
- 3" LCD
- 51-point Autofocus System
- Live View
- HD Video Recording
- Stereo Audio Input
- Self Cleaning Sensor
- 100% Viewfinder Accuracy
- CF and SD/SDHC Card Slots
- Dust and Weather Resistant

The Nikon D300s Body Only builds upon the success of the D300 by adding 720p HD Video Recording. With a 51-point autofocus

system, 100% viewfinder accuracy, 7 frames per second continuous shooting, and low light sensitivity (expandable to ISO 6400), the D300s boasts a professional-grade feature set in a compact, highly durable, metal body. The 12.3 megapixel image sensor coupled with Nikon's exclusive EXPEED processor ensures ample resolution for discerning shooters with vivid, life-like color and stunning detail.

Advanced Live View Technology allows users to compose photos and video with the camera's bright, 920,000 dot LCD. HD Video is captured in true broadcast-quality 1280 x 720 at a smooth, cinematic 24 frames per second. An integrated mono microphone allows you to capture spontaneous audio with video, and a 3.5mm stereo input offers higher quality options for professional

Rugged and reliable, the D300s now adds dual slots for both CompactFlash and SD/SDHC memory cards. Either card can be used for primary storage; the secondary card can be configured for overflow, mirror capture, or video recording. RAW and JPEG files can even be saved to separate cards for convenience. Images can also be copied between cards for easy sharing. With a host of new features and next-generation photo and video technologies, the Nikon D300s offers extremely high levels of performance and functionality to photo enthusiasts and professionals alike.

12.3 Megapixel DX-format CMOS Image Sensor
Delivers stunning high resolution, low-noise images with striking detail and tonal gradation.

Nikon EXPEED Image Processing
Drives breathtakingly rich image fidelity, low noise and fast image processing.

HD Video Recording
Capture cinematic 24fps, 720p HD movie clips, enhanced by NIKKOR interchangeable lens quality and versatility - featuring stereo mic input and AF operation.

Continuous Shooting up to 7 fps
High speed shooting and fast response - essential to versatile performance in a wide variety of shooting disciplines.

3" LCD
Every 920,000 dot monitor is factory-calibrated to assure accurate color for critical still image review and Live View or D-Movie shooting.

One-button Live View
Handheld and Tripod Live View modes, activated with one button, for challenging studio and remote shooting conditions.

Low Noise ISO Sensitivity from 200 to 3200
Additional expanded ISO settings of Lo-1 (ISO 100 equivalent) and Hi-1 (ISO 6400 equivalent) extend versatility to match shooting requirements.

Fast, Accurate 51-point Autofocus
Features 4 Dynamic AF modes including 3D Focus Tracking for precise autofocus and razor sharp images.

1,005 Pixel 3D Color Matrix Metering II
Nikon's unique RGB metering evaluates color information to determine exposures with remarkable accuracy.

Scene Recognition System
Referencing an onboard image database and teamed with RGB metering, SRS enables even more sophisticated determination of exposures and auto white balance, along with faster, more accurate autofocus.
Dual Memory Card Slots (CF and SD/SDHC)
Assign card functions from a variety of storage options, optimizing available memory and file handling.

Dynamic Integrated Dust Reduction System
Ultrasonic process combats the accumulation of dust in front of the image sensor, safeguarding image quality.

Picture Control
Select from 4 preset image capture preferences (Standard, Neutral, Vivid, and Monochrome, plus 9 user customizable settings) controlling Sharpening, Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, and Hue.

Active D-Lighting
Optimizes shadow and highlight detail in real time. Selectable values and 5-frame ADL bracketing offer complete control.

In-camera Image Editing
Exclusive in-camera image editing, featuring Edit Movie, D-lighting, Image Overlay, Monochrome, NEF (RAW) processing and more.

Rugged and Durable
The strength and precision of magnesium-alloy construction with advanced dust and moisture countermeasures is teamed with a shutter mechanism tested to 150,000 cycles for real-world reliability.

100% Viewfinder Accuracy
Offers a perfect representation of everything in the frame.

Virtual Horizon Graphic Level Indicator
Demonstrates an active graphics-based representation of the horizon through the viewfinder or using Live View.

Excellent Battery Performance
Up to 950 shots per EN-EL3e battery charge or as many as 2,950 shots with the optional MB-D10 Battery Grip and optional EN-EL4a battery.
9.Nikon D5200

Tersedia dalam Tipe
1.Nikon D5200 Body Only
2.Nikon D5200 Kit 18-55mm (Black)
3.Nikon D5200 Kit 18-55mm (Bronze)
4.Nikon D5200 Kit 18-55mm (Red)

Product Highlights
-24.1MP DX CMOS Sensor
-EXPEED 3 Image Processing Engine
-3.0" 921k-Dot Vari-Angle LCD Monitor
-39-Point AF System with 9 Cross-Type
-Full HD Video with Full-Time Servo AF
-Expandable ISO from 100-25600
-5fps Continuous Shooting Rate
-Scene Recognition System
-Compatible with WU-1a Wireless Adapter

The Nikon D5200 Digital SLR Camera features a 24.1MP DX-format CMOS sensor and EXPEED 3 image processor to produce high quality imagery while delivering fast performance to all camera functions. The combination of these two technologies is a native sensitivity up to ISO 6400, which is then further expandable to ISO 25600. The processing speed of the EXPEED 3 also contributes to a fast continuous shooting rate of 5fps.

A 39-point autofocus system enables the D5200 to acquire precise focus quickly across the image frame, and nine cross-type points are centrally located to give even more accurate focusing abilities to critical subject matter. In regard to exposure handling, a 2,016-pixel RGB sensor is utilized by Nikon's Scene Recognition System to analyze both color and brightness values within a scene to best determine exposure settings as well as white balance, i-TTL, and also focus settings.

HD video recording is supported in multiple frame rates and formats up to full HD 1920 x 1080 at 60fps. Manual exposure control is possible during recording through modifying the shutter speed or ISO settings and continuous auto focusing is also possible when working with the full-time servo AF mode. Audio can be recorded using the built-in stereo microphone or through the use of an optional external microphone, both of which can be manually controlled across 20 levels during recording.

Image playback and live view monitoring is possible with the 3.0" 921k-dot LCD monitor, which features tilt and swivel capabilities for better use at high or low angles. For eye-level viewing, a pentamirror optical viewfinder is built-in for viewing and composing scenes quickly and intuitively.

The D5200 features a variety of built in imaging technologies, such as Active D-Lighting and HDR capabilities, to further enhance the look of your imagery while shooting. Scene modes, Picture Control, and Special Effects can also be applied to imagery to give a more creative, aesthetic appearance to your work. For instantly sharing your photos and video, the D5200 is compatible with the WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter (optional) for wirelessly connecting your camera to an Android or iOS mobile device.

Imaging Technology
At the heart of the D5200 is a 24.1-megapixel DX-format CMOS sensor and the EXPEED 3 image processor. The combination of these two technologies enables high resolution imagery with great detail and quality. The power and speed afforded by the image processor also provides high ISO performance up to an expandable range of 100-25600. Noise reduction technologies are employed during use to help render low-light photography with the utmost sharpness and clarity.

39-Point Autofocus System
A 39-point autofocus system, with nine cross-type sensors, is employed to acquire precise focus quickly and easily. The AF system is equally effective with both still and moving subjects and utilizes a unique 3D tracking system to detect and memorize the color of your subject to effectively track its movements.

2,016-Pixel RGB Sensor and Scene Recognition System
The exclusive Scene Recognition System paired with a 2,016-pixel RGB sensor is able to analyze color and brightness information within a scene to automatically determine precise exposure, i-TTL flash, white balance, and focus settings. By analyzing both color and overall brightness, imagery appears more naturally-rendered and detailed compared to purely measuring brightness values.

High Continuous Shooting Rates
The D5200 is capable of capturing full-resolution still images at a continuous rate of 5fps. This speed affords you the ability to easily track moving subjects or record fast-paced events. The optical viewfinder benefits this shooting speed by allowing you to more instinctively pan with your moving subject, whereas shooting in live view will render the shooting nearly silent for more discreet applications.

Vari-Angle LCD Monitor
The 3.0" LCD monitor features a vari-angle design, which allows you to tilt and swivel the monitor to better suit shooting from high or low angles. Its 921k-dot resolution provides high definition quality for more precise monitoring and
image review. The menu navigation has also been simplified from past models, giving a more intuitive system of navigation through camera functions. Additionally, three background color choices are available: black, brown, and blue.

Full HD Movie Recording
The D5200 is able to capture Full HD video up to 1920 x 1080 with multiple frame rates up to 60i/50i. The vari-angle LCD monitor is well-suited to video monitoring and provides a natural method for composing scenes and following moving subjects. An HDMI type-C output is also available for connecting your camera to an HDTV for movie playback.

When working in manual mode while recording movies, exposure can be easily controlled through modifying the shutter speed and ISO settings. Continuous auto focusing is possible while recording when working in the full-time-servo AF mode (AF-F), which also provides subject tracking for better controlling your focus plane in fast-paced shooting situations.

Face-priority AF is also available while recording HD movies.
A built-in stereo microphone can be used to record sound during filming, and can be controlled automatically or manually across 20 levels. These levels can be viewed before and during recording. Additionally, the D5200 supports the use of an external microphone for even greater control over your recorded sound with movies.

Built-In HDR and Active D-Lighting
For capturing images with immense contrast, built-in HDR is able to extend the D5200's native dynamic range capabilities by recording multiple exposures and blending well-controlled shadow and highlight exposures into a single image. HDR is most-suitable for stationary subject matter, whereas Active D-Lighting can suit moving subjects while still providing exposure and color control benefits.

Scene Modes, Picture Control, and Special Effects
16 different scene modes and six picture control settings allow you to further refine the look of your still imagery in-camera. Scene modes include: Portrait, Landscape, Child, Sports, Close up, Night portrait, Night landscape,

Party/indoor, Beach/snow, Sunset, Dusk/dawn, Pet portrait, Candlelight, Blossom, Autumn colors, and Food. Picture Control settings include: Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, and Landscape.

When working with HD movies, you can apply Special Effects to alter the look of your videos. These effects include: Selective color, Miniature effect, Color sketch, Silhouette, High key, Low key, and Night vision.

Compatible with WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter
The D5200 is compatible with the WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter to rovide wireless connectivity to your camera. This enables you to instantly share imagery from your camera to Android or iOS mobile devices for sharing on imaging sites or through email. Additionally you can use your wireless device as a remote viewfinder and shutter release for taking photographs with your camera set at a distance.

10.Nikon D7000 Body Only

Tersedia dalam Tipe
1. Nikon D7000 Body Only
2. Nikon D7000 Kit with AF-S VR 18-105mmF3.5-5.6

Produk Unggulan
- Termasuk NIKKOR 18-105mm DX VR Lens
- 16.2MP DX-Format CMOS Sensor
- EXPEED 2 Image Processor
- 1080p HD Video Capture
- 3 "LCD Display
- RAW + JPEG Still Image Capture
- Twin SD / SDHC / SDXC Card Slot
- RGB 3D Matrix Metering System
- I-TTL flash Speedlight + Kompatibilitas
- Bekerja dengan 60 + Lensa Nikkor

• Resolusi Tinggi 16,2 MP format – DX sensor CMOS untuk cetakan besar dan pemotongan gambar yang rapat
• Kecepatan Tinggi 6 frame per detik pengambilan gambar terus menerus sampai dengan 100 potret menangkap aksi yang

paling cepat
• Ground breaking 2.016-pixel RGB (3D Color Matrix) sensor memberikan kontrol pengukuran cahaya yang lebih akurat dan

mengoptimalkan Scene Recognition System untuk pencahayaan, white balance, fokus tracking dan kontrol flash i-TTL
• EXPEED 2 pengolahan gambar dan Konversi 14-bit A / D menyediakan corak yang halus, variasi warna, dan kinerja kamera

yang cepat
• Kaca pentaprism Optical Viewfinder yang besar dan terang dengan 100% cakupan frame dan pembesaran sekitar 0.94x
• Twin SD Card Slots dengan kesesuaian kartu memori SD, SDHC, SDXC memberi Anda pilihan untuk terus mengambil gambar

atau memisahkan NEF Anda (RAW), JPEG dan file film
• Built-in lampu kilat flash dengan i-TTL dan dukungan Wireless Commander sehingga Anda bisa menerangi subyek Anda

dengan cara apapun yang Anda suka
• Opsional multi-daya pak MB-D11 lebih lanjut memperluas waktu pengambilan gambar Anda dan pilihan baterai sambil

menambahkan vertical shutter-release dan control dials ke kamera Anda
• Dua pengaturan penggunaan (U1, U2) kanan pada Mode Selector Dial membuat Anda dapat menyimpan pengaturan kamera

sehingga Anda dapat kembali kapan saja tanpa memerlukan penyesuaian lebih lanjut atau pengaturan menu
• Picture Control membuat Anda dapat memilih dari Standard, Netral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, atau Landscape untuk

menerapkan tampilan dan nuansa ke gambar Anda
• Grafis Virtual Horizon menunjukkan apakah kamera dalam mode Live View, memungkinkan Anda menempatkan jaringan

lebihpada pemandangan yang akan Anda foto - sebuah alat yang sangat berharga untuk pengambilan foto landscape dan

• 1080p HD Film yang mempesona dengan Autofocus Waktu Penuh dan jack stereo mikrofon eksternal untuk merekam film

berkualitas sinematik hingga 20 menit, semua ditingkatkan oleh kualitas lensa Nikkor yang fleksibilitas
• Rentang ISO Dinamis 100-6400 diupgrade menjadi 25.600 (Hi2) yang memungkinkan Anda mengambil gambar dalam kegelapan
• Customizable 39 titik Sistem AF termasuk sembilan pusat cross-type sensor yang beroperasi dengan setiap lensa Nikkor

AF sehingga Anda dapat fokus membuat gambar yang besar
• Padat tetapi tahan lama dengan bagian atas logam campuran magnesium dan belakang sampul, dan 150.000 siklus dinilai

dapat menyediakan operasi yang handal
• LCD Monitor 3 Inch, 921.000-dot Super-Densitas dengan penglihatan 170 derajat memberikan pencahayaan terang, pemutaran

gambar tajam, dan Live View yang tepat dan pengambilan film
• Waktu Fast Start-Up 0,13 detik dan Short 50ms Shutter Lag sehingga kamera Anda siap untuk digunakan
• Baterai padat EN-EL 15 memungkinkan Anda mengambil gambar lebih dari 850 foto
• Koneksi Built-in HDMI memungkinkan Anda untuk menghubungkan kamera langsung ke HDTV Anda dan pemutaran dengan HDTV

remote kontrol
• Active D-Lighting memperbaiki gambar-meningkatkan detail dalam bayangan dan highlight
• Mode Versatile Scene memungkinkan Anda memilih dari Portrait, Landscape, Child, Sports, Close-up atau Night Potrait

(Potret Malam hari) untuk hasil yang menakjubkan dalam kondisi menantang

11. Nikon D7100

Tersedia Dalam Tipe
1. Nikon D7100 Body Only
2. Nikon D7100 Kit with 18-105mm VR

Product Highlights

-24.1MP DX-format CMOS Sensor
-EXPEED 3 Image Processing Engine
-No Optical Low-Pass Filter
-1080p Full HD Video Capture
-3.2" 1,229k-dot LCD Monitor
-Optical Viewfinder with OLED Display
-6 fps Up to 100 Shots at Full Resolution
-51-point AF with 15 Cross-type Sensors
-Built-In Flash with Commander Function
-Magnesium Alloy Body; Moisture Resistant
The D7100 DSLR Camera with 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR DX Lens from Nikon is a high performance, compact DSLR camera with high resolution photo and Full HD video capability. It is bundled with the 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 lens which is versatile wide-angle to telephoto zoom lens specifically designed for the DX format.

The 24.1MP DX-format CMOS sensor on the D7100 provides superior images with accurate colors and, designed without an optical low-pass filter, it maximizes its resolution for exceptionally sharp details. The EXPEED 3 image processor brings with it stable, high-speed response, including a continuous shooting speed of up to 6 frames per second. With an ISO sensitivity range that expands to a 25600 ISO equivalent, low-light photography is sharp and detailed with less noise and fast-moving subjects are captured with more accuracy and less blur. At the low end of ISO sensitivity (ISO 100) images

display vibrant colors with rich tones.

Autofocus performance on the D7100 is on par with professional-level DSLRs and includes a 51-point focus area with 15 cross-type sensors for detecting both vertical and horizontal variations to achieve fast, precise focus. The central cross-type sensor works down to f/8, which is an advantage when using compatible tele-converters. The D7100 features the option of a 1.3x crop which allows you to get closer to your subject, as well as providing more image size options and faster processing of your images, including a faster 7fps burst rate.Full HD 1080p video is supported on the D7100 and offers professional-level control including continuous autofocus, manual exposure control, a built-in stereo microphone and an external microphone and headphone jack. Recording at 60i, 50i, 30, 25 and 24 frames per second is possible and an HDMI output allows for direct screening on an HDTV. At 720p HD you can record at 60p frames per second for smooth slow-motion sequencing.

A 3.2" 1229k-dot TFT-color LCD provides 100% coverage for accurate playback and live view composition and the pentaprism optical viewfinder features an OLED display element for clear reading of the camera's settings without removing your eye from the finder. Dual SD card slots offer large memory capacity and the ability to designate which images go to each card.

A built-in flash with commander function supports Advanced Wireless Lighting and a hot-shoe/accessory mount is available for speedlights. The D7100 is lightweight and durable with magnesium alloy top and rear covers and weather sealing to prevent dust and moisture damage.

The D7100 is compatible with all NIKKOR F mount lenses, both DX and FX format, and can provide wireless connectivity with the optional WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter. With the WU-1a and Nikon's free Wireless Mobile Utility app installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can instantly share images and use your phone or tablet as a Live View monitor.

Included with D7100 is the NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR DX lens which is optimized for the DX format sensor. Its versatile focal lengths are ideal for a broad range of shooting situations from wide-angle to telephoto. In the 35mm format, its focal length is equivalent to 27-157.5mm. Close-up photography is possible as the lens can focus as close as

1.48' (45 cm). Vibration Reduction image stabilization minimizes the blur caused by camera movement providing sharp images in low light and at long focal lengths. Equipped with Nikon's Silent Wave Motor (SWM), the autofocus is fast, smooth and silent, which is especially important when shooting video. An extra-low dispersion lens element and an aspherical element reduce aberrations providing high quality optical performance and Nikon's Super Integrated Coating enhances light

transmission and reduces flare.

24.1MP DX-Format Sensor + EXPEED 3 Image Processing System
With its 24.1MP CMOS image sensor and Nikon's EXPEED 3 image processing system, the D7100 DSLR delivers high quality

images with low noise. The EXPEED 3 image processor combined with 14-bit analog/digital conversion provides even tonal radations while managing color, contrast, exposure, and noise resulting in brilliant image quality. EXPEED 3 also provides the D7100 with fast response time, autofocus speed and a rapid six frames-per-second (fps) burst speed up to 100 images.

Omitted Optical Low Pass Filter
The D7100 is designed without the optical low-pass filter which will allow the sensor to capture images with exceptional sharpness and detail.

Full HD 1080p Video
With full-time autofocus and manual exposure control during video recording, a built-in stereo microphone and an external stereo microphone jack, headphone and HDMI jacks, the D7100 achieves exceptional cinematic reproduction and quality. Record in several high-definition formats: 1080p at 60i/50i/30/25/24 fps or 720p at up to 60p for ultra-smooth slow-motion sequences. Dual SD card slots give you additional recording time, and an all new 60i function enables smooth playback on HDTVs or external monitors.

3.2" 1229k-dot LCD and Optical Viewfinder with OLED Display
The D7100 features a new 3.2" ultra-high-resolution 1,229K-dot LCD monitor which provides crisp image playback, menu adjustments and Live View shooting. The pentaprism eye-level optical viewfinder contains a low-power consumption OLED display element for bright, high contrast data readout and provides 100% frame coverage.Included 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR DX Lens
The NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR DX lens is optimized for the DX format sensor. With a 35mm focal length equivalency of 27-157.5mm, it is a versatile lens ideal for a broad range of shooting situations from wide-angle to
telephoto. Close-up photography is possible as the lens can focus as close as 1.48' (45 cm). Vibration Reduction image

stabilization minimizes the blur caused by camera movement providing sharp images in low light and at long focal lengths.

Equipped with Nikon's Silent Wave Motor (SWM), the autofocus is fast, smooth and silent, which is especially important when shooting video. An extra-low dispersion lens element and an aspherical element reduce aberrations providing high quality optical performance and Nikon's Super Integrated Coating enhances light transmission and reduces flare.

Fast Autofocus
The D7100 uses 51 focus points, including 15 cross-type sensors for detecting both vertical and horizontal contrast variations, to achieve fast, precise focus. 1.3x Crop
Get closer to your subject with the new 1.3x crop of DX sensor. Using the 1.3x crop option allows the 51 autofocus

points to cover almost the entire frame as well as providing longer equivalent focal lengths and faster image processing,

including 7fps continuous shooting.

Built-in HDR
Built-in HDR (High Dynamic Range) combines shots taken simultaneously at different exposures into one rich, high-contrast image. When shooting high contrast scenes with bright spots and shadows, HDR will create a balanced image in which no details are lost.

Picture Control
Picture Control gives you instant access to the color characteristics of your images and allows you to tweak colors for optimization or completely redesign the look of your image for creative variations.

Spot White Balance
Spot White Balance control for Live View shooting makes setting the white balance as easy as pointing to the area in the frame that should be white.

Built-in i-TTL Flash and Speedlight Compatibility
The built-in pop-up iTTL Speedlight offers wide-angle flash-coverage. The camera also has Wireless Commander support so users can maximize the potential of Nikon's creative lighting options. Using the integral flash set to Wireless Commander in combination with one or several off-camera Nikon Speedlights, the shooter can create a unique look for each and every photograph. Up to eight Speedlights can be fired at once. A hot shoe/accessory mount is also available for external


Dual Memory Card Slots
The D7100 DSLR features dual SD card slots with SD, SDHC, SDXC memory card compatibility that offers a several recording options including designating separate NEF (RAW) JPEG and movie files.

Durable Build and Weatherproofing
The D7100 combines lightweight handling and durability with magnesium alloy top and rear covers and weather and dust sealing.

Scene Modes
Portrait, Landscape, Child, Sports, Close-up, Night Portrait, Night Landscape, Party/Indoor, Beach/Snow, Sunset, Dusk/dawn, Pet Portrait, Candlelight, Blossom, Autumn Colors, Food, Special Effects Mode (Nigh Vision, Color Sketch, Miniature, Selective Color, Silhouette, High Key, Low Key), User Setting 1, User Setting 2

Full-frame and Thumbnail (4, 9 or 72 images or calendar) Playback with playback zoom, Movie Playback, Photo and/or Movie Slide Shows, Histogram Display, Highlights, Photo Information, GPS Data Display and Auto Image Rotation Supported Languages
Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (European and Brazilian), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Optional WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter
Connect the optional WU-1a Wireless Mobile Adapter to the D7100 and instantly transfer shots to a compatible smartphone or tablet, then upload them to the web, send by email or text-share them however you like. With Nikon's free Wireless Mobile Utility installed on your smartphone or tablet (available for both Android and iOS), you can also remotely control
the D7100. Use your phone or tablet as a Live View monitor to take shots without having the camera in your hands.

12.Nikon D800

Product Highlights
-35.9 x 24.0mm CMOS FX Format Sensor
-36.3Mp Resolution
-EXPEED 3 Image-Processing Engine
-3.2" LCD Monitor
-Nikon F Mount Lens Mount
-Optical Low-Pass Filter
-Eye-Level Pentaprism Viewfinder
-1920 x 1080/30/25/24p HD Video Capture
-Built-In Flash + i-TTL Flash Control
-Matrix/Center-Weighted/Spot Metering

The Nikon D800 SLR Digital Camera is more than a DSLR, it's a broadcast quality video camera as well. Driving both still and video capture is the FX-format CMOS 36.3Mp sensor and the powerful EXPEED 3 image-processing engine. Backing up the heart of the camera you'll find an optical low-pass filter that reduces false color and moire, and an ISO range of 100-6400 that's expandable to ISO 50-25600 equivalent. Additionally, the D800 boasts 14-bit A/D conversion and 16-bit image processing. What's more, the camera's Nikon F mount accepts a multitude of NIKKOR lenses, included DX lenses and AF-S lenses; and Nikon Speedlights provide exceptional flash capabilities

The D800's Advanced Scene Recognition System with a 91k-pixel RGB sensor brings out precise, accurate colors in every scene, for natural-looking results. Face detection and a detailed scene analysis support more accurate autofocus, auto exposure, and i-TTL flash exposure for any number of compositional and lighting situations. When combined with auto-area AF and subject tracking in 3D-tracking, your images are even more fine-tuned. In addition, the 3D color matrix metering III

feature results in pleasing auto exposures, especially when human faces are in the scene.The D800 utilizes Nikon's i-TTL system, for the supreme in accuracy and balance.

Nikon FX-Format CMOS Sensor with 36.3 Effective Megapixels
The D800 renders levels of texture, nuance and detail to your photography that, until now, have been the exclusive domain of the complicated medium-format system. Define every eyelash, every line in tree bark, and every shimmer of light. Savor the exceptional depth in your still images - with the astounding 36.3 effective megapixels, you can. Enlarge them as big as A1 poster-sized prints (23.4 x 33.1" /59.4 x 84.1cm) at 200 dpi, or crop aggressively to reach the composition your desire, all without sacrificing the detail and tonal range of the original. In order to maintain clean, high-resolution images, 14-bit A/D conversion within the sensor and a high signal-to-noise ratio deliver phenomenal images in a diverse array of situations.

Standard ISO 100 to ISO 6400 Expandable to ISO 50 to 25,600 Equivalent
High-resolution, studio-quality images shouldn't be restricted to the studio. The D800 sets a new benchmark for high resolution D-SLR cameras, with crisp clean images across a wide ISO range. Flexibility like this opens up new imaging opportunities for both still photographers and cinematographers alike during the "magic hour", the time just before dawn or at dusk when available light is often beautiful but scarce.
A Strategic Approach to Turn Light to Your Advantage
Combining both high-resolution performance and a wide ISO sensitivity range has finally become a reality. All this is possible under a wide variety of lighting conditions, enabling you to get the most out of your NIKKOR lenses ptical Low-Pass Filter Optimized for Sharpness

36Mp & D-Movie Broadcast Quality Video in Two D-Movie Formats
True Cinematic Experience Full HD video quality and minimized rolling shutter effect: Dynamic movie shooting in diverse lighting situations.

is ready to create true cinematic experiences. By using the B frame data compression method, you can record 1080p Full HD video at 30p in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format with unmatched moving image integrity for up to 29 min. 59 seconds of recording in a single clip. Thanks to Nikon's latest image-processing optimizations, the monumental power of 36.3 megapixels transforms to sharp, exquisitely rendered videos. Expect exceptionally smooth gradation in blue skies, with minimum block noise and beautifully natural movement rendered clearly and sharply.

Multi-area mode full HD D-Movie: Creative movie-making freedom in FX and DX based formats
The D800 is designed to stimulate cinematographers to explore different moods and perspectives by enabling Full HD and HD video recording in two frame formats; Nikon FX- and DX-based movie formats in just one camera. When using wide-aperture NIKKOR lenses, the large image area of the FX-based format renders exquisitely shallow depth of field with beautiful bokeh

effects. The DX-based format uses an image area similar to 35mm movie film, allowing cinematographers to shoot with picture angles that they are accustomed to. Having the advantage of two D-Movie formats in one camera and an arsenal of NIKKOR lenses makes the D800 an incredibly versatile movie-making tool

Smoother video recording under fluorescent or mercury lamps: Auto flicker reduction
With the D800, it is easier than ever to reduce flicker effects during live view and video recording. Simply use auto in the flicker reduction menu to automatically identify the flicker frequency at the beginning of live view and switch to the one that will work best. You can also manually switch between 50 Hz and 60 Hz

Lateral Chromatic Aberration Reduction: Take Full Advantage of your NIKKOR Lens Collection
High-megapixel sensors can really test the quality of your lenses, but you can be confident that the combination of brilliant NIKKOR lenses and Nikon's intelligent processing measures will significantly reduce lateral chromatic aberration to give you incredibly natural-looking results.

More Accurate Face Detection in Auto-Area AF and Subject Tracking in 3D-Tracking Auto-area AF and 3D-tracking are AF-area modes unique to Nikon that use your subject's color and brightness information to detect focus.

3D Color Matrix Metering III for More Accurate Exposures
Professional photographers who shoot still images know that Nikon's metering system delivers supremely well-balanced exposures. Thanks to the 91K-pixel RGB sensor, the D800 has far more detailed scene information at its disposal - including detected face information.

More Balanced Results in i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash and Active D-Lighting
Nikon's i-TTL system has long been considered the most accurate flash control system in photography, but now face detection and highlight analysis by the 91K-pixel RGB sensor pushes performance even further. With the D800's enhanced i-TTL balanced fill-flash, you can more precisely illuminate people's faces in relation to their surrounding brightness using either the built-in flash or an external hot-shoed Nikon Speedlight.
Light Source Identification for Auto White Balance in Still Images
The D800's auto white balance is incredibly accurate in a diverse range of shooting situations, aided by unique Nikon technology that effectively identifies your light sources, both natural and artificial.
Advanced Multi-CAM 3500FX Autofocus Sensor Module for Razor-Sharp Detection in Low-Light
Accurate AF detection is crucial for extremely high-resolution still images in every situation. The 51 sensor points in the D800's AF sensor module work down to -2 EV (ISO 100, 68°F/20°C), the approximate physical limit of human visibility through an optical viewfinder. For even more powerful detection, you can rely on the camera's 15 crosstype sensors in the center to detect both vertical and horizontal lines when using any AF NIKKOR lenses of f/5.6 or faster. What's more, AF can be activated with eleven focus points in the center with open aperture of f/8, which is a big plus when you combine a telephoto lens with a 2.0x teleconverter to shoot distant subjects

Versatile AF-Area Modes
Whether it's a still life, a portrait, a landscape or a candid street scene, your subject matter varies, but its importance doesn't. That's why the D800 offers four AF-area modes, each specifically tailored to adapt to various subjects. Single point AF is ideal when you need pinpoint focus on stationary subjects. Dynamic-area AF has three options (9-point, 21-point and 51-point) and is ideal for shooting moving subjects.
Integrated Operation
Live view selector for optimized still images and movies
The D800's live view operation has evolved even further, optimizing camera control to become more intuitive for shooting video as well as still images. Simply clicking the live view selector switches between live view modes designed specifically for still images or movies. Live view photography lets you shoot still images while confirming the exposure level on the LCD monitor. You can even magnify images up to approx. 23x to check the exact focus.

View simultaneous live view output on external monitors and record uncompressed video via HDMI During movie shooting, you can now simultaneously check videos on an external monitor using an HDMI connection, in addition to the camera's TFT monitor. And for those who need the purest video output for professional quality editing, you can now record uncompressed movie live view footage directly to an external storage device via HDMI interface. Bypassing H.264 compression, the 1080p output signal is 4:2:2 (8-bit) uncompressed video

Comprehensive high-fidelity audio recording control
The D800 is designed for crisp stereo recording with a built-in external stereo microphone input. Attach the compact ME-1 Stereo Microphone to record clear sound while significantly reducing mechanical noise. An external headphone jack enables you to effectively monitor and control audio in isolation. While the audio level indicators offer visual confirmation of audio level, the microphone sensitivity can be controlled precisely in 20 incremental steps
Time-lapse photography
Capture a variety of scenes and subjects at a breathtaking pace. The D800's time-lapse photography lets you set intervals and frame rates in order to dramatically relay slow moving activity at dramatic speeds. The D800 allows you to shoot time-lapse photography with replaying rates from 24 times to 36,000 times faster than normal. Time-lapse photography files can be saved as a movie file

Versatile custom settings for D-Movie
The D800 has addressed useful feedback from videographers with convenient custom controls for D-Movie operation.
Vision You Can Depend On
Glass prism optical viewfinder with approximately 100% frame coverage
See every important element in your frame clearly and precisely. The D800 offers approx. 100% frame coverage (in FX format) from its slim pentaprism, giving you the visually comfortable FX-format advantage and an unobstructed view when shooting still images.
Precision 3.2" (8cm), 921k-dot, wide-viewing-angle LCD monitor with automatic monitor brightness control The D800's large and sharp color LCD monitor delivers bright, crisp image playback with a much larger capacity for
accurate color reproduction. Using an antireflective structure, you can count on clarity equal to that of the D4, even under bright conditions.
Lightweight yet durable construction
Many important parts of the D800 have been designed to achieve better durability and lighter weight. The result is a camera approx. 10% lighter than the D700, yet just as rugged.
Fast response time
The D800 is designed to respond immediately. Once the strategically located switch is turned on, the camera starts up in approx. 0.12 seconds and your finger is in position for shutter release. Release time lag is minimized to approx. 0.042 seconds, equivalent to that of the D3S, with continuous approx. 4 fps capability in FX format, approx. 5 fps in 1.2x and DX format and 6 fps capability in DX format with MB-D12

High-precision sequential control mechanism
For true digital SLR excellence, the camera's mechanical structure, power and precision are vital to ensure indispensable speed and reliability. That's why Nikon utilized its engineering expertise to refine the powerful sequential control mechanism that drives the shutter, mirror, and aperture independently. As a result, shutter release can be operated with mirror-up position during live view.

High-speed CF and SD dual card slots
Card recording speed is yet another crucial element of a smooth and productive shooting experience. The D800 CF memory card slot is compatible with the latest UDMA 7. The SD card slot is compatible with SDXC (Secure Digital eXtended Capacity) and UHS-I.
High-speed data transfer with USB 3.0
For a more productive tethered and transfer workflow, the D800 is compatible with USB 3.0. When connected to equipment featuring USB 2.0, speed is reduced to that of USB 2.0
High-precision, high-durability shutter
The D800's shutter unit has been tested to well over 200,000 cycles of release to prove durability and precision. While the shutter unit designed to run at a speed range of 1/8,000 to 30 seconds, its intelligent self-diagnostic shutter monitor automatically monitors actual shutter speeds in order to correct possible variances that can occur over time

Efficient power management
A comprehensive re-working of the D800's circuits now enables approximately 900 shots of still image shooting. All on one charge of an EN-EL15 rechargeable lithium-ion battery MB-D12 multi-power battery pack (optional)
Attach the MB-D12 to the camera body to extend battery stamina. The back accommodates a variety of batteries (see specifications) and utilizes the same integral magnesium alloy construction and weather sealing as the D800 body itself. You also get approximately 6 fps continuous shooting speed in DX format. The MB-D12 has its own dedicated shutter-release button and command dials for vertical composition shooting Connecting Hands, Eyes, and Ideas
Improvements around the shutter-release button
Angle, shape, contour, and texture: all of these design facets came into play when crafting the D800's shutter-release button. Your index finger can rest comfortably for longer periods of time, allowing you to concentrate when it matters, while the designated movie-record button means you're ready to trigger movie shooting in an instant

Direct access to Picture Control
Customize the look of your stills and videos through Picture Controls by fine-tuning parameters such as sharpening, saturation, and hue. The D800 now allows you to access Picture Control instantly and directly from a dedicated button rather than entering the menu. When live view shooting, you can visually confirm how customized Picture Control settings

will look and easily adjust the parameters

Choosing AF mode and AF-area mode combinations
Control your desired AF mode (continuous or single servo) and AF-area mode (single-point, dynamic area, 3D-tracking or auto area AF) without ever taking your eye away from the viewfinder. By using a dedicated AF-mode button and command dials,

you can switch between modes without interrupting your creative flow

Four-button layout and release mode dial on the camera's top deck
Important camera settings can be controlled and adjusted from buttons placed on the top deck. Along with dedicated buttons for ISO, white balance and image quality, a new bracketing button has been strategically placed to aid such features as HDR. In addition, the release mode dial also improves mode visibility and operabilityCreative Expansion Tools
Expand dynamic range: HDR (High Dynamic Range)
The D800 can shoot two frames in a single shutter release, but at different exposures: one overexposed and one

underexposed. The camera then instantly combines them to create an image covering a wider dynamic range. The range can be widened by up to 3 EV for different looks, all full of saturation and tonal gradation, while the smoothness of the edge where the two exposures meet can be adjusted for a more natural appearance
Shoot achieving reduced blur with zoom lenses in dim light: Auto shutter speed control for auto ISO sensitivity control The D800 comes equipped with an auto option for minimum shutter speed that automatically controls the balance between shutter speed and the ISO sensitivity based on the focal length of the lens being used.
Accurate confirmation of level shooting: Dual-axis electronic virtual horizon
With the D800, you can always check the LCD monitor or the viewfinder for both the camera's position in relation to the horizontal plane and its pitch (forward or rear rotation). This can enhance compositional accuracy, particularly when shooting still life, landscapes, and architecture Shoot with multiple formats in one camera: Image area options
The D800 offers four image area options: FX format (35.9 x 24.0mm), 5:4 (30.0 x 24.0mm), 1.2x (30.0 x 19.9mm), and DX format (23.4 x 15.6mm) with all cropped image areas visually masked in the viewfinder. DX format offers approx. 1.5x, and 1.2x crop offers approx.1.2x telephoto effect. When a DX NIKKOR lens is used, DX format is automatically selected Refined color temperature control: Minute control over white balance
The D800's white balance proves its reliability even when using an external flash and live view in the studio environment. The monitor hue of live view and resulting image's white balance can be individually set so that the difference between the two is minimized. Furthermore, for even more control, color temperature can be manually set in 10-kelvin increments or in mired units

Image enhancement options: In-camera editing
Captured images and movies can be altered and edited in-camera and on the fly if required, all without the need to resort to a computer. Retouch menus include an array of useful features such as NEF (RAW) processing, resize, distortion control, fisheye, miniature effect, red-eye correction, filter effects and image overlay, as well as the ability to designate the start and end point of movie clips all at once, in order to save them more efficientlyNikon Software

Capture NX 2 (Optional): Optimal for processing images taken with the D800 To accommodate the imaging power of the D800's 36.3 effective megapixels, the latest Capture NX 2 now features powerful 64-bit processing. Capture NX 2 drastically simplifies an array of image enhancement procedures, letting you concentrate on making your pictures the best they can be. Instead of complicated layering and memorization, simply place a Color Control Point wherever you want to reprocess.

ViewNX 2: Browse, edit, share, and more
This bundled, all-in-one software implements an easy-to-use interface for all your photos and movies. Take advantage of an array of editing functions, including basic editing of RAW files and even D-Movies. ViewNX 2 also works effortlessly with Nikon's photo-sharing and storage service, my Picturetown, with labels to help you find that special photo quickly and easily

Camera Control Pro 2 (optional): Extremely versatile remote camera controls For those that want to operate their camera via computer, Camera Control Pro 2 lets you control camera settings and various features from a distance. Aside from controlling exposure mode, shutter speed, and aperture, the software now offers numerous improvements to make the D800's live view operation exceptionally smooth.

13. Nikon D800E Body Only

Product Highlights
-Optimized for NEF Raw File Capture
-Low Pass Filter w/ Anti-Aliasing Removed
-36.3Mp CMOS FX Format Sensor
-EXPEED 3 Image-Processing Engine
-3.2" LCD Monitor
-Nikon F Mount Lens Mount
-Eye-Level Pentaprism Viewfinder
-1920 x 1080/30/25/24p HD Video Capture
-Built-In Flash + i-TTL Flash Control
-Matrix/Center-Weighted/Spot Metering

The Nikon D800E SLR Digital Camera is more than a DSLR, it's a broadcast quality video camera as well. Driving both still and video capture is the FX-format CMOS 36.3Mp sensor and the powerful EXPEED 3 image-processing engine.Please note - The D800E is optimized for photographers that are looking to get the maximum sharpness out of their NEF raw files. Shooters that rely predominantly on capturing JPEGs may want to choose the D800 camera instead.To achieve maximum sharpness in NEF files, the special low-pass filter in the D800E is not configured with anti-aliasing properties. While this may incur an increase in moire patterns in some images, this presents less of a post-production concern when working exclusively with NEF raw files.
Images captured in JPEG formats that are affected by moire could become more difficult to work with during the post-production process. Additionally - Nikon's Capture NX 2 photo editing software has an integral moire correction filter, and a new adaptation for that filter that's designed especially for the D800E, is due to be released soon.

The D800E's Advanced Scene Recognition System with a 91k-pixel RGB sensor brings out precise, accurate colors in every
scene, for natural-looking results. Face detection and a detailed scene analysis support more accurate autofocus, auto exposure, and i-TTL flash exposure for any number of compositional and lighting situations. When combined with auto-area AF and subject tracking in 3D-tracking, your images are even more fine-tuned. In addition, the 3D color matrix metering III feature results in pleasing auto exposures, especially when human faces are in the scene.

The D800E utilizes Nikon's i-TTL system for the supreme in accuracy and balance. When combined with Nikon's Speedlights, high-quality stills result. Of course, the camera also has a built-in pop-up flash for those spur-of-the-moment snapshots and other casual pics. The D800E also utilizes Nikon's auto white balance which is equipped for a wide range of shooting situations. The Advanced Multi-CAM 3500FX autofocus sensor results in sharp images, even in low-light and the four AF-area modes give you the versatility you need to shoot everything from stills to street scenes to landscapes and more.

When it comes to HD movie capture, the D800E shoots broadcast quality video in two D-Movie formats at 1080/30p full HD. The D800E captures movies in FX and DX movie formats. The FX-based format renders shallow depth of field with beautiful bokeh,

while the DX-format uses an image area similar to 35mm movie film, for a look cinematographers are accustomed to. Additional video features include live view operation, the ability to record high-fidelity stereo audio with an external mic, and the option to shoot time-lapse photography and save it as a movie file. Flicker reduction and custom settings enable even more freedom of expression in your movies.

When it comes to viewing your scenes you have a choice of the 100% coverage FX-format optical viewfinder or the 3.2" LCD monitor. The pentaprism viewfinder provides you with a clear and accurate view when shooting stills. And the generous 3.2" 921k-dot wide-viewing-angle LCD gives you features like an anti-reflective structure, brightness control, and the ability to magnify playback images up to 46x. Other notable features of the D800E include a fast response time of 0.12 seconds, high-speed CF and SD dual card slots, high-speed data transfer with a USB 3.0 connection, a high-capacity EN-EL15 rechargeable lithium-ion battery, a precise and durable shutter, and a high-precision sequential control mechanism.A DSLR though it may be, the D800E comes with a number of creative and intuitive features to keep your shooting both exciting and efficient. Features like direct access to the Picture Control feature and a four-button layout and release mode dial on the camera's top deck make your shooting life easier, while High Dynamic Range, Dual-axis electronic virtual horizon, and numerous in-camera editing functions ensure that you get the shot you want. The D800E comes with ViewNX 2 software for browsing, editing, and sharing of your files. Optional software from Nikon that can be used includes Capture NX 2 and Camera Control Pro 2.

14. Nikon D90

Tersedia dalam tipe
1.Nikon D90 Body Only
2.Nikon D90 Kit with AF-S VR 18-105mmF3.5-5.6

Produk Unggulan

-12,3 Megapixel
-DX Format CMOS Sensor
-3 "VGA LCD Display
-Live View
-Self-Cleaning Sensor
-D-Movie Modus
-High Sensitivity (ISO 3200)
-4.5 Fps Burst
-In-Camera Editing Gambar

Kamera Digital SLR Nikon D90, dengan 12,3 megapixel DX-format CMOS, layar LCD 3” resolusi tinggi, Scene Recognition System, Picture Control, Active D-Lighting, dan satu-tombol Live View, memberikan para penggemar foto kualitas gambar dan kinerja yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengejar visi mereka sendiri sementara masih cukup intuitif untuk digunakan sebagai kamera sehari-hari. Fitur mesin pengolahan gambar EXPEED Nikon memberikan gambar yang mudah dilihat dengan fitur rincian yang halus, corak yang halus, variasi warna, kebisingan yang rendah di berbagai sensitivitas ISO yang luas, dan secara signifikan mempercepat kinerja kamera di semua tingkatan. Dengan waktu start up hanya 0,15 detik dan waktu shutter release lag sekitar 65 milidetik. D90 memberikan respon cepat, dan menyediakan pengambilan gambar terus menerus pada kecepatan 4,5 frame per detik. Sebagai tambahan, D90 memperkenalkan mode D-Movie, memungkinkan untuk pertama kalinya sebuah lensa kamera SLR yang dapat dipertukarkan mampu merekam 720p klip video HD.

Nikon D90 memungkinkan pengguna mengambil keuntungan dari kualitas optik superior dan memilih lensa NIKKOR yang tersedia, dan sistem 11-area AF yang halus (berdasarkan kecanggihan Nikon Multi-CAM 1000 AF Sensor Modul) memastikan konsisten yang cepat dan kunci fokus yang tepat dalam berbagai kondisi pemotretan sementara Nikon eksklusif 3D Color Matrix Metering II memastikan kontrol pencahayaan otomatis yang akurat, bahkan dalam kondisi pencahayaan yang paling menantang.

D90 memberikan operabilitas pengguna yang luar biasa, menampilkan Scene Recognition System Nikon yang ekslusif yang memberikan kemajuan ketelitian dalam auto fokus, pencahayaan otomatis, dan auto white balance dalam situasi pengambilan gambar yang beragam - Sehingga Anda akan mendapatkan gambar yang menakjubkan dengan kemudahan point-and-shoot. Live View mode memungkinkan pengguna untuk membingkai gambar mereka pada LCD sebesar 3” dengan resolusi warna yang tinggi – menyediakan penyusunan gambar yang mudah bahkan saat pengambilan gambar pada sudut yang aneh. Ada juga tiga kontras-mendeteksi mode AF untuk memungkinkan fotografer untuk fokus pada titik apapun dalam frame, dan memungkinkan berbagai gabung / susunan yang lebih besar. Selain itu, D90 memiliki mode Face Priority AF yang tersedia di mode Live View untuk gambar yang lebih jelas.

Resolusi 12.3-megapixel
Perindustrian Nikon terkemuka menambahkan sensor 12,3 megapixel DX-format CMOS pencitraan dengan teknologi pengolahan gambar EXPEED Nikon 12-bit yang menyediakan warna-independen pra-kondisi lebih dulu ke konversi A/D dan bekerja selaras dengan ketelitian pengolahan gambar digital yang tinggi untuk menghasilkan gambar yang terlihat alami yang mempunyai keuntungan dari warna yang sebenarnya dan reproduksi corak bersama dengan dynamic range yang luas.

Sensor Pembersihan
D90 menggabungkan unit sensor pembersihan, yang bergetar pada frekuensi tinggi yang menggunakan empat frekuensi resonansi berbeda untuk menghilangkan debu pada permukaan filter sensor optik Instan Start Up dan Kinerja CepatDengan waktu power-up yang instan 0,15 detik dan hanya 65 milidetik kelambatan alat pengatur cahaya, Nikon D90 mempromosikan penanganan cepat dan memungkinkan fotografer menanggapi setiap peluang fotografi yang muncul. Selain itu, kinerja cepat pengambilan gambar terus menerus di 4,5 frame per detik memungkinkan pengambilan gambar untuk sports dan subjek berkecepatan tinggi dan kecepatan pemetik potret berkisar dari 1 / 4000 sampai 30 detik atau pengaturan bola lampu memberikan kontrol kreatif.

Mode D-Movie yang Ekslusif

Rekam klip video sinematik berkualitas sampai dengan 720p HD (1280 x 720 piksel), atau kualitas lebih rendah pada 320 x 216 piksel & 640 x 424 piksel dalam format JPEG dengan kelancaran yang profesional 24 frame per detik. . Sensor kamera, yang jauh lebih besar dari sensor camcorder yang khusus menjamin kualitas gambar yang lebih tinggi dan bunyi yang sangat rendah, dengan kinerja sensitivitas ISO yang tinggi, bahkan saat syuting film. Mengambil video klip yang kreatif atau drama kehidupan lebih ditingkatkan dengan berbagai pilihan lensa-lensa NIKKOR yang tersedia,dari fisheye ke wide-angle sampai super-telephoto. Dan lensa Nikkor Micro membawa keajaiban citra close-up yang ekstrim untuk membuat film.Sensitivitas tinggi dengan Noise Reduction.Nikon D90 memberikan sensitivitas ISO antara 200 -3200 untuk memaksimalkan cahaya yang tersedia dan mencapai pencahayaan yang optimal. Sensitivitas juga dapat diperluas untuk ISO 100 yang rendah dengan mode Lo-1 atau sampai dengan ISO 6400
dengan menggunakan mode Hi-1. Selain itu, tiga tingkat ISO Noise Reduction tersedia saat pengambilan gambar pada pengaturan ISO tinggi. Panjang Paparan Noise Reduction juga tersedia pada saat pengambilan gambar pada kecepatan pemetik potret 8 detik atau lebih lambat.

Sistem 11-area AF

Sistem Nikon Multi-CAM 1000 AF memberikan fleksibilitas maksimal dan kinerja yang optimal dalam situasi pengambilan gambar yang bervariasi. Sistem auto-fokus 11-area menampilkan sensor tipe cross di pusat, cakupan frame yang luas, serta tingkat deteksi cahaya rendah dan AF-assist illuminator yang mudah untuk membantu dalam kondisi cahaya yang rendah. Sebagai tambahan, fitur D90 mode AF-area serbaguna termasuk AF Single-point untuk subjek yang seimbang. dynamic-area AF untuk subjek bergerak, auto-area AF untuk pemotretan spontan dan 3D-tracking (11 poin) AF ketika Anda ingin mengubah komposisi setelah berfokus pada subjek Anda.

Mode Auto Active D-Lightning

Mode Active D-Lighting dapat digunakan secara gambar demi gambar atau diatur untuk berfungsi secara otomatis, dan menyediakan real-time highlight yang luar biasa dan koreksi bayangan dengan mengoptimalkan kontras gambar, menghasilkan reproduksi warna yang lebih banyak baik dalam bayangan dan highlight sambil menerapkan teknologi kontrol pola/corak untuk mencapai tingkat kontras yang lebih bagus di seluruh gambar. Dan karena Active D-Lighting diterapkan sebagai gambar yang diambil, waktu editing gambar dapat dikurangi. Ada empat tingkat Active D-Lighting yang tersedia, dan juga mungkin untuk mengumpulkan gambar anda, memungkinkan penangkapan satu gambar dengan Active D-Lighting dan satu lagi tanpa Active D-Lightning.

Nikon 3D Color Matrix Metering II dengan Scene Recognition System

Substansial lebih canggih dari sistem metering multi-pola tradisional, Nikon 3D Color Matrix Metering II langsung dan akurat mengevaluasi kecerahan, warna, kontras, memilih area fokus dan informasi jarak subjek-ke-kamera, hasil referensi terhadap database onboard dari 30.000 adegan adalah dari fotografi yang sebenarnya. Ukuran area pusat yang berbeda dan tempat pembacaan metering sesuai dengan 11 poin fokus.

Bright Pentaprism Viewfinder

D90 memiliki tingkat mata pentaprism viewfinder dengan perkiraan 96% cakupan frame dan sebuah easy-to-view 19.5 mm eyepoint (pada -1.0 m-1). Viewfinder juga memiliki tampilan kotak 16-frame ditumpangkan dapat diaktifkan untuk membantu dalam penciptaan komposisi yang lebih baik serta seimbang.3 inch Super density Color LCD DisplayLCD monitor kamera 3” dengan resolusi tinggi memiliki resolusi 920.000 piksel untuk menjadikan gambar dan teks lebih tajam dan jelas, dan sudut pandang lebar memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat layar pada sudut yang tidak biasa dan masih dapat melihat semua layar informasi dengan jelas, keuntungan yang luar biasa bila menggunakan mode live View atau ketika meninjau gambar selama pemutaran.

Fitur Live View

Sistem Live View D90 menyajikan gambar yang hidup dan bergelora di layar LCD kepada fotografer, dengan dua mode yang cocok baik untuk digenggam atau pemotretan menggunakan tripod. Sistem Live View sangat berguna saat pengambilan gambar di studio, memanfaatkan pengambilan gambar jarak jauh atau saat memotret dari sudut yang menantang. Selain itu, Live View juga menyediakan akses ke 3 mode deteksi kontras fokus termasuk Face Prioritas AFMode Scene yang BagusFitur Mode Scene D90 yang maju termasuk Portrait, Landscape, Close-up, Sports dan Night Portrait. Mode ini tidak hanya menyesuaikan pencahayaan dan pengolahan gambar, tetapi juga mempertimbangkan kinerja Active D-Lightning yang terbaik dan pengaturan Picture Control untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. D90 juga mengakui jika VR (Vibration Reduction) aktif atau tidak aktif dan meminimalkan kebisingan bahkan dalam scene yang remang-remang.

Scene Recognition System yang Digabungkan dengan Face Detection System

D90 membaca warna dengan tepat sekali dan kecerahan informasi dari setiap scene dari sensor RGB 420-pixel, dan menerapkan ini untuk auto fokus, pencahayaan otomatis dan auto white balance. D90 juga mengenali wajah manusia dengan menggunakan sistem Face Detection, Data yang dimasukkan dalam perhitungan, sehingga wajah dengan definisi baru ditemukan dan akurat serta memungkinkan wajah prioritas AF dalam mode Live View dan langsung memperbesar wajah orang-orang dalam pemutaran zoom.Mengedit dan Menambahan Efek di KameraEfek dalam kamera yang kreatif dan fungsi editing yang tersedia di bawah menu Retouch, dan memberikan kebebasan kreatifitas yang lebih besar tanpa perlu menggunakan komputer. Nikon D-Lightning secara otomatis membawa keluar detail untuk meningkatkan hasil dan menambahkan bakat kreatif, keseimbangan pencahayaan sekaligus mengoptimalkan secara keseluruhan.

Red-eye Correction secara otomatis mendeteksi dan mengkompensasi efek mata merah yang mengganggu yang kadang-kadang

disebabkan oleh lampu kilat. Hiasan gambar dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan file yang lebih kecil untuk dapat berbagi dengan mudah atau efisiensi yang lebih besar untuk tujuan akhir tertentu. Gabungan sepasang hamparan gambar yang dipilih file RAW(NEF) diambil dengan D90 untuk menciptakan gabungan gambar yang dapat disimpan dalam format RAW atau JPEG. Monokrom Hitam dan Putih, Sepia dan Cyanotype bersama dengan Skylight, pola yang hangat dan Custom filter efek warna. Multiple pencahayaan menciptakan satu gambar dalam kamera dari dan sampai dengan 3 pencahayaan berturut-turut untuk menghasilkan hasil yang imajinatif dan bahkan nyata.

GPS Geo-Tagging (dengan aksesori opsional)

Opsional GP-1 GPS unit menyediakan real-time geo-tagging yang otomatis, sehingga memberikan pilihan lain untuk mengatur foto Anda. Pengguna dapat mengelompokkan gambar sesuai dengan lokasi atau dengan melihat keragaman lokasi untuk subjek tertentu. Aplikasi ini sebagai pemandu lokasi atau penelusuran yang tidak terbatas.Dibuat dalam Fungsi Slideshow dengan Pictmotion.Pilih sebaris gambar, pilih gaya dan tambahkan musik untuk presentasi gambar yang indah – Kemajuan Pictmotion yang canggih termasuk slide-in, slide-out, fade-in, dan fade-out. Pengguna dapat melihat gambar dan tampilan slide pada televisi standar melalui kabel AV yang disediakan atau hanya melihat pada LCD kamera 3,0 inci. Kamera ini juga memiliki Interface HDMI sehingga pengguna dapat melihat gambar dan tampilan slide pada layar HDTV yang dilengkapi HDMI

Desain Ergonomi dan Awet

Desain Nikon D90 yang ramping, tubuh yang kompak dengan ukurannya, tata letak dan operasi dari semua tombol dan kontrol dirancang untuk operasi intuitif. Komponen kamera juga sangat tahan lama dengan mekanisme shutter yang khusus dirancang untuk waktu yang lama, tugas yang akurat. Untuk memastikan hal ini, D90 shutter telah mengalami pengujian lengkap dan terjamin untuk bertahan selama lebih dari 100.000 siklus shutter-release.

Baterai Bermutu Tinggi

Sistem power dengan efisiensi yang tinggi menyediakan baterai yang luar biasa. Hasilnya, isi ulang baterai Nikon EN-EL3e Lithium Ion memberikan daya yang cukup untuk mendukung pemotretan hingga 850 gambar dalam satu isi baterai (standar CIPA), dan dapat diisi ulang kapan saja tanpa menunjukkan masalah pada memori baterai.Integrasi yang Mulus dengan Sistem Total Imaging Nikon.Nikon D90 menyediakan kompatibilitas yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dengan lineup Nikon AF lensa Nikkor dan lensa Nikkor DX digital yang eksklusif. Opsional baterai MB-D80 menambahkan kemampuang pengambilan gambar pada desain ergonomis yang menambahkan kestabilan pemotretan. Mampu berjalan dengan satu atau dua baterai EN-EL3e atau enam baterai ukuran AA, juga dilengkapi dengan perintah dial tambahan dan tombol alternatif untuk shutter release dan AE-Lock/AF-Lock yang membuat pengambilan gambar vertikal lebih nyaman. Wireless ML-L3 (IR) Remote Control dan MC-DC2 remote pilihan Cord memberikan stabilitas kamera yang diperlukan bila menggunakan pencahayaan panjang untuk landscape dan fotografi makro.

Link For Camera SLR NIKON
Last edited:
1.Nikon D3000 Kit with AF-S 18-55mm VR

Penambahan terbaru untuk produk Nikon yang berkualitas dengan format-DX SLRs digital. D3000 adalah pilihan yang ideal bagi

orang-orang yang ingin meng-upgrade ke SLR digital dan juga ada fitur mode Panduan terbaru.

-Mode Panduan yang baru menyediakan bantuan untuk membuat pengaturan kamera dan dengan menggunakan teknik yang professional
-Layar LCD sebesar 3.0”, sekitar 230k-dot dengan penyesuaian keterangan
-Nikon dengan format-DX sensor gambar CCD dengan 10,2 megapiksel efektif
-Sistem Pengurangan Debu
-Sistem Pengolahan gambar EXPEED Nikon yang ekslusif
-Enam mode scene yang secara otomatis menyesuaikan pencahayaan, pengolahan gambar, dan pengaturan lainnya untuk

menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang superior
-Scene Recognition System, memanfaatkan 420-piksel sensor RGB, meningkatkan kemampuan autofocus, pencahayaan yang otomatis

dan kinerja auto white balance
-Active D-Lightning untuk pola / corak yang halus dalam lingkungan yang berkontras tinggi
-Modul sensor autofokus Multi-CAM 1000 yang menampilkan 11 titik AF, menyediakan cakupan autofokus di seluruh frame dengan

cepat dan tepat
-Sistem Picture Control meliputi Portrait dan Landscape untuk kustom warna yang lebih hidup
-Palet yang luas pada menu Retouch dalam kamera termasuk efek miniatur baru yang dapat memodifikasi gambar terlihat seperti

model gambar miniature
-Sensitivitas yang luas dimulai dari ISO 100 – 1600, pengaturan Hi-1 meningkatkan sensitivitas ISO 3200
-Viewfinder dengan cakupan frame sekitar 95% dan mudah melihat dari jarak pandang mata 18mm (pada -1.0 m-1)
-Continuous shooting sampai dengan 3 fps
-I-TTL flash control asli Nikon
-Desain yang sangat efisien untuk menghemat energi yang memungkinkan pengambilan gambar sebanyak kurang lebih 550 gambar

dalam satu kali pengisian baterai Li-ion EN-EL9a (standar CIPA, dengan AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR dan penggunaan

flash setiap pengambilan gambar lainnya.)
-Software Nikon ViewNX yang membuat penelusuran dan pengaturan gambar anda menjadi mudah
-Opsional software Capture NX2 untuk editing foto memungkinkan untuk mengedit foto dengan cepat dan mudah
-Bentuk Body yang relative compact, ringan, dan halus

2.Nikon D3100

Tersedia dalam Stok :
1.Nikon D3100 Body Only
2.Nikon D3100 Kit with AF-S 18-55mm VR
3.Nikon D3100 Kit with AF-S 18-55mm Non VR

Nikon D3100 Kit VR dirancang untuk pengguna DSLR yang ingin mengambil gambar indah tanpa khawatir melakukan operasi yang

rumit. Kamera beresolusi 14.2 MP ini juga dilengkapi berbagai fitur, seperti Auto Scene Selector, Scene Recognition, dan

fungsi Guides Mode yang akan memudahkan Anda mendapatkan gambar yang diinginkan. Vibration Reduction (VR) pada kamera ini

memungkinkan Anda mengurangi blur karena guncangan.

· Deskripsi Produk Nikon D3100 Lensa Kit 18 – 55mm VR
Nikon D3100 merupakan kamera DSLR bagi Anda fotografer pemula dan hadir dengan harga yang terjangkau. Dengan berbagai

teknologi mutakhir, memudahkan Anda untuk mengambil gambar dalam kondisi apapun dengan kualitas yang menawan. Kamera ini

dibekali dengan resolusi hingga 14.2 megapiksel dengan sensor CMOS DX-format serta sudah termasuk lensa 18-55mm. Rekam

momen berharga Anda dengan kualitas Full HD. Dengan desain yang kompak, Anda kini dapat membidik objek kapanpun dan

dimanapun. Dengan berbagai fitur canggih lainnya, bidik gambar dan hasilkan kualitas gambar yang prima dengan Nikon D3100.

Vibration Reduction (VR) pada kamera ini memungkinkan Anda mengurangi blur karena guncangan.

· Kinerja Optimal
Tangkap lebih banyak objek melalui lensa wide 18-55mm pada pemotretan landscape dan pemotretan grup. Dengan lensa wide-

angle memungkinkan Anda untuk membidik objek apapun yang Anda inginkan. Dengan teknologi prosesesor pengolah gambar Nikon

Expeed 2 dan resolusi 14.2 megapiksel menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang jernih, tajam dan detail. Sensor CMOS-nya

menawarkan rentang ISO yang sangat lebar (ISO 100 hingga 3200) dengan tingkat noise yang rendah yang memungkinkan Anda

untuk memfoto pada kecepatan rana yang lebih cepat dan mengurangi terjadinya blur. Pemotretan atau juga pengambilan video

hanya dengan genggaman tangan pun akan tetap terlihat bagus walaupun pada kondisi minim cahaya.

· Kualitas Video Full HD
Kamera DSLR Nikon D3100 memiliki fungsi merekam video berkualitas Full HD dengan resolusi 1920 x 1080 piksel @24 fps.

Kamera ini juga telah dilengkapi fitur full autofokus serta jack mikrofon eksternal stereo.

· ISO 100 – 3200
Rentang ISO normal pada kamera ini adalah 100 - 3200, Anda juga bisa menambahnya hingga ISO 12800(Hi2). ISO yang tinggi

membuat Anda bisa melakukan pemotretan pada kondisi kekurangan cahaya, ataupun juga berguna untuk meningkatkan kecepatan

shutter untuk menangkap momen-momen yang berlangsung dengan sangat cepat.

· Sistem Autofokus 11 titik
Anda bisa dengan leluasa memilih area titik fokus, karena terdapat 11 titik fokus yang bisa Anda pilih.

· Layar LCD 3”
Lakukan komposisi dan review hasil foto melalui layar LCD dengan 230.000 dot, yang juga akan memberikan Anda akses terhadap

sistem menu kamera dengan kontrol yang cepat. Terdapat juga penyesuaian tingkat kecerahan pada layar sehingga Anda dapat

melihat hasil gambar lebih jelas dan tajam pada dalam ataupun luar ruangan.

· Active D-Lightning

Salah satu fitur yang ada di seri kamera DSLR Nikon terbaru adalah Active D-Lighting. Fungsinya untuk mengontrol shadow dan

highlight, sehingga detail foto akan selalu terjaga dengan baik.

· Picture Control
Berbagai mode efek yang bisa digunakan pada kamera ini seperti Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, dan

Landscape bisa diaplikasikan pada foto-foto Anda.

· Koneksi HDMI
Dengan koneksi port HDMI yang ada di kamera, Anda bisa secara langsung menghubungkan kamera ke TV HD, menyaksikan hasil

foto serta video melalui layar yang lebih besar.

3.Nikon D3200

Tersedia dalam Tipe
1.Nikon D3200 Body Only
2.Nikon D3200 Kit AF-S 18-105mm VR DX ZoomNikkor (Black)
3.Nikon D3200 Kit AF-S 18-55mm VR DX Zoom-Nikkor (Black)
4.Nikon D3200 Kit AF-S 18-55mm VR DX Zoom-Nikkor (Red)

Nikon D 3200 kit 18-55 VR Black, kamera digital SLR yang memadukan fitur-fitur beginner friendly dengan kemampuan optimal

dalam body yang compact dan stylish. Kamera ini hadir dengan 24 Megapixel CMOS sensor dan Razor-sharp 11-point autofocus

system yang ditunjang dengan layar TFT LCD 3.0 inch dan lensa standar berukuran 18-55 mm.

Deskripsi Produk Nikon D3200 – Lensa Kit 18-55 mm – 24.2 MP

Nikon D3200 merupakan kamera DSLR bagi Anda fotografer pemula dan hadir dengan harga yang terjangkau. Seri lanjutan dari

Nikon D3100 ini membawa berbagai peningkatan kemampuan. Dengan berbagai teknologi mutakhir, memudahkan Anda untuk mengambil

gambar dalam kondisi apapun dengan kualitas yang menawan. Kamera ini dibekali dengan resolusi hingga 24.2 megapiksel dengan

sensor CMOS DX-format serta sudah termasuk lensa 18-55mm. Rekam momen berharga Anda dengan kualitas Full HD. Dengan desain

yang kompak, Anda kini dapat membidik objek kapanpun dan dimanapun. Dengan berbagai fitur canggih lainnya, bidik gambar dan

hasilkan kualitas gambar yang prima dengan Nikon D3200.

· Kinerja Optimal
Tangkap lebih banyak objek melalui luas lensa 18-55mm pada pemotretan landscape dan pemotretan grup. Dengan lensa wide-

angle memungkinkan Anda untuk membidik objek apapun yang Anda inginkan. Dengan teknologi prosesor pengolah gambar Nikon

Expeed 3 dan resolusi 24.2 megapiksel menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang jernih, tajam dan detail. Sensor CMOS-nya

menawarkan rentang ISO yang sangat lebar (ISO 100 hingga 6400) dengan tingkat noise yang rendah yang memungkinkan Anda

untuk memfoto pada kecepatan rana yang lebih cepat dan mengurangi terjadinya blur. Pemotretan atau juga pengambilan video

hanya dengan genggaman tangan pun akan tetap terlihat bagus walaupun pada kondisi minim cahaya.

· Kualitas Video Full HD
Kamera DSLR Nikon D3200 memiliki fungsi merekam video berkualitas Full HD dengan resolusi 1920 x 1080 piksel @30 fps.

Kamera ini juga telah dilengkapi fitur full autofokus serta jack mikrofon eksternal stereo.

· ISO 100 – 6400
Rentang ISO normal pada kamera ini adalah 100 - 6400, Anda juga bisa menambahnya hingga ISO 12800(Hi2). ISO yang tinggi membuat Anda bisa melakukan pemotretan pada kondisi kekurangan cahaya, ataupun juga berguna untuk meningkatkan kecepatan shutter untuk menangkap momen-momen yang berlangsung dengan sangat cepat.

· VR Image Stabilization
Sebagai kombinasi dari image-senson shift dan VR image stabilization akan membantu menghasilkan gambar yang tajam serta meminimalisir gambar blur saat Anda melakukin zoom in atau zoom out. Kamera ini juga dilengkapi Motion Detection untuk membantu menghasilkan gambar yang kebih tajam dengan secara otomatis memiliki shutter speen yang lebih cepat dan ISO lebih tinggi untuk mengatasi objek yang bergerak ataupun guncangan ketika sedang mengambil gambar.

· Sistem Autofokus 11 titik
Anda bisa dengan leluasa memilih area titik fokus, karena terdapat 11 titik fokus yang bisa Anda pilih.

· Layar LCD 3”
Lakukan komposisi dan review hasil foto melalui layar LCD dengan 921.000 dot, yang juga akan memberikan Anda akses terhadap sistem menu kamera dengan kontrol yang cepat. Terdapat juga penyesuaian tingkat kecerahan pada layar sehingga Anda dapat melihat hasil gambar lebih jelas dan tajam pada dalam ataupun luar ruangan.

· Active D-Lightning
Salah satu fitur yang ada di seri kamera DSLR Nikon terbaru adalah Active D-Lighting. Fungsinya untuk mengontrol shadow dan highlight, sehingga detail foto akan selalu terjaga dengan baik.

· Picture Control
Berbagai mode efek yang bisa digunakan pada kamera ini seperti Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, dan Landscape bisa diaplikasikan pada foto-foto Anda.

· Koneksi HDMI
Dengan koneksi port HDMI yang ada di kamera, Anda bisa secara langsung menghubungkan kamera ke TV HD, menyaksikan hasil foto serta video melalui layar yang lebih besar.

4.Nikon D3 Body Only

The D3 is designed for professional use in demanding conditions. The exterior of the D3 is crafted of magnesium alloy and the camera’s shutter mechanism is tested to 300,000-cycle releases. The 3-inch LCD is strengthened with tempered glass and the D3’s comprehensive array of rubber gaskets and seals protect vulnerable entry points from dust and moisture.

A Nikon-original 12.1-megapixel FX-format (23.9 x 36mm) CMOS sensor, in concert with Nikon's exclusive digital image processing system, delivers breathtakingly rich image quality, while also reducing noise to unprecedented levels with even higher ISOs Continuous shooting at up to 9 frames per second at full FX resolution and up to 11fps inthe DX Crop mode,

offers uncompromised shooting speeds for fast-action and sports photography Extreme Low-noise ISO range with Advanced Noise Reduction enables photographers to confidently select from 200-6400 ISO with an expanded range that includes Lo-1 (100 ISO)Hi-1 (12,800 ISO) and Hi-2 (25,600 ISO) The 3.0-inch super density 920,000-dot VGA color monitor with 170-degree wide-angle viewing and tempered-glass protection makes it possible for even more critical image review Fast, accurate 51-point autofocus with 3D Focus Tracking and three Dynamic AF modes deliver exacting autofocus precision at blazing speeds Two LiveView shooting modes, Hand-held or Tripod, are perfect when shooting in a studio, remote situations or from challenging angles Nikon's exclusive Scene Recognition System (SRS), with an improved 1,005-Pixel 3DColor Matrix Metering II, provides even more intelligent auto exposure capabilities, along with smarter auto white balance detection and faster, more accurate AF performance Nikon's Self-diagnostic shutter system, tested to 300,000 cycles, is a clear indication of advanced engineering and durable construction New Picture Control settings give photographers dramatically advanced color control with 4 preset options: Standard, Neutral, Vivid and Monochrome, as well as 9 customizable settings

5.Nikon D3s Body Only

Nikon D3s Body Only hadir dengan resolusi 12.1 MP, ISO Range 200 - 12.800, Image Sensor CMOS dan spesifikasi multi frame

9.0 fps. Kamera yang dirancang Weather-proof dan ditunjang display LCD 2.7 inch ini juga mampu merekam video dengan kualitas 720p/24 fps HD movie.

6.Nikon D3X Body Only

Product Highlights
- 24.5 Megapixel Resolution
- FX-format (full frame) CMOS Sensor
- Nikon EXPEED Image Processor
- NEF (RAW) Files at 12- or 14-bit Color
- 3" Super-density LCD Monitor
- Live View Shooting Modes
- 5 fps Continuous at Full Resolution
- Scene Recognition System
- Virtual Horizon Indicator
- Dual CF Card Slots

Kedalaman bit dipilih dari 12-bit (4.096 ton) atau 14-bit (16.384 ton), keduanya menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang luar biasa melalui pipa pengolahan 16-bit, untuk gradasi tonal yang halus.

Dua Mode Pemotretan Live View
Dua mode “Live View” menambah fleksibilitas, dan pembesaran sampai 27x dalam mode Tripod, ketajaman akurasi focus mudah dikonfirmasi

Fast, accurate 51-point AF system
4 Sistem fitur mode AF Dinamis, termasuk 3D Focus Tracking, untuk autofocus presisi dan ketajaman

3-inch super-density 921.000-dot VGA monitor LCD
Kalibrasi pabrik Individu menjamin akurasi warna setiap monitor D3X untuk resensi gambar yang kritis.

Nikon Picture Control
Empat pilihan preset: Standard, Neutral, Vivid dan Monokrom, dan 9 pengaturan yang disesuaikan yang memberikan kecanggihan kontrol warna pribadi.

Dual Slot Kartu CF dengan Overflow, Backup dan Copy Options

Teknologi Pengolahan Gambar Nikon EXPEED
EXPEED meluas dan menjamin ketepatan beraneka ragam gambar dan mengurangi kebisingan, bahkan pada ISO yang tinggi.

Sensitivitas Low noise ISO 100-1600
Ditambahkan pengaturan ISO Lo-1 (setara ISO 50), Hi-1 (setara ISO 3200) dan Hi-2 (setara ISO 6400) yang memperpanjang fleksibilitas.

Continuous shooting sampai dengan 5 fps pada resolusi FX-format penuh
Tim Gambar komersial berkualitas dengan kecepatan dan penanganan untuk membuat peluncuran baru-kemungkinan di studio atau di lokasi.

1.005-Pixel 3D Color Matrix Metering II dengan Scene Recognition System
Dua teknologi Nikon yang eksklusif menyediakan kemampuan eksposur otomatis yang cerdas, bersama dengan auto white balance detection yang lebih cepat, kinerja AF menjadi lebih akurat.

100% Liputan Viewfinder
Komposisi Logam Campuran Magnesium yang keras, tahan lama, dan teliti

Efektif melindungi dari debu, kelembaban dan gangguan elektromagnetik invasif dengan mekanisme diagnostik yang diuji untuk melewat 300.000 siklus.
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