Antara Dajjal Dan Sai Baba

SAI BABA adalah Awatara di jaman kaliyuga.!!!!
bukan seperti pujaan kalian yang membenarkan ttg jihad.!!!
tidak ada satu agama pun didunia ini yang mengajarkan kekerasan.
lihatlah kenyataan......dan koreksilah diri kalian.....
apakah agamamu sudah mengajarkan ttg kasih sayang,cinta kasih,dan layani semua orang dg tulus ikhlas.????
jangan hanya berdoa 5 waktu tetapi hati kalian dendam.!!!!
lihatlah negara2x islam didunia??? apakah negara mereka makmur atau dipenuhi dg kekerasan???
hai bung ga usah menjelekkan agama orang lain...yang kita bahas disini sai baba bukan penjelekan agama.saya yakin klo agama anda diejek pun anda akan marah.klo mau jelek2in jangan agamanya, orang2nya aja yang bikin statement. klo anda ga suka jaga donk perkataannya.semua agama mengajarkan baik yang bikin jelek itu orang2nya.termasuk orang seperti ANDA!!!=p=
SAI BABA adalah Awatara di jaman kaliyuga.!!!!
bukan seperti pujaan kalian yang membenarkan ttg jihad.!!!
tidak ada satu agama pun didunia ini yang mengajarkan kekerasan.
lihatlah kenyataan......dan koreksilah diri kalian.....
apakah agamamu sudah mengajarkan ttg kasih sayang,cinta kasih,dan layani semua orang dg tulus ikhlas.????
jangan hanya berdoa 5 waktu tetapi hati kalian dendam.!!!!
lihatlah negara2x islam didunia??? apakah negara mereka makmur atau dipenuhi dg kekerasan???

wah kacau lagi neeh! jadi orang kok sempit banget sih!
Sesungguhnya kalau ilmu cetek pasti tingkah lakunya cetek juga. Cari ilmu yang banyak!, banyak buku yang baik dan benar!. Hanya orang bodoh yang sering melakukan fitnah, orang licik sering menipu ,orang pintar sering memangsa sesama.Latas kita masuk golonagn yang manakaha?! Coba tanya pada diri kita apakah sudah tahu tentang dunia selain dunia kita?. Bicara jangan asal seenak dengkul.
kalau lihat suatu masalah jangan bikin wawasan jadi sempit.seperti yang menulis artikel ini.orang bodoh.lihat tu ada yang jual jin katanya jin muslim ?yang dajjal itu siapa?yang sok orang suci itu siapa?
kalau lihat suatu masalah jangan bikin wawasan jadi sempit.seperti yang menulis artikel ini.orang bodoh.lihat tu ada yang jual jin katanya jin muslim ?yang dajjal itu siapa?yang sok orang suci itu siapa?

tuh para moderator yang buka thread.. dengerin nih aspirasi pembaca:D:D
weleh...ya sampean kuwi pengikut nya dajjal coz pengikut ajaran sai baba yg menyatakan dirinya tuhan dari semua tuhan........sampean sinau urip ndisik wae...maklum kafir biasanya sok tau lha dasar pikirane podo karo iblis jadi ya maklum............
Saibaba udah Matikan?? Bagus deh... Daripada dia mati gw santet atau gw cekek!!! Dasar Makluk jelmaan Dajjal...
eh non emang kamu punya ilmu santet ya,,,,,,? klo e5ng punya tlng aq di ajarin nanti biar aq bsa bantu-bantu klo km mau nyantet saI BabA
Saya sarankan coba pandang foto Beliau, ada wajah kedamaian disana. Sai Baba bagi saya adalah satu orang Guru Sipirtual yang sangat sakti, membawa berkah kedamaian bagi seluruh umat manusia dgn tidak mengkotak-kotakkan institusi yg bernama agama yg saat ini cenderung saling membenci dan menyakiti orang lain seperti kasus Ahmadyah,Lia Eden, dll. Sungguh ironis memang, orang yg mengajarkan tentang cinta kasih kepada sesama umat manusia, kemudian dihujat habis-habisan. Jadi bertanya, sebenarnya Tuhan apa yg anda puja?, jangan-jangan Anda sendiri memuja Iblis! sebab hanya iblis yg kerjanya/menyuruh merusak, mencaci maki, memfitnah, membunuh dan bahkan ada yg sampai mengebom orang lain karena orang mempunyai keyakinan yg lain. Coba Anda renungkan sambil memandang foto Beliau... Semoga Indonesia selalu damai...
saya bukan pemeluk salah satu agama manapun di Indonesia, yang saya tau Sai Baba adalah semacam guru spiritual lintas agama. dan saya kalau ke Indonesia sering lihat di TV bermacam bentuk guru spiritual, jadi apa bedanya dengan sai baba?
Semua agama yang ada di Indonesia dan juga dunia, saya rasa selalu lahir dari kontroversi. Paling tidak itu pemahaman saya. Kebetulan di keluarga saya tidak di haruskan untuk memeluk agama yang di "wariskan". saya berkesempatan belajar secara "kulit luar" agama-agama besar di Indonesia. sama saja, tidak ada yang "kena" di hati saya sampai saat ini. Maksudnya "biasa" saja adalah, tidak adanya sesuatu yang mewajibkan saya untuk memeluk dan menentukan pilihan. dan saya mempunyai satu benang merah "semua agama pada intinya baik dan mengenal adanya hukum absolut yaitu "TUHAN" sebagai hukum abadi. cuman sayangnya di dunia terutama di indonesia (karena saya orang indonesia) lebih sering yang meghakimi itu manusia sendiri yang bilang boleh dan tidak
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Master of the World- Prophesy from Prophet Mohammed:

Islam is one of the major world religions, founded in Arabia and based on the teachings of Mohammed, who is called the Prophet. The literal meaning of the Arabic word Islam is "to surrender," but as per the Holy Koran, it means, "to surrender to the will or law of God."

Prophet Mohammed (570? -632) is the founder of Islam, whose teachings, comprising of political, social and religious principles, became the basis of Islamic civilization. Mohammed was born in Mecca. His father died before he was born, and after his mother's death when he was six, his uncle brought him up. Thoughtful and highly devoted, he showed signs of great scholar at an early age, and he was known as al-Amin ("the trusted one").
He periodically went to a cave outside Mecca to meditate and pray for guidance. During one of these occasions he experienced a vision, which proclaimed him a prophet of God. He began to preach in public, reciting the verses of his revelation, which came to be known as the Koran. Muslims consider the Koran, as the speech of God to Mohammed and God himself, is the author of the book.
Master of the World:
According to an article published in "Two Worlds" magazine of London, an Iranian writer was irresistibly drawn to a huge volume in Tehran. This Book, called "Bihar Al Anwar" or "The Ocean of Light", is in 25 volumes. It has the collection of the discourses of Prophet Mohammed. Volume 13 of these discourses is called "Mehedi Moud" in Arabic, in which, it seems, are recorded the prophecies of Prophet Mohammed about the coming of the "Master of the World." Apparently in this volume, Mohammed is alleged to have given 27 features of a future teacher by which "The Great Teacher" or "Master of the World" as he calls him, will be recognized. Irani Ma, one of the old devotees of Bhagavan, wanted to publish what prophet Mohammed had prophesied ... "Ocean of Light". In this book 27 attributes pertaining to the Avatar have been mentioned in full detail. Baba, however, did not give permission for its publication.

Muhummad was asked if he (Mohammed) was the "Master of the World." He said that he was not, and that no prophet of God, who had ever come to this world has come with the power with which He will come. He went on to say no prophet was like this Great Teacher, because all the prophets were killed by the people, as their power had not been sufficient to prevent their being killed, but that no power will be able to conquer or kill "The Great Teacher."

The Disciples of Mohammed asked how they would find this great teacher. Muhummad first gave 'The Great Guide' five names. He called Him:
"Master of the World"
"Master of Time"
"God's President"
"A Great Part of God on the Ground", and
"God speaking and advising"
He then went on to say to his disciples,
"You can never find him, because at that time you will be so bad that you cannot recognize Him. Only a handful will find Him. Christians and other people of other religions will see Him, but Musssalmans will be so bad that they will not find him. The people of these religions will collect under a great tree, and they will have a spot on their foreheads.

"If you want to know him, you should know the signs, but do not be deceived by many who declare that they are 'The Master of the World.'

God would descend on Earth and He can be recognized by the following signs; as mentioned by Prophet Mohammed and recorded in the 'Mehdi Moud?:

? His hair will be profuse.

? His forehead will be large and concave.

? His nose will be small with s slight hump at the bridge.

? His front teeth will be spaced apart.

? He will have a mole on his cheek.

? He will not have a beard but will be clean-shaven.

These statements explain about the appearance of the Great Master, which exactly portrays Lord Sathya Sai. The profuse hair alone makes the point very clear. Added to it, the large and concave forehead, the spaced apart teeth, small nose and the clean shaven face. Even the mole in his left cheek is mentioned clearly

? His clothing will be like a flame.

This indicates Swami?s Orange Robe

? He will wear two robes.

Swami wears two robes, His long Kafni and a dhothi

? The color of his face will sometimes be like copper, sometimes yellow like gold and sometimes shining like the moon.

His glowing face may sometime look dark in color; some times copper, sometimes like gold and at times glowing with various colors.

? His legs will be like those of a young girl.

Swami?s feet are unusually small

? His body will be small

Swami is hardly five feet

? All the teachings of all the religions of the world will be in his heart from birth.

His knowledge about the teachings of all the religions can very well be understood from his speech.

? All the science and knowledge of the world from beginning of time will be in his head.

His mastery over all fields of knowledge has been exhibited during interviews with scientists and scholars

? All things you will ask from God, he will give you.

? All the treasure of the world will be under his feet.

Swami is known as Sankalpa Siddha ? Master of Will who can create anything He wants just by waving His hand.

? He will give gifts that are light in weight.

These small and light weighted gifts are His materializations like watches, rings, pendants, chains etc

? His devotees will collect under a great tree.

For many years Swami gave darshan under a large tree in Brindavan, His ashram at Whitefield, Banglore.

? Many of them will have a spot on their foreheads.

This spots on the foreheads of the devotees may be the mark of the vipudhi.

? He will go round amongst the devotees and touch their heads with his hand.

During His daily dharshan it can be seen that He Himself goes round amongst the devotees and bless them.

? His devotees will crane their neck to see Him.

? Every eye that will see him will be happy, not only humans but also disembodied souls.

The overwhelming crowd that gathers just for His glance, wherever He goes proves the fact. There are numerous of incidents during which ethereal souls visit Swami (including His own mother, Grandfather etc)

? He will live for 95 years on earth.

Swami says that He will be in his body till His 96th year; Indians call the actual day of birth the first birth date.

? In the last twenty years of His life, He will be the 'King of the whole world', but at that time only two thirds of the world will believe Him. (i.e. from AD 2000). Musalmans will only recognize Him nine years before passing away from the world.

The statement says he will be King of the Whole World. Even Swami has said that His Golden Era will begin from his 75 th Birthday.

? He will live on a hill.

? His house will be a square.

? He will make the world light and full of peace.

Swami Himself declared that His mission includes establishment of Peace in earth.

? So as not to be deceived, you should know that the Master of the World will bring things out of His body, through His mouth.

This warns that the Master of the world will bring things out of His body, through His mouth. Lingodhbhavam, a special held event on every Shivarathri is to be recollected here. During this event Swami manifests the holy egg sized Lingams from his body, through his mouth, which had formed within his body.

An article in a book titled, World Scripture, by IRF, Paragon House Publishing, quotes the following account of the Mehdi from Nahjul Balagha, Khutba ,

"The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably amongst the needy deserving. He will teach you simple living and high thinking. He will make you understand that virtue is a state of character which is always a mean between the two extremes, and which is based upon equity and justice. He will revive the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them as dead letters....

He will protect and defend himself with resources of science and supreme knowledge. His control over these resources will be complete. He will know how supreme they are and how carefully they will have to be used. His mind will be free from desires of bringing harm and injury to humanity. Such a knowledge to him will be like the property which was wrongly possessed by others and for which he was waiting for the permission to repossess and use.

He, in the beginning, will be like a poor stranger unknown and uncared for, and Islam then will be in the hopeless and helpless plight of an exhausted camel who has laid down its head and is wagging its tail. With such a start he will establish an empire of God in this world.

He will be the final demonstration and proof of God's merciful wish to acquaint man with the right ways of life. "

An interesting event took place few years back. Swami, during his darshan called five Muslim ladies from Iran for the interview. It was an auapicious day for it was the Birthday of Prophet Mohammad. Out of the Five Ladies Four were the Followers of Jaa Ali, another Islamic Prophet. The four received a gift materialized with the name of Jaa Ali inscribed in Arabic letters. The other one received a ring with the symbol OM and image of Prophet Mohammad along with the Islamic symbols (the Moon and the Star). Swami said them ?I called you because Today is the Birthday of Prophet Mohammad. Today is my birthday too; for I and Mohammad are one?
Master of the World- Prophesy from Prophet Mohammed:

Islam is one of the major world religions, founded in Arabia and based on the teachings of Mohammed, who is called the Prophet. The literal meaning of the Arabic word Islam is "to surrender," but as per the Holy Koran, it means, "to surrender to the will or law of God."

Prophet Mohammed (570? -632) is the founder of Islam, whose teachings, comprising of political, social and religious principles, became the basis of Islamic civilization. Mohammed was born in Mecca. His father died before he was born, and after his mother's death when he was six, his uncle brought him up. Thoughtful and highly devoted, he showed signs of great scholar at an early age, and he was known as al-Amin ("the trusted one").
He periodically went to a cave outside Mecca to meditate and pray for guidance. During one of these occasions he experienced a vision, which proclaimed him a prophet of God. He began to preach in public, reciting the verses of his revelation, which came to be known as the Koran. Muslims consider the Koran, as the speech of God to Mohammed and God himself, is the author of the book.
Master of the World:
According to an article published in "Two Worlds" magazine of London, an Iranian writer was irresistibly drawn to a huge volume in Tehran. This Book, called "Bihar Al Anwar" or "The Ocean of Light", is in 25 volumes. It has the collection of the discourses of Prophet Mohammed. Volume 13 of these discourses is called "Mehedi Moud" in Arabic, in which, it seems, are recorded the prophecies of Prophet Mohammed about the coming of the "Master of the World." Apparently in this volume, Mohammed is alleged to have given 27 features of a future teacher by which "The Great Teacher" or "Master of the World" as he calls him, will be recognized. Irani Ma, one of the old devotees of Bhagavan, wanted to publish what prophet Mohammed had prophesied ... "Ocean of Light". In this book 27 attributes pertaining to the Avatar have been mentioned in full detail. Baba, however, did not give permission for its publication.

Muhummad was asked if he (Mohammed) was the "Master of the World." He said that he was not, and that no prophet of God, who had ever come to this world has come with the power with which He will come. He went on to say no prophet was like this Great Teacher, because all the prophets were killed by the people, as their power had not been sufficient to prevent their being killed, but that no power will be able to conquer or kill "The Great Teacher."

The Disciples of Mohammed asked how they would find this great teacher. Muhummad first gave 'The Great Guide' five names. He called Him:
"Master of the World"
"Master of Time"
"God's President"
"A Great Part of God on the Ground", and
"God speaking and advising"
He then went on to say to his disciples,
"You can never find him, because at that time you will be so bad that you cannot recognize Him. Only a handful will find Him. Christians and other people of other religions will see Him, but Musssalmans will be so bad that they will not find him. The people of these religions will collect under a great tree, and they will have a spot on their foreheads.

"If you want to know him, you should know the signs, but do not be deceived by many who declare that they are 'The Master of the World.'

God would descend on Earth and He can be recognized by the following signs; as mentioned by Prophet Mohammed and recorded in the 'Mehdi Moud?:

? His hair will be profuse.

? His forehead will be large and concave.

? His nose will be small with s slight hump at the bridge.

? His front teeth will be spaced apart.

? He will have a mole on his cheek.

? He will not have a beard but will be clean-shaven.

These statements explain about the appearance of the Great Master, which exactly portrays Lord Sathya Sai. The profuse hair alone makes the point very clear. Added to it, the large and concave forehead, the spaced apart teeth, small nose and the clean shaven face. Even the mole in his left cheek is mentioned clearly

? His clothing will be like a flame.

This indicates Swami?s Orange Robe

? He will wear two robes.

Swami wears two robes, His long Kafni and a dhothi

? The color of his face will sometimes be like copper, sometimes yellow like gold and sometimes shining like the moon.

His glowing face may sometime look dark in color; some times copper, sometimes like gold and at times glowing with various colors.

? His legs will be like those of a young girl.

Swami?s feet are unusually small

? His body will be small

Swami is hardly five feet

? All the teachings of all the religions of the world will be in his heart from birth.

His knowledge about the teachings of all the religions can very well be understood from his speech.

? All the science and knowledge of the world from beginning of time will be in his head.

His mastery over all fields of knowledge has been exhibited during interviews with scientists and scholars

? All things you will ask from God, he will give you.

? All the treasure of the world will be under his feet.

Swami is known as Sankalpa Siddha ? Master of Will who can create anything He wants just by waving His hand.

? He will give gifts that are light in weight.

These small and light weighted gifts are His materializations like watches, rings, pendants, chains etc

? His devotees will collect under a great tree.

For many years Swami gave darshan under a large tree in Brindavan, His ashram at Whitefield, Banglore.

? Many of them will have a spot on their foreheads.

This spots on the foreheads of the devotees may be the mark of the vipudhi.

? He will go round amongst the devotees and touch their heads with his hand.

During His daily dharshan it can be seen that He Himself goes round amongst the devotees and bless them.

? His devotees will crane their neck to see Him.

? Every eye that will see him will be happy, not only humans but also disembodied souls.

The overwhelming crowd that gathers just for His glance, wherever He goes proves the fact. There are numerous of incidents during which ethereal souls visit Swami (including His own mother, Grandfather etc)

? He will live for 95 years on earth.

Swami says that He will be in his body till His 96th year; Indians call the actual day of birth the first birth date.

? In the last twenty years of His life, He will be the 'King of the whole world', but at that time only two thirds of the world will believe Him. (i.e. from AD 2000). Musalmans will only recognize Him nine years before passing away from the world.

The statement says he will be King of the Whole World. Even Swami has said that His Golden Era will begin from his 75 th Birthday.

? He will live on a hill.

? His house will be a square.

? He will make the world light and full of peace.

Swami Himself declared that His mission includes establishment of Peace in earth.

? So as not to be deceived, you should know that the Master of the World will bring things out of His body, through His mouth.

This warns that the Master of the world will bring things out of His body, through His mouth. Lingodhbhavam, a special held event on every Shivarathri is to be recollected here. During this event Swami manifests the holy egg sized Lingams from his body, through his mouth, which had formed within his body.

An article in a book titled, World Scripture, by IRF, Paragon House Publishing, quotes the following account of the Mehdi from Nahjul Balagha, Khutba ,

"The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably amongst the needy deserving. He will teach you simple living and high thinking. He will make you understand that virtue is a state of character which is always a mean between the two extremes, and which is based upon equity and justice. He will revive the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them as dead letters....

He will protect and defend himself with resources of science and supreme knowledge. His control over these resources will be complete. He will know how supreme they are and how carefully they will have to be used. His mind will be free from desires of bringing harm and injury to humanity. Such a knowledge to him will be like the property which was wrongly possessed by others and for which he was waiting for the permission to repossess and use.

He, in the beginning, will be like a poor stranger unknown and uncared for, and Islam then will be in the hopeless and helpless plight of an exhausted camel who has laid down its head and is wagging its tail. With such a start he will establish an empire of God in this world.

He will be the final demonstration and proof of God's merciful wish to acquaint man with the right ways of life. "

An interesting event took place few years back. Swami, during his darshan called five Muslim ladies from Iran for the interview. It was an auapicious day for it was the Birthday of Prophet Mohammad. Out of the Five Ladies Four were the Followers of Jaa Ali, another Islamic Prophet. The four received a gift materialized with the name of Jaa Ali inscribed in Arabic letters. The other one received a ring with the symbol OM and image of Prophet Mohammad along with the Islamic symbols (the Moon and the Star). Swami said them ?I called you because Today is the Birthday of Prophet Mohammad. Today is my birthday too; for I and Mohammad are one?
sai baba tu tukang sulap...zaman moderen...!! atau lebih tepatnya DAJJAL KERIBO............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saya bukan pemeluk salah satu agama manapun di Indonesia, yang saya tau Sai Baba adalah semacam guru spiritual lintas agama. dan saya kalau ke Indonesia sering lihat di TV bermacam bentuk guru spiritual, jadi apa bedanya dengan sai baba?
Semua agama yang ada di Indonesia dan juga dunia, saya rasa selalu lahir dari kontroversi. Paling tidak itu pemahaman saya. Kebetulan di keluarga saya tidak di haruskan untuk memeluk agama yang di "wariskan". saya berkesempatan belajar secara "kulit luar" agama-agama besar di Indonesia. sama saja, tidak ada yang "kena" di hati saya sampai saat ini. Maksudnya "biasa" saja adalah, tidak adanya sesuatu yang mewajibkan saya untuk memeluk dan menentukan pilihan. dan saya mempunyai satu benang merah "semua agama pada intinya baik dan mengenal adanya hukum absolut yaitu "TUHAN" sebagai hukum abadi. cuman sayangnya di dunia terutama di indonesia (karena saya orang indonesia) lebih sering yang meghakimi itu manusia sendiri yang bilang boleh dan tidak

mantaf ne om WNKS....(icon aplause) (bis gak da icon aplause sech hehehehe)
Untuk mengetahui siapa sebenarnya sai baba itu adalah lebih baik kita mengetahui apa saja yang diajarkannya kepada para pengikut sai baba ini. Saya berhasil mendapatkan salah satu site yang memuat percakapan antara sai baba dengan para muridnya yang ditulis oleh professor Anil Kumar yang diberi judul Mutiara kebijaksanaan sai. Dari tulisan sang professor ini saya jadi terkejut, kenapa? Karena gelarnya pfofessor tapi kok percaya sama sai baba. Lebih terkejut lagi ketika membaca tulisannya, dimana para siswa sai baba ini adalah kumpulan para professor yang ahli dalam berbagai macam pengetahuan bahkan ahli weda yang merupakan milik hindu. Tidak itu aja, bahkan ratusan dokter yang profesional pun juga adalah murid sai baba ini yang tentu saja fenomena yang aneh dimana orang-orang intelektual itu mau percaya dengan sai baba.

Kesimpulan pribadi saya mengatakan sai baba adalah benar-benar orang suci. Menurut saya kita harus benar-benar bersikap netral dulu dalam mencari jawabannya tidak sembarangan ikut-ikutan percaya dengan segala berita yang sifatnya negatif yang bisa saja disebarkan oleh orang-orang yang justru adalah orang sesat yang berkedok agama. Yang perlu kita lihat adalah kenyataannya daripada apa yang dikatakannya.

ini adalah alamat site yang memuat catatan pembicaraan sai baba dengan siswanya yang ditulis oleh professor itu: (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (in) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN).htm (IN)central.htm

Siapapun sai baba sebenarnya yang penting adalah ajarannya tidak mengarahkan para siswanya itu ke arah yang sesat dan yang paling penting lagi kita harus melihat kenyataannya bagaimana para pengikut sai baba ini berperilaku di dalam masyarakat.
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Untuk mengetahui siapa sebenarnya sai baba itu adalah lebih baik kita mengetahui apa saja yang diajarkannya kepada para pengikut sai baba ini. Saya berhasil mendapatkan salah satu site yang memuat percakapan antara sai baba dengan para muridnya yang ditulis oleh professor Anil Kumar yang diberi judul Mutiara kebijaksanaan sai. Dari tulisan sang professor ini saya jadi terkejut, kenapa? Karena gelarnya pfofessor tapi kok percaya sama sai baba. Lebih terkejut lagi ketika membaca tulisannya, dimana para siswa sai baba ini adalah kumpulan para professor yang ahli dalam berbagai macam pengetahuan bahkan ahli weda yang merupakan milik hindu. Tidak itu aja, bahkan ratusan dokter yang profesional pun juga adalah murid sai baba ini yang tentu saja fenomena yang aneh dimana orang-orang intelektual itu mau percaya dengan sai baba.

Kesimpulan pribadi saya mengatakan sai baba adalah benar-benar orang suci. Menurut saya kita harus benar-benar bersikap netral dulu dalam mencari jawabannya tidak sembarangan ikut-ikutan percaya dengan segala berita yang sifatnya negatif yang bisa saja disebarkan oleh orang-orang yang justru adalah orang sesat yang berkedok agama. Yang perlu kita lihat adalah kenyataannya daripada apa yang dikatakannya.

ini adalah alamat site yang memuat catatan pembicaraan sai baba dengan siswanya yang ditulis oleh professor itu: (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (in) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN).htm (IN)central.htm

Siapapun sai baba sebenarnya yang penting adalah ajarannya tidak mengarahkan para siswanya itu ke arah yang sesat dan yang paling penting lagi kita harus melihat kenyataannya bagaimana para pengikut sai baba ini berperilaku di dalam masyarakat.

Akur boss.. seandainya semua masyarakat Indonesia seperti anda; pastilah indonesia tidak seruwet ini! PEACE!
Untuk mengetahui siapa sebenarnya sai baba itu adalah lebih baik kita mengetahui apa saja yang diajarkannya kepada para pengikut sai baba ini. Saya berhasil mendapatkan salah satu site yang memuat percakapan antara sai baba dengan para muridnya yang ditulis oleh professor Anil Kumar yang diberi judul Mutiara kebijaksanaan sai. Dari tulisan sang professor ini saya jadi terkejut, kenapa? Karena gelarnya pfofessor tapi kok percaya sama sai baba. Lebih terkejut lagi ketika membaca tulisannya, dimana para siswa sai baba ini adalah kumpulan para professor yang ahli dalam berbagai macam pengetahuan bahkan ahli weda yang merupakan milik hindu. Tidak itu aja, bahkan ratusan dokter yang profesional pun juga adalah murid sai baba ini yang tentu saja fenomena yang aneh dimana orang-orang intelektual itu mau percaya dengan sai baba.

Kesimpulan pribadi saya mengatakan sai baba adalah benar-benar orang suci. Menurut saya kita harus benar-benar bersikap netral dulu dalam mencari jawabannya tidak sembarangan ikut-ikutan percaya dengan segala berita yang sifatnya negatif yang bisa saja disebarkan oleh orang-orang yang justru adalah orang sesat yang berkedok agama. Yang perlu kita lihat adalah kenyataannya daripada apa yang dikatakannya.

ini adalah alamat site yang memuat catatan pembicaraan sai baba dengan siswanya yang ditulis oleh professor itu: (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (in) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN) central.htm (IN).htm (IN)central.htm

Siapapun sai baba sebenarnya yang penting adalah ajarannya tidak mengarahkan para siswanya itu ke arah yang sesat dan yang paling penting lagi kita harus melihat kenyataannya bagaimana para pengikut sai baba ini berperilaku di dalam masyarakat.

damailah wahai manusia..hehehe...
ente ane kasi rep boss...
sebagai umat yang mengaku punya "tuhan" hendaklah jgn saling menghina ato menyalahkan orang lain.intropeksi dl diri kita dan bener lom kita di jalanNYA? jgn-jgn kita yg salah... weleh..weleh..
SAI BABA adalah Awatara di jaman kaliyuga.!!!!
bukan seperti pujaan kalian yang membenarkan ttg jihad.!!!
tidak ada satu agama pun didunia ini yang mengajarkan kekerasan.
lihatlah kenyataan......dan koreksilah diri kalian.....
apakah agamamu sudah mengajarkan ttg kasih sayang,cinta kasih,dan layani semua orang dg tulus ikhlas.????
jangan hanya berdoa 5 waktu tetapi hati kalian dendam.!!!!
lihatlah negara2x islam didunia??? apakah negara mereka makmur atau dipenuhi dg kekerasan???

pikirannya kok sempit banget sih bos??
weleh2... Kedamaian yah??? Kedamaian tapi kok mengakui bahwa dia tuhan? padahal tuhan hanya ada satu di setiap agama dan tidak ada di dunia ini tetapi ada di akhirat... gimana itu bung?