Cara Dapet Password Dari Website


New member
Berikut Tutorial yang amat simple dan cool

Step 1 : Buka (
Step 2 : Pada menu pencarian silahkan masukan code :

Rubah dengan site yang ingin anda cari.
Misalnya kamu ingin mendapatkan passwords di site

For: Code:

Masukan kata kunci di google sbb :


Silahkan Praktekan dan lihat seberapa banyak Password yang anda dapatkan

PS : Jangan heran jika kalian menemukan not found / UserId & Pass sudah tidak terpakai.
ini dikarenakan userid tsb sudah di block.

Gw dah coba masuk ke website hentai yg premium dan bisa

kalau bingung pake ini

Google is a pretty powerful search tool. You knew that. You can use it to find information, but you can also use it to find downloadable MP3s, books, videos, and other items. We're going to assume you're just looking for legally available downloads, but the truth of the matter is if someone's posted an MP3 (copyrighted or not) to their web page, Google can find it.

But who has the time to memorize all the search modifiers like "-inurlhtm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(.mp3|.wma|.ogg) ?" That's where Google Hacks comes in. This handy little app will let you search for dozens of file types, song lyrics, cached pages, fonts, and other little goodies hanging out on the web.

Just download and install Google Hacks for Mac, Linux, or Windows, fire it up and enter your search term and check the boxes next to the type of search you want to perform. Your results will show up in your default web browser.

sedot :
gw dah pernah nyoba masuk yg web premium dan bisa+DL file
friendster pun bisa di pake buat intip2an
Boong, semua tips membual. Dasar wong ndeso, mbujuk-i udel tho'. Wakakakakak ........
Sorry .... Sangking mangkle-le!!!
Itu Cuma Bisa Masukkin Website Premium Semisal Bokep
Kalau ingin dpt password FS tentu gak bisa cuma bisa ngintip doank
wah.. itu sih software lama bozz... gimana sih. .?? udh pernah ane cobain ga da yang berhasil.. kalo yang berhasil yng bayar .. donk .>?? ;))
Berikut Tutorial yang amat simple dan cool

Step 1 : Buka (
Step 2 : Pada menu pencarian silahkan masukan code :

Rubah dengan site yang ingin anda cari.
Misalnya kamu ingin mendapatkan passwords di site

For: Code:

Masukan kata kunci di google sbb :


Silahkan Praktekan dan lihat seberapa banyak Password yang anda dapatkan

PS : Jangan heran jika kalian menemukan not found / UserId & Pass sudah tidak terpakai.
ini dikarenakan userid tsb sudah di block.

Gw dah coba masuk ke website hentai yg premium dan bisa

kalau bingung pake ini

Google is a pretty powerful search tool. You knew that. You can use it to find information, but you can also use it to find downloadable MP3s, books, videos, and other items. We're going to assume you're just looking for legally available downloads, but the truth of the matter is if someone's posted an MP3 (copyrighted or not) to their web page, Google can find it.

But who has the time to memorize all the search modifiers like "-inurlhtm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(.mp3|.wma|.ogg) ?" That's where Google Hacks comes in. This handy little app will let you search for dozens of file types, song lyrics, cached pages, fonts, and other little goodies hanging out on the web.

Just download and install Google Hacks for Mac, Linux, or Windows, fire it up and enter your search term and check the boxes next to the type of search you want to perform. Your results will show up in your default web browser.

sedot :

ini akan terhubung ke bokep secara random
coba juga pake
disana tempat sharingnye password user dan ada voting untuk valid nggaknye password yang di share, biasanye sih ane pake buat member password website download premiun...
Bls: Re: Cara Dapet Password Dari Website

Trik bagus..
Thanks boss...
tapi aye masih bingung nih.. kebanyakan yg dah pada gak verivy yak
Bls: Cara Dapet Password Dari Website

sudah terbukti belum.....????kalau terbukti,nanti saya mampir nie dengan pasukan 10000 prajurit dengan panglima2 saya ....nti pada gabung semua nie.....