Onspeed LEGAL gratis 1 tahun + Kaspersky 2009 Legal 6 bulan

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info onspeed:



Dial-up – 10x Faster, Broadband – 5x Faster,
Mobile connections – 8x Faster
Only US$49.99 a YEAR, no ties and no contract
Revolutionary patented technology
Easy to install; simple to use
For PC and Mac – no wires, engineers or hassle
Works with any Internet connection in any country
Over 1 million satisfied customers worldwide
ONSPEED is covered by a 14-day money back guarantee

nih buktinya:

From: <Support@yuvayantra.com>
Subject: Web Accelerator subscription successful!
Message: Hello,

You have successfully subscribed to Onspeed Premium Web Accelerator.

Your product registration information is listed below. Please keep this information in a secure place for further reference. You will need to enter your Yuva Yantra Email Id and password in the software to activate the service.
If you need to contact Yuva Yantra Support, you will need to provide these details.
Registration information:

Product : ONSPEED Web Accelerator Plan: Yearly Subscription Charge: Rs. 0 Subscription Date: Friday, December 12, 2008 Expiration Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009 Cheers!
Team Yuva Yantra

Kalo Kaspersky udah enggak udah dikasih info lagi kali ya
abis jadi kyk gini di apain.


duh aku bingung.. cara pakenya om..
pencerahan ya.. :)
bintang send!!


  • onspeed.jpg
    22.2 KB · Views: 1,935
=b= =b=

nice.. aku juga dapet on speednya..
mantep gannn.. =b= =b=

nih mail dari dia:

gw rate 5.. ;)
nice thread.. berguna banget...


  • onspeed2.jpg
    42.3 KB · Views: 2,017
ane uda coba unduh,berhasil sih n minta restart browsernya, pas masuk lagi ada pemberitahuan berhasil (emang lbh cepat loadingnya) trs mau masuk ke www.yuvayantra.com (site dari india ya) mau ngerubah usename sama passwordnya eh malah gak bisa masuk, katanya id (IP) nya gak valid (di block) malah komputer ane jadi agak aneh gitu, ya uda di unistall aja onspeddnya :(
Dapaet email ya dari yuvayantra? ane kok kaga sih? coba yang uda bisa, tolong di jelasin step by step biar gak salah jalan ;)
Bls: Onspeed LEGAL gratis 1 tahun + Kaspersky 2009 Legal 6 bulan

pengumuman !!!
Onspeed India sejak tanggal 10 Juni 2009 (Ulang Tahunku) sudah tidak berfungsi lagi, harap cari alternatif lain, and klo udah dapat share ma aku ya... :))
Demikian Terima Kasih....!
Bls: Onspeed LEGAL gratis 1 tahun + Kaspersky 2009 Legal 6 bulan

kirain masih bisa, pengen nyobain jg