Iklan Kreatif WWF tentang Global Warming


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Iklan Kreatif WWF tentang Global Warming

Matikan elektronik Dirumah jika Sudah tidak di gunakan lagi

Daur ulang Plastik dan bahan bahan yang bisa di daur ulang. jangan dibakar

gunakanlah Kendaraan hybrid pengganti Kendaraan Menggunakan Bahan bakar Minyak

jika kita tidak mencegah global warming, kita akan hancur

Untuk sekali lagi, Sisi kegelapan menyelamatkan bumi

You can’t afford to be slow in an emergency. Act now for the planet

Give a hand to wildlife.

For a living planet

Nature can’t be recycled.

Our life at the cost of theirs?

Today on the coast of Galicia. Tomorrow on your plate

Don’t buy exotic animal souvenirs.

Save endangered animals before they disappear in front of your eyes

Deforestation in China threatens Giant pandas

15km2 of rain forest disappears every minute

Forests for life

A single golf course sucks away 15.000 m3 of water

Save trees. Save wildlife.

Stop climate change before it changes you

The par: 200.000 trees! Building a single course puts thousands of trees at stake. Take action. Help us stop them.

A single tin of paint can pollute millions of litres of water

Save the world with a few coins. Donate at WWF.at

Save his life, save yourself.

We are all together. Do your bit

The future Is in your hand

The future is man made

The first signs of global warming are now clealy visible.

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