Mobil berbahan bakar COKLAT !!!!


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Otomagz - Alternative fuels that environmentally friendly, could be from any material that may be even totally unthinkable before. Vegetable-fueled car, you probably already accustomed to hear. But what about the chocolate-fueled car?

If in Indonesia, we had introduced 'jelantah' or used cooking oil as car fuel, in London, UK scientists using chocolate as fuel.

Don't think that's used from chocolate bar, because the price of chocolate bars can be exorbitant. They use the brown waste from factories that had been discarded as a vegetable oil mixed with biofuel.

Not only the fuel that is environmentally friendly, the car is also made from plant fibers are non-toxic. For example, the tire is made of fiber carrot and roots, the seat of a mixture of linseed and soybean oil foam. Its body was of plant fibers.

Speed speed no less with the car in general. At this time a new test dikebut 96 miles per hour, but when tested on a path expected to penetrate belapan speed 232 kilometers per hour. The car named "WorldFirst Formula 3 racing" car that was to be used in the European Grand Prix races and Britain's Goodwood Festival of Speed.

This project leader, James Meredith, said that this car is proof that the car produces a fast, efficient and environmentally friendly is no longer impossible.


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Bls: Mobil berbahan bakar COKLAT !!!!

Mobil berbahan COKLAT? Whaaa~ Jangan, sayang, mending kumakan aja coklatnya... :p

Oh? Coklatnya dari bahan-bahan sisa! Gak papa deh, hrm... environmental friendly? Bisa juga nih dipake di sini :D

Trus... kenapa tiba-tiba ada kata bahasa Indonesia di tengah-tengah? o_O

Moga-moga ntar diproduksi yang bisa dipake oleh umum! Dan kalo harganya nggak terlalu mahal, kan bisa jadi salah satu gerakan penghijauan...
Bahan bakar merupakan hal pokok dalam mobil bbm. Jadi kalau pakai coklat bisa ya silahkan saja gan. Saat ini bahan bakar fosil yang masih jalan.
wah ada" aja yaa, bisa" diminum buat cemilan tuh bahan bakarnya