Filosofi Hidup

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Difficulties only become problems when we separate ourselves from them instead of dealing with them directly and wholeheartedly.
Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive.
You have to be brave and take chances. Don't live life in fear of what comes next. That's not what living is about.
Don't compare yourself to others. Don't get discouraged by the success of others. Follow your own path and never give up on yourself.
No matter how good you are to people, there will always be one negative person who criticizes you. Smile and Ignore them.
God doesn't love you because you deserve it. He loves you because He wants to. You just need to receive and believe it.
Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it.
Working hard for something we don't care about it is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.
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