Mandarin Series: Die Wu Tian Ya




* Title: 蝶舞天涯 / Die Wu Tian Ya
* Also known as: 吕布与貂蝉 / Lu (Lv) Bu Yu Diao Chan (Lu Bu and Diao Chan) / Pendekar Liar
* Genre: Wuxia, fantasy, romance
* Episodes: 35
* Broadcast year(s): 2002 / 2004


This drama is based loosely on the story of Lu Bu and Diao Chan from Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


* Chen Hong as Die Wu / Diao Chan
* Huang Lei as Tian Ya / Lu Bu
o Shi Xiao Long as young Lu Bu
* Li Xiao Lu as Er Duo / Ear
* Geng Le as Xin / Heart
* You Yong as Zhang Li
* Fu Biao as Wang Yun
* Sun Fei Hu (?*?飞虎) as Ding Yuan
* Juan Zi as Xiao Yan
* Li Ren (李任) as Niu Pu
* Shao Feng as Cao Cao
* Yang Fan (杨凡) as Guan Yu
* Guo Tao (?*涛) as Liu Bei
o Bao Jian Feng as young Liu Bei
* Yuan Quan as Dong Yuan
* De Li Ge Er (德力?*?儿) as Dong Zhuo
* Wang Jian Xin as Ma Yuan Yi
* Zhou Hao Dong
* Nie Yuan
* Yuan Yuan

Production Credits

* Screenwriter: Sky Productions (天空创作)
* Producers: Fan Xiao Tian, Li Tian Ze (李天泽)
* Director: Chen Kai Ge


* This series originally aired in 2002 with the title "吕布与貂蝉" (Lu Bu Yu Diao Chan). However, it was deemed to be too violent for television and was pulled, edited, and revamped into "蝶舞天涯" (Die Wu Tian Ya), which aired in 2004.*
* This is the first TV series directed by Chen Kai Ge, who is one of China's most established and well-known movie directors. His wife, Chen Hong, stars as Diao Chan.
Bls: Mandarin Series: Die Wu Tian Ya

Jangan cuma copy-paste dong non.... Ceritakan menurut pengamatan Kalin, sesi mana yang paling menarik?
Bls: Mandarin Series: Die Wu Tian Ya

Sebenernya, nih series jalan ceritanya gak begitu menarik.
Ini kan bagian kecil dari cerita Romance of Three Kingdoms.