Does He Love You? The Signs That Tell



Are you looking for that distinctive sign that will tell you once and for all whether he loves you or not? Is he refusing to come straight out and say it, but you suspect he does feel something for you? Are you tempted to ask him just so you can have peace of mind? Don't ask him unless you're really prepared for the possibility of a no, and unless you're ready to risk loading him with undue pressure.

Instead of asking, consider looking for these telltales signs first.

Listen to the language he uses. If his every statement revolves around me, myself and I, there's a good chance that you're not really fitting into his scheme of things. If he's in the habit of saying, ‘we're invited to…' ‘they've asked us for…' or ‘they want an hour of our time to…', then you know you're on the right track.

Does he care at all what happens to you?

If you've already mentioned to him a problem you're having and he just isn't interested in hearing about it, that's a pretty clear sign that he doesn't want to be troubled. A real man will want to show how he cares for you by tending to your problems in the best possible way he can. This said, don't bog him down with a constant stream of problems. You'll wear him out. Choose the troubles you want to share with him wisely, if not he'll think you're always this problematic.

Where does he stand on the question of commitment?

If he wants nothing to do with dropping other women just to be with you, don't believe any excuse or explanation that he may throw at you. He's not ready, he's not ready… that's all. When a man even begins to feel a strong emotion for a woman, he'll hint at the possibility of dating exclusively and will show his desire to make you his.

Read the signs and know where his love stands.
Bls: Does He Love You? The Signs That Tell

yes, that sign will appear with their natural..hehe and i think..he luv me..wkwkw
Bls: Does He Love You? The Signs That Tell


Are you looking for that distinctive sign that will tell you once and for all whether he loves you or not? Is he refusing to come straight out and say it, but you suspect he does feel something for you? Are you tempted to ask him just so you can have peace of mind? Don't ask him unless you're really prepared for the possibility of a no, and unless you're ready to risk loading him with undue pressure.

Instead of asking, consider looking for these telltales signs first.

Listen to the language he uses. If his every statement revolves around me, myself and I, there's a good chance that you're not really fitting into his scheme of things. If he's in the habit of saying, ‘we're invited to…' ‘they've asked us for…' or ‘they want an hour of our time to…', then you know you're on the right track.

Does he care at all what happens to you?

If you've already mentioned to him a problem you're having and he just isn't interested in hearing about it, that's a pretty clear sign that he doesn't want to be troubled. A real man will want to show how he cares for you by tending to your problems in the best possible way he can. This said, don't bog him down with a constant stream of problems. You'll wear him out. Choose the troubles you want to share with him wisely, if not he'll think you're always this problematic.

Where does he stand on the question of commitment?

If he wants nothing to do with dropping other women just to be with you, don't believe any excuse or explanation that he may throw at you. He's not ready, he's not ready… that's all. When a man even begins to feel a strong emotion for a woman, he'll hint at the possibility of dating exclusively and will show his desire to make you his.

Read the signs and know where his love stands.

That's all outer signs. All can be manipulated
Inner signs is silence (pure love)
Bls: Does He Love You? The Signs That Tell

May I Join in your forum, btw what topic is it now?
Well very nice that your post, I think for better life in love you have to read it.

he doesn't want to be troubled.
Bls: Does He Love You? The Signs That Tell

yuhuu abah.,,,nice to see you here, here our talk about the signs that someone love you...c'mon..c'mon...abah let's join
Bls: Does He Love You? The Signs That Tell

Yes thats right, but my problem are even I have knowing the sign, I keep not confidence for say love to her/him.

any solution?
One advice, never confess before he does.
If he really does love you, he wone't let you wait for a confession, let alone letting you think of confessing first.
If he really want to make it work, he'll by all means try to show you how he feel, not only through words, but actions too. Because as they say, talk is cheap.
If he had your hopes up, but says he doesn't want to date exclusively yet, chances are there are tons of girls like you for him out there. So, just let him be. Build a bridge and get over it.

You will fall in love again. Maybe not the same way, but it will be as deep as this time. Maybe you'll even be happier, who knows?

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