Ada yang bisa menjelaskan Primary auxiliaries?


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Primary auxiliaries

Be, do, have and their various forms are called primary auxiliaries.

Be is used with other verbs to make progressive and passive verbs forms.

* I am writing.
* He was punished for lying.

Do is used to make questions, negatives and emphatic forms of non-auxiliary verbs.

* Do you know where John lives?
* I don’t know.
* Do sit down.

Have is used to make perfect verbs forms.

* I have completed my work.
* She has acted in a film.
* They had forgotten to send the letter.

Primary auxiliaries merely help to express statements of fact.

* She is writing.
* I am working.
* You have done wrong.
* He did not come in time.
* They have arrived.

Note that be, do and have can also function as principal verbs. They are called auxiliaries only when they help other verbs to form their tenses and moods.

* You were wrong. (Principal verb)
* You have done wrong. (Auxiliary verb)
* She is a good singer. (Principal verb)
* She is singing. (Auxiliary verb)

Sumber :
Bls: Ada yang bisa menjelaskan Primary auxiliaries?

The three forms of a verb: base form (look, see), past tense form (looked, saw), and past participle (looked, seen). From the base form we derive the -s form (looks, sees) and the -ing participle (looking, seeing). See also:

* Irregular Verbs
* Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs: Arise to Grow
* Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs: Hang to Sink
* Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs: Sit to Write

Examples and Observations:

* "I came, I saw, I conquered."
(Julius Caesar)

* "Alone or with helpers, the principal parts of verbs carry a sense of time along with the action or act of being that they express:

Primary Tenses
o PRESENT: Today, I call.
o PAST: Yesterday, I called.
o FUTURE: Tomorrow, I will call.
Perfect Tenses
o PRESENT PERFECT: Before now, I have called.
o PAST PERFECT: In the past, I had called.
o FUTURE PERFECT: By some future date, I will have called.

Why are the perfect tenses called 'perfect'? Anything perfect is complete, and the perfect tenses stress an action at its completion."
(Patricia Osborn, How Grammar Works: A Self-Teaching Guide. John Wiley & Sons, 1989)

* "You have done the labor; maintain it--keep it. If men choose to serve you, go with them; but as you have made up your organization upon principle, stand by it; for, as surely as God reigns over you, and has inspired your mind, and given you a sense of propriety, and continues to give you hope, so surely will you still cling to these ideas, and you will at last come back after your wanderings, merely to do your work over again."
(Abraham Lincoln)

* "Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail their failure must be but a challenge to others."
(Amelia Earhart)

* "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
Bls: Ada yang bisa menjelaskan Primary auxiliaries?

Soal ini yang mesti hafal mati, udah hafal mati deh....
Bls: Ada yang bisa menjelaskan Primary auxiliaries?

Asyik nih bisa belajar grammar disini. Thanks tulisannya den
Bls: Ada yang bisa menjelaskan Primary auxiliaries?

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