Membimbing Remaja terhadap bebas


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[lang=en]Parents are the biggest influence in their children’s life. They should let their children know that smoking is harmful to them. Teenagers might accuse their parents of lecturing but they are definitely listening to them. Teenage smoking should be discussed with them. It is necessary to arm kids with information and knowledge to avoid them from getting into this habit.

Cigarettes when burnt create toxic and harmful chemical substances. There are around 40 carcinogenic substances in cigarettes. Smokers inhale tar, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, acetone, formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide. Tar is responsible for staining the smoker’s teeth. Hydrogen cyanide is a chemical used to kill rats. Benzene is used for manufacturing gasoline. Acetone is a constituent of nail polish remover. Formaldehyde is a chemical that is used to preserve dead bodies. It is also used as an industrial fungicide, acts as a disinfectant and is used in glues and adhesives. Ammonia is a chemical used for cleaning. Carbon monoxide is a constituent of car exhaust.

Cigarette smoke is so dangerous that second hand smoke is also very harmful. It kills about 3000 non-smokers each year due to lung cancer. It is responsible for about 300000 lung infections in infants and young children each year. Second-hand smoking also causes earaches, colds, coughing, wheezing and asthma attacks.

Teen smokers are more inclined to get into the habit of drinking alcohol and using other drugs. They have smaller lungs and weaker hearts than the non-smoking teens. They also tend to fall sick frequently compared to non smokers.[/lang]
remaja bertindak seperti itu,,
bukan salah mereka sendiri tapi juga naungan dan kasih sayang dari orangtua masing-masing,,
bisa mengarahkan untuk tidak berbuat yang merugikan diri sendiri,,
kesalahan systemik.. dijual bebas kok, wajar aja klu yang beli bebas..

bukan cuma rokok, saat ini banyak makanan dan minman juga berbahaya bagi kesehatan terutama pemicu kanker tapi apa boleh buat kita butuh, kita beli..

masalah resiko biar dokter yang menangani..