Petrus: Kisah Gelap Orba

Petrus diterjemahin peter..:))

that's not Peter, but Petrus, refers to "penembak misterius". The term petrus was derived from the Indonesian acronym containing the words "mysterious shooters" (penembak misterius) or "mysterious shootings" (penembakan misterius). The Petrus Killings refers to a series of executions in Indonesia between 1983 and 1985 under Indonesian President Suharto's New Order regime. Three to ten thousand criminals were executed without trial and their bodies disposed in public places. The killings caused terror amongst a population that was unaware of why these people were being executed. Overall, the executions were part of a government effort to reduce crime and the actual death toll or extent of the killings remains a mystery today.

sudah jadi rahasia umum klo petrus itu dilakukan oleh orang2 militer. kadang smpe nyasar ke persoalan pribadi, mereka yang punya istri cantik gak lama suaminya di tembak, istrinya diambil deh..