10 Senjata Api Terbaik Di Dunia

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10 Senjata Api Terbaik Di Dunia

1. AK-47
Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: Soviet Union
Caliber: 7.62 x 39 mm (.30 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 30 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: 2,329 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 600 rounds per minute

Dengan produksi lebih dari 75 juta di seluruh dunia, AK-47 (a.k.a., “Kalashnikov”) adalah senjata api legendaris yang mungkin memberi kerusakan paling mematikan daripada seluruh senjata api apapun. Dibuat dengan desain yang sama dengan StG.44, AK-47 diisi dengan peluru 7.62 mm dan dibuat dari bagian yang dirakit. AK-47 tidak hanya mudah diproduksi dan murah, tetapi juga mudah dirawat dan “kebal” terhadap kondisi yang bisa merusak senjata lainnya. Akurasinya tidak terlalu bagus, tapi AK-47 menggantinya dengan kemampuannya melepaskan serangan mematikan.



2. M16
Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: United States
Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm (.223 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 20-30 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 3,281 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 700-950 rounds per minute
Walaupun butuh waktu mengatasi masalah kemacetan senapan sewaktu latihan bertempur di awal 1960, M16 membuktikan kehandalannya lewat akurasi, penanganan, masa digunakan, serta keefektifan dalam perang. Senapan M16 memuaskan petinggi militer AS untuk mengembangkan senapan serbu yang ringan untuk menggantikan M1 dan M14. Fitur inovatifnya meliputi bahan campuran plastik dan logam ringan, sistem reload (mengisi ulang peluru) yang mudah dan penggunaan peluru kaliber 5.56mm.


Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Caliber: 7.7 x 56 mm (.30 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 10 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: approximately 2,438 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 15-20 rounds per minute

Senapan standar infantri Inggris dari Perang Dunia I hingga krisis Suez, Lee-Enfield SMLE (baca: “smelly”) membangun reputasinya dari akurasi, kehandalan, serta jumlah tembakan per menit yang fenomenal. Magasinnya membawa 10 peluru, jumlah terbanyak dari senapan apapun di 50 tahun awal abad 20. Bolt actionnya terkokang saat menutup, dan kepala larasnya mencegah debu dan lumpur masuk ke dalam senapan. Di tangan tentara yang terlatih dengan baik, Lee-Enfield bisa melakukan apa yang disebut “mad minute,” yaitu, 30 peluru menembak target pada jarak 200 meter dalam satu menit. Jumlah tembakan yang menandingi senapan semi otomatis modern.

Type: Semiautomatic
Rifle Country of Origin: United States
Caliber: 7.62 x 63 mm (.30-06 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 8 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 2,838 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 30 rounds per minute
Diadopsi oeh angkatan bersenjata AS pada tahun 1936, M1 Garand terbukti menjadi senapan yang tangguh 5 tahun kemudian. Jendral Patton mengatakan di akhir Perang Dunia II M1 Garand adalah peralatan perang paling hebat yang pernah diciptakan. Walaupun terdapat sedikit cacat, tidak diragukan lagi M1 Garand adalah senapan semi otomatis pertama yang sukses dan akurasi M1 Garand mendominasi medan perang. Lebih dari 6 juta senapan dibuat pada masa itu dan dihentikan masa tugasnya di akhir 1960.

Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Rifle
Country of Origin: Belgium
Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm (.30 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 20 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 2,700 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 650-700 rounds per minute
Terinspirasi oleh StG.44, Pabrik senjata Belgia, Fabrique Nationale (FN) mengembangkan FAL yang pelurunya sama dengan StG.44. Namun ketika NATO mengeluarkan kebutuhan peluru standar 7.62 mm, FN merombak desainnya dan membuat senapan yang bisa diisi banyak peluru dan kuat. FN FAL dengan segera menjadi senjata klasik selama perang dingin, digunakan oleh 50 negara biarpun FAL susah ditembakkan bila menggunakan mode full auto. Senapan ini memberikan pelayanan bagus pada tentara Australia pada perang Vietnam, pada tentara Israel selama perang 6 hari and dan digunakan oleh Inggris dan Argentina pada perang Falklands.

Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: 7.92 x 57 mm (.30 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 5 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: approximately 2,822 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 10-15 rounds per minute
Pertama kali diproduksi pada akhir abad 19, Mauser 98 adalah gabungan sempurna dari inovasi senapan yang berlangsung di akhir abad 19: serbuk mesiu tanpa asap, bisa diisi dengan magasin, dan terutama, fitur ‘bolt action’ dimana menjadi dasar senapan berburu pada jaman sekarang. Model aslinya digunakan selama perang dunia 1 dan menghasilkan efek yang besar, tetapi ketika Jerman mulai mempersenjatai ulang pada tahun 1930-an, senapan 98 mendapat upgrade yang membuat lenih ringan dan lebih mudah dibidik. Walaupun tidak dapat dihindari bahwa senjata ini dikalahkan oleh senapan otomatis, senapan ini bertahan sebagai senjata terbaik sepanjang masa.

Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Bull-Pup Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: Austria
Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm (.22 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 30 and 42 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 3,084 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 650 rounds per minute
Mencari senjata yang lebih mirip di film-film sains fiksi, “cacat” paling serius dari Steyr AUG adalah bentuknya yang menakuti pembeli potensial setalah dikenalkan tahun 1977. Dalam konfigurasi “Bull-pup” yang radikal ini, hampir semua sistemnya berada di belakang pelatuk, dan hasilnya adalah senjata yang ringkas dan mudah digunakan.

Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
Country of Origin: United States
Caliber: 7.62 x 63 mm (.30-06 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 5 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 2,700 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 10 rounds per minute
Performa buruk pada senapan Norwegia Krag-Jorgensen yang dipakai tentara AS pada perang Amerika-Spanyol membuat para perancang senjata mencari lagi senjata standar infantri. Mereka “meminjam”senapan Jerman, 7mm Mauser, menambah sedikit modifikasi, dan menciptakan senapan yang bermagasin, yang secara fenomenal menambah akurasi. 1903 dengan cepat mendapat reputasi sebagai senjata api yang akurat dan kuat – pada perang di hutan Belleau pada tahun 1918, Marinir AS bersenjatakan 1903 springfield memotong serangan balasan musuh dari jarak 700-800 yards. Senapan ini terus digunakan pada Perang dunia II, perang Korea, bahkan sebagai senapan sniper pada perang Vietnam.

Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: 7.92 x 33 mm
Cartridge Capacity: 30 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 2,133 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 500 rounds per minute

Jerman sudah lama tidak berperang dengan Rusia ketika menjadi jelas bahwa pasukan infantri Jerman bersenjatakan bolt action Mausers tidak mendapat posisi baik dalam pertempuran melawan senjata otomatis Rusia . Sebagai jawabannya, para pengembang senjata Jerman datang dengan senjata baru yang revolusioner, yang disebut “senapan serbu/ assault rifle (terjemahan langsung dari kata Sturmgewehr). kunci kesuksesan senjata ini terletak pada peluru 7.92 mm yg memungkinkan tembakan otomatis dan efektif. Para tentara juga bisa membawa lebih banyak amunisi. Biarpun kehadirannya sudah terlambat untuk membalikkan keadaan Jerman yang sudah kalah, tetapi senjata ini adalah inovasi baru pada jamannya.

10. M14
Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Rifle
Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm (.30 inch)
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 2,799 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 700-750 rounds per minute
Di akhir Perang Dunia II, dengan pleton infantri Amerika membawa 4 senjata berbeda -dan juga 4 tipe amunisi berbeda-.Angkatan bersenjata AS memutuskan mengembangkan sebuah senjata yang bisa melakukan banyak tugas. Hasilnya adalah M14. Pertama kali digunakan pada tahun 1957, senjata baru yang akurat ini mempunyai stopping power yang bagus dengan peluru standar NATO 7.62mm. digunakan secara besar-besaran di Vietnam, para tentara menyukai kekuatan dan akurasi tetapi bermasalah dengan berat senjata dan amunisi. Tidak lama, senjata ini digantikan dengan M16 yang lebih ringan. Tetapi beberapa garis depan tetap memakainya, terutama untuk sniper rifle.

[langtitle=en]Re: 10 Senjata Api Terbaik Di Dunia[/langtitle]

[lang=en]During weapon testing Adolf Hitler ordered that more, newer submachine guns were to be built and strongly disagreed with the use of the new ammunition. However, the Waffen Amt, (Armament Office) continued work on the weapon, disguising the weapon as the MP 43 (Machine pistol.) In April 1944, Hitler decreed that the MP 43 be renamed the MP 44 after taking some interest in the weapon tests. In July 1944, at a meeting of the various army heads about the Eastern Front, when Hitler asked what they needed, a general exclaimed, "More of these new rifles!". This caused some confusion (Hitler's response is reputed to have been "What new rifle?"), but once Hitler was given a chance to see and test-fire the MP 44, he was impressed and gave it the title Sturmgewehr. Seeing the possibility of a propaganda gain, the rifle was again renamed as the StG 44, to highlight the new class of weapon it represented, translated "Storm (Assault) rifle, model 1944", thereby introducing the term.

By the end of the war, some 425,977 StG 44 variants of all types were produced. The assault rifle proved a valuable weapon, especially on the Eastern front, where it was first deployed. A properly trained soldier with a StG44 had an improved tactical repertoire, in that he could effectively engage targets at longer ranges than with an MP 40, but be much more useful than the Kar 98k in close combat, as well as provide covering fire like a light machine gun. It was also found to be exceptionally reliable in the extreme cold of the Russian winter.

The StG 44 was an intermediate weapon for the period; the muzzle velocity from its 419 mm (16.5 in) barrel was 685 m/s (2,247.4 ft/s), compared to 760 m/s (2,493 ft/s) of the Karabiner 98k, 744 m/s (2,440.9 ft/s) of the British Bren, 600 m/s (1,968.5 ft/s) of the M1 carbine, and 365 m/s (1,197.5 ft/s) achieved by the MP40.

One unusual addition to the design was the Krummlauf; a bent barrel attachment for rifles with a periscope sighting device for shooting around corners from a safe position. It was produced in several variants: a "I" version for infantry use, a "P" version for use in tanks (to cover the dead areas in the close range around the tank, to defend against assaulting infantry), versions with 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° bends, a version for the StG 44 and one for the MG 42. Only the 30° "I" version for the StG 44 was produced in any numbers. The bent barrel attachments had very short lifespans – approx. 300 rounds for the 30° version, and 160 rounds for the 45° variant. The 30° model was able to achieve a 35x35 cm grouping at 100 m.

The Sturmgewehr was also at times fitted with the Zielgerät 1229 infrared aiming device, also known by its codename Vampir ("vampire"). This device consisted of a large scope, rather like modern starlight scopes, and a large infra-red lamp on top, the scope being able to pick up the infra-red that would be invisible to the naked eye.

A primary use of the MP44/StG44 was to counter the Soviet PPS and PPSh-41 submachine guns, which used the 7.62x25mm Tokarev round. These cheap, mass-produced weapons used a 71-round drum magazine or 35-round box magazine and though shorter-ranged than the Kar98k rifle, were more effective weapons in close-quarter engagements. The StG 44, while lacking the range of the Kar 98k, had a considerably longer range than the PPS/PPSh submachine guns, a comparable rate of fire, an ability to switch between a fully automatic and a default semi-automatic fire mode and surprising accuracy: its inline design gave it controllability even on full-auto.
Re: [langtitle=en]Re: 10 Senjata Api Terbaik Di Dunia[/langtitle]

[lang=en]During weapon testing Adolf Hitler ordered that more, newer submachine guns were to be built and strongly disagreed with the use of the new ammunition. However, the Waffen Amt, (Armament Office) continued work on the weapon, disguising the weapon as the MP 43 (Machine pistol.) In April 1944, Hitler decreed that the MP 43 be renamed the MP 44 after taking some interest in the weapon tests. In July 1944, at a meeting of the various army heads about the Eastern Front, when Hitler asked what they needed, a general exclaimed, "More of these new rifles!". This caused some confusion (Hitler's response is reputed to have been "What new rifle?"), but once Hitler was given a chance to see and test-fire the MP 44, he was impressed and gave it the title Sturmgewehr. Seeing the possibility of a propaganda gain, the rifle was again renamed as the StG 44, to highlight the new class of weapon it represented, translated "Storm (Assault) rifle, model 1944", thereby introducing the term.

By the end of the war, some 425,977 StG 44 variants of all types were produced. The assault rifle proved a valuable weapon, especially on the Eastern front, where it was first deployed. A properly trained soldier with a StG44 had an improved tactical repertoire, in that he could effectively engage targets at longer ranges than with an MP 40, but be much more useful than the Kar 98k in close combat, as well as provide covering fire like a light machine gun. It was also found to be exceptionally reliable in the extreme cold of the Russian winter.

The StG 44 was an intermediate weapon for the period; the muzzle velocity from its 419 mm (16.5 in) barrel was 685 m/s (2,247.4 ft/s), compared to 760 m/s (2,493 ft/s) of the Karabiner 98k, 744 m/s (2,440.9 ft/s) of the British Bren, 600 m/s (1,968.5 ft/s) of the M1 carbine, and 365 m/s (1,197.5 ft/s) achieved by the MP40.

One unusual addition to the design was the Krummlauf; a bent barrel attachment for rifles with a periscope sighting device for shooting around corners from a safe position. It was produced in several variants: a "I" version for infantry use, a "P" version for use in tanks (to cover the dead areas in the close range around the tank, to defend against assaulting infantry), versions with 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° bends, a version for the StG 44 and one for the MG 42. Only the 30° "I" version for the StG 44 was produced in any numbers. The bent barrel attachments had very short lifespans – approx. 300 rounds for the 30° version, and 160 rounds for the 45° variant. The 30° model was able to achieve a 35x35 cm grouping at 100 m.

The Sturmgewehr was also at times fitted with the Zielgerät 1229 infrared aiming device, also known by its codename Vampir ("vampire"). This device consisted of a large scope, rather like modern starlight scopes, and a large infra-red lamp on top, the scope being able to pick up the infra-red that would be invisible to the naked eye.

A primary use of the MP44/StG44 was to counter the Soviet PPS and PPSh-41 submachine guns, which used the 7.62x25mm Tokarev round. These cheap, mass-produced weapons used a 71-round drum magazine or 35-round box magazine and though shorter-ranged than the Kar98k rifle, were more effective weapons in close-quarter engagements. The StG 44, while lacking the range of the Kar 98k, had a considerably longer range than the PPS/PPSh submachine guns, a comparable rate of fire, an ability to switch between a fully automatic and a default semi-automatic fire mode and surprising accuracy: its inline design gave it controllability even on full-auto.

thank you sista nice info this would be give more information for all members in indonesiaindonesia.com
[langtitle=en]Re: 10 Senjata Api Terbaik Di Dunia[/langtitle]

[lang=en]ya and In short we could call them the real person who save the life of whole country.[/lang]
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