Ciuman Pertama By Khalil Gibran


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Ciuman Pertama By Khalil Gibran

Itulah tegukan pertama dari cawan yang telah diisi oleh para dewa dari air pancuran cinta.
Itulah batas antara kebimbangan yang menghiburkan dan menyedihkan hati dengan takdir

yang mengisinya dengan kebahagiaan.
Itulah baris pembuka dari suatu puisi kehidupan , bab pertama dari suatu novel tentang

Itulah tali yang menghubungkan pengasingan masa lalu dengan kejayaan masa depan.
Ciuman pertama menyatukan keheningan perasaan-perasaan dengan nyanyian- nyanyiannya.
Itulah satu kata yang diucapkan oleh sepasang bibir yang menyatukan hati sebagai
singgahsana, cinta sebagai raja, kesetiaan sebagai mahkota.

Itulah sentuhan lembut yang mengungkapkan bagaimana jari-jemari angin mencumbui mulut

bunga mawar, mempesonakan desah nafas kenikmatan panjang dan rintihan manis nan lirih.
Itulah permulaan getaran-getaran yang memisahkan kekasih dari dunia ruang dan matra dan

membawa mereka kepada ilham dan impian-impian.

Ia memadukan taman bunga berbentuk bintang-bintang dengan bunga buah delima,

menyatukan dua aroma untuk melahirkan jiwa ketiga.

Jika pandangan pertama adalah seperti benih yang ditaburkan para dewa di ladang hati

manusia, maka ciuman pertama mengungkapkan bunga pertama yang mekar pada ranting

pohon cabang pertama kehidupan.
Bls: Ciuman Pertama By Khalil Gibran

Itu bagian dari A second Treasury. Lebih menghujam ke hati kalo kita baca versi aslinya. Ini versi yang komplitnya..

ON LOVE… “I was eighteen years of age when love opened my eyes with its magic rays and touched my spirit for the first time with its fiery fingers, and Selma Karamy was the first women who awakened my spirit with her beauty and led me into the garden of high affection, where days pass like dreams and nights like weddings.”

OF THE FIRST LOOK… It is that moment that divides the intoxication of Life from the awakening. It is the first flame that lights up the inner domain of the heart. It is the first magic note plucked on the silver string of the heart. It is that brief moment that unfolds before the soul the chronicles of time, and reveals to the eyes the deeds of the night, and the works of conscience. It opens Eternity’s secrets of the future. It is the seed cast by Ishtar, goddess of Love, and sown by the eyes of the beloved in the field of Love, brought forth by affection, and reaped by the soul. The first glance from the eyes of the beloved is like the spirit that moved upon the face of the waters, giving birth to heaven and earth, when the Lord spoke and said, “Let there be.”

OF THE FIRST KISS… “It is the first sip from the cup filled by the goddess with the nectar of Life. It is the dividing line between Doubt that beguiles the spirit and saddens the heart, and Certitude that floods the inner self with joy. It is the beginning of the song of Life and the first act in the drama of the Ideal Man. It is the bond that unites the strangeness of the past with the brightness of the future; the link between the silence of the feelings and their song. It is a word uttered by four lips proclaiming the heart a throne, Love a King, and fidelity a crown. It is the gentle touch of the delicate fingers of the breeze on the lips of the rose-uttering a long sigh of relief and a sweet moan. It is the beginning of that magic vibration that carries the lovers from the world of weights and measures into the world of dreams and revelations.”

Loneliness… “Life is an island in an ocean of loneliness, an island whose rocks are hopes, whose trees are dreams, whose flowers are solitude, and whose brooks are thirst.”

Merit… “A man’s merit lies in his knowledge and in his deeds, not in his color, faith, or descent. For remember, my friend, the son of a shepherd who possesses knowledge is of greater worth to a nation that the heir to a throne, if he be ignorant. Knowledge is your true patent of nobility, no matter who your father or what your race may be.”

Aku apal luar kepala itu, gara2 dulu pelajaran World Poetry di SMU harus dan dipaksa hapal. :))

Bls: Ciuman Pertama By Khalil Gibran

wah, aku gak tau. Maaf.
Monggo di delete aja. Kalau gak di gabung aja
aku pke hp, susah moderisasinya

@non dipi
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