English Conversation Club

Bls: English Conversation Club

Hii all... ikutan gabung donk,, pengin belajar bahasa inggris ndak bisa2 nih :D
biar cepet bisa gmn ya? saya coba liatin film2 luar biar biasa denger inggris,, tp lama kayaknya... :(
Bls: English Conversation Club

To all: Please forgive me for using Indonesian language, just this once, I promise!

Halo. Selamat datang dan selamat belajar :D Biar cepet bisa sebaiknya... banyak membaca dan berlatih!

Okay, that was it... Anyway, long time no see, everyone. How have you been?
Bls: English Conversation Club

I just realized it now, someone change her avatar to V-K , .

The ending is kinda good - but not very good - in that anime (I'm not into the manga, so I haven't read the manga).
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Bls: English Conversation Club

Misa! I missed you too! Darned computer didn't allow me to log on II for days (probably weeks D: ) How have you been?
Bls: English Conversation Club

How about your compi Gia? Are you fine today?
Well, I think you look so happy today. Do you get someone I guess
Bls: English Conversation Club

Hehehe, it's just our private matters that I can't say it easily, except if she's the one who told you. (Ahh, hasukashi.....)
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