keep fit


New member
keep fit


Rp 2.650.000

High speed vibration
With about 500 times vibration per minutes,
you can see improved tone strength, body
endurance, fat loss and overall body health.

High speed vibration
With about 500 times vibration per minutes,
you can see improved tone strength, body
endurance, fat loss and overall body health.

3 effective auto programs
Keep Fit vibration plate is equipped wit
3 auto programs, including Warm Up,
Refresh and Stimulate, which are set up
with different levels for users to choose
the best fit one.

barang baru 100%
garansi 1 tahun

untuk pembelian menerima COD JEBODETABEK,wilayah solo,surakarta,kebumen,purwokerto,banyumas,purbalingga,wonosobo,banjarnegara,cilacap,semarang,yogyakarta,pati,salatiga,klaten,magelang,sukoharjo,boyolali,tasikmalaya,banjar,ciamis,ongkir sesuai kesepakatan SURABAYA, JATENG, JATIM, DIY, JABAR dan kota lainnya SEBUTKAN SAJA
ongkir sesui kesepakatan

siap kirim seluruh indonesia

hub O852X3223X2762

pin BB 5D557153