Pepatah Petitih Harian

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Don't ever forget what someone says to you while they're drunk, because drunk words are sober thoughts.
Sometimes the best way to measure distance is not to look back and see how far we've gone, but to look ahead and see how close we are.
Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are just better at hiding it than...
It's usually the worst of times that lead you to the best of times. Because everything you go though inspires you to grow into your very...
Apa gunanya pintar di sekolah dan kuliah, tetapi gagal dalam pergaulan dan keluarga karena kecerdasan emosi kurang?
Bagi orang cerdas, emosi bukan berarti tidak pernah marah. Ia mengeluarkan amarahnya di saat yang tepat dan dengan alasan tepat.
Keindahan dari sebuah kesuksesan bukanlah bagaimana kita tak pernah gagal, tetapi saat bagaimana kita bangkit saat mengalami kegagalan.
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