Pepatah Petitih Harian

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Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it.
Working hard for something we don't care about it is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.
Don't give up trying to do what you truly believe in. Where there is passion and love, you can't go wrong.
Maybe someday I'll be what you need, but don't wait too long. Because the day you want me, may the day I've finally given up.
The best part of life is not knowing what will be. Live and appreciate every moment whether good or bad. None of them last forever.
Your life may not be perfect. But stop looking at the negative side because many people wish they could have the things you have.
Life is too hard when you try to do everything by yourself without involving God in it. Let God be the center.
Isn't it weird how people who treat you like crap tend to get offended when you finally do the same thing to them.
Seseorang yang menemanimu dalam kesusahan jauh lebih berharga daripada seratus orang yang menemanimu dalam kesenangan.
You will have the rest of your life to remember, but what you have to remember depends on what you do today.
No matter what has happened or is happening in your life, it does not have the power to keep you from having a great life.
The year is changing not your life. The day when you crack your problems is a new day, a new life and a new year for you.
Life is too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings, value the people who matter and move on from the drama with your head held high.
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