kontradiksi yang salah dalam Alkitab


New member
Salomo mempunyai juga empat ribu kandang untuk kuda-kudanya dan kereta-keretanya dan dua belas ribu orang berkuda, yang ditempatkan dalam kota-kota kereta dan dekat raja di Yerusalem. (II Tawarikh 9:25)

Lagipula Salomo mempunyai kuda empat puluh ribu kandang untuk kereta-keretanya dan dua belas ribu orang berkuda (I Raja-raja 4:26)
Pada Bible edisi Indonesia, kata ?empat puluh ribu? pada ayat II Tawarikh 9:25 sudah diganti dengan kata ?empat ribu?, sehingga hitungannya sudah sama-sama empat ribu. Ed.

Pengarang Tawarikh menulis, Salomon mempunyai 4.000 kandang kuda. Sedangkan penulis kitab Raja-raja mempunyai daya khayal yang sangat berlebihan. Dia melipatgandakan jumlah kandang 4.000 menjadi 40.000 buah. Sebelum para penginjil ahli bersilat lidah mengaburkan pandangan Anda dengan mengatakan, perbedaan itu hanya terletak pada angka ?0? (nol). Mungkin para penyalinnya secara tidak sengaja telah menambahkan satu nol lagi pada angka 4.000 sehingga menjadi 40.000. Perlu saya tegaskan, bangsa Yahudi semasa hidup Raja Solomon sama sekali tidak mengenal angka nol. Bangsa Arablah yang memperkenalkan angka nol itu kepada bangsa-bangsa Timur Tengah dan Eropa beberapa abad yang lalu. Bangsa Yahudi mencatat jumlah dalam bentuk huruf-huruf, dan tidak pernah menuliskan dalam bentuk angka-angka. Pertanyaan yang kemudian muncul adalah: Siapakah penyusun asli ayat itu, sehingga terjadi perbedaan jumlah sampai 36.000 buah. Tuhan ataukah manusia?
menurut w tidak ada kesalahan sedikit pun dalam penulisan di Alkitab, malah mungkin saya pikir anda mengantuk saat membacanya. memangnya anda baca alkitab terjemahan mana?? kalo anda ga punya iman yang besar yang bisa menembus sampai kedalaman untuk melihat kebenaran Tuhan, anda perlu berdoa lebih lagi untuk mencari kesalahan karena sampai sekarang didunia ini belum ada 1 orang pun yang menemukan kesalahan dalam Alkitab.
Salomo mempunyai juga empat ribu kandang untuk kuda-kudanya dan kereta-keretanya dan dua belas ribu orang berkuda, yang ditempatkan dalam kota-kota kereta dan dekat raja di Yerusalem. (II Tawarikh 9:25)

Lagipula Salomo mempunyai kuda empat puluh ribu kandang untuk kereta-keretanya dan dua belas ribu orang berkuda (I Raja-raja 4:26)
Pada Bible edisi Indonesia, kata ?empat puluh ribu? pada ayat II Tawarikh 9:25 sudah diganti dengan kata ?empat ribu?, sehingga hitungannya sudah sama-sama empat ribu. Ed.

Pengarang Tawarikh menulis, Salomon mempunyai 4.000 kandang kuda. Sedangkan penulis kitab Raja-raja mempunyai daya khayal yang sangat berlebihan. Dia melipatgandakan jumlah kandang 4.000 menjadi 40.000 buah. Sebelum para penginjil ahli bersilat lidah mengaburkan pandangan Anda dengan mengatakan, perbedaan itu hanya terletak pada angka ?0? (nol). Mungkin para penyalinnya secara tidak sengaja telah menambahkan satu nol lagi pada angka 4.000 sehingga menjadi 40.000. Perlu saya tegaskan, bangsa Yahudi semasa hidup Raja Solomon sama sekali tidak mengenal angka nol. Bangsa Arablah yang memperkenalkan angka nol itu kepada bangsa-bangsa Timur Tengah dan Eropa beberapa abad yang lalu. Bangsa Yahudi mencatat jumlah dalam bentuk huruf-huruf, dan tidak pernah menuliskan dalam bentuk angka-angka. Pertanyaan yang kemudian muncul adalah: Siapakah penyusun asli ayat itu, sehingga terjadi perbedaan jumlah sampai 36.000 buah. Tuhan ataukah manusia?
ini salah satu alasan mengapa agama buddha di amerika dan eropa lagi berkembanhg dengan pesat, karena ditemukan banyak kesalahan2 dan kelemahan2 di perjanjian lama dan perjajian baru. coba lihat link ini.
ini salah satu alasan mengapa agama buddha di amerika dan eropa lagi berkembanhg dengan pesat, karena ditemukan banyak kesalahan2 dan kelemahan2 di perjanjian lama dan perjajian baru. coba lihat link ini.


2.RICHARD GERE(USA) Aktor Hollyywood.
3.STEVEN SEAGAL(USA) Aktor Hollywood,dipercaya sebagai reinkarnasi dari lama tibet yang hidup 300 tahun lalu.
4.SHARON STONE (USA) Artis Hollywood.
5.KEANUE REEVE (USA) Aktor Hollywood.
6.KATE BOSWORTH( Artis British-Australia) keturunan Yahudi. Main di film Superman Return.
7.RICKY MARTIN (USA) Penyanyi terkenal Amerika.
8.Jenifer Lopez(USA) Penyanyi terkenal Amerika.
9. EINSTEIN(USA). Ilmuwan jenius ,penemu teori E=MC2. Kata Einstein kalau ada agama yang mau dia peluk maka itu adalah agama Buddha.
10.PHIL JACKSON (USA) . Pelatih bola basket NBA- Lakers yang terkenal.
11.HARRISON FORD (USA) Aktor Hollywood.
12.TINA TURNER(USA). Penyanyi Amerika juga seorang Vegetarian.
13. BEASTIE BOY(USA) Keturunan Yahudi-Band / grup penyanyi terkenal dari New York.
15.ROBERTO BAGGIO(ITALY) Pemain sepak bola dunia.
16.TIGERWOOD(USA) Pemain golf no 1. dunia.
17.UMA THURMAN(USA) Artis Hollywood, film terkenal: KILL BILL,SUPER WOMAN.
18.CARL JUNG. Ilmuwan, sering membaca karangan buku bhiksu XU YUN ( bhiksu berusia 120 dari China).
19.Anak calon Presiden USA tahun 2004, JOHN KERRY.( Anak John Kerry adalah guru sekolah agama Buddha di Amerika) sumber: New York Times 2004.
20.MICHAEL BLOOMBERG(USA).Walikota New York. Teman Dalai Lama ke 14, Kata2 Bloomberg yg terkenal: Saya tidak perduli siapa yang berkuasa diatas langit, yang penting buat saya adalah menolong orang2 miskin dan tidak mampu yang bituh bantuan saya. sumber: New York Post 2007.
21.JOHN LENNON AND YOKO ONO(USA).Pemimpin Beatles yang terkenal.
22.GEORGE LUCAS(USA) Sutradara film Star Wars. istilah Buddhist dia pakai dalam film Star Wars yg terakhir yaitu May The Force be With You.
27PATTI SMITH(USA) Penyanyi terkenal.
28.NAOMI WATTS(BRITISH-AUSTRALIA) Artis terkenal main di film KINGKONG
29.GOLDIE HAWN(USA) Artis Hollywood keturunan Yahudi ,pengikut Dalai Lama.
30.HERBIE HANCOCK(USA) Pemain Jazz terkenal.
32.STNG(BRITISH) Penyanyi.
34.TINSELTOWN(USA).Pembuat film2 Hollywood. Film agama Buddha yg dia buat:KUNDUN, SVEN YEARS IN TIBET, LITTLE BUDDHA.
35. WILLIAM FORD(USA). CUCU HENRY FORD- Pembuat mobil Ford yang terkenal. William Ford ternyata adalah seorang Vegetarian juga disamping beragama Buddha.
Kartini waktu kecil karena sering sakit di kwe pang ke budha di kuil di Jawa Tengah.kata2 dia yg terkenal: di dunia sering terjadi konflik agama. yang salah bukan agamanya tapi orang orangnya yang salah( dari sumber habis gelap terbitlah terang: biography RA Kartini).
43.GAJAH MADA(INDONESIA) MAHA PATIH Kerajaan Sriwijaya. membawa kemakmuran dan kejayaan indonesia dimasa lampau.
44. PARIS HILTON (USA)Artis. Paris berlagak Buddhist supaya dikira orang dia udah jadi orang yang baik. ini websitenya dimana dia ber photo dengan seorang bhiksu dan di sinyalir itu adalah bhiksu bohongan teman dia sendiri.

Sumber atau data diambil dari berbagai website berikut:
Jumlah umat Buddha di dunia sekitar 1 milyar- 1.7 milyar. dengan hitungan umat Buddha dari China sendiri saja ada sekitar 500 juta- 1 milyar. adalah sangat sulit menebak angka yang pasti dari penganut agama. kalau yang survey orang Islam sudah pasti Islam paling banyak, kalau yang survey Kristen yah Kristen paling banyak.Tapi kita harus pakai nalar dan logika untuk mengerti mana yang benar. Bahwa jumlah agama Buddha di China sendiri saja sudah ada sekitar 500 juta- 1 milyar ,ini di akui wikipedia dan sumber lain, jumlah ini belum ditambah penganut agama Buddha dari banyak negara lain. Kalau di pukul rata maka penganut Islam, Kristen and Buddha mempunyai jumlah yang hampir sama yaitu 1.5 milyar. Well kalau masih mau menang sendiri dan mau jumlah agama dia sendiri yang paling banyak silahkan angkat senjata dan bertempur sana, sayangnya dunia sudah bosan dengan orang yang suka bertempur demi kepentingan sendiri dan kelompok atau agama.
TIDAK ADA YANG SALAH DI ALKITAB BUKA triple w dot answering-islam dot org/Bible/Contra/index.html untuk info lebih lanjut!!
ini salah satu alasan mengapa agama buddha di amerika dan eropa lagi berkembanhg dengan pesat, karena ditemukan banyak kesalahan2 dan kelemahan2 di perjanjian lama dan perjajian baru. coba lihat link ini.} ini komentar yang ASBUN!!
[edit] From agnosticism or atheism
Mortimer Adler - Philosopher.
Steve Beren - Former member of the Socialist Workers Party (United States) who became a Christian conservative politician.[1]
Anders Borg - Sweden's Minister for Finance.[2]
Kirk Cameron - Actor, star of Growing Pains (former atheist)[3]
Bruce Cockburn - Canadian folk/rock guitarist and singer/songwriter. (former agnostic)[4]
Francis Collins - physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes,and the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute (former atheist)[5]
Larry Flynt - American publisher and pornographer; briefly converted under the auspice of Ruth Carter Stapleton.[6]
Joy Gresham - American writer and wife of C.S. Lewis (former atheist)[7]
Keir Hardie - Scottish socialist who founded the Labour Party
Anna Haycraft - Raised in Auguste Comte's atheistic "church of humanity", but became a conservative Catholic in adulthood.[8]
Ignace Lepp - French psychiatrist whose parents were freethinkers and who joined the Communist party at age fifteen. He broke with the party in 1937 and eventually became a Catholic priest.[9]
F?lix Leseur - Doctor turned priest. His conversion, in part, came by efforts of his wife who was declared a Servant of God by the Catholic Church.[10]
Khang Khek Leu (also known as Comrade Duch) - Cambodian director of Phnom Penh's infamous Tuol Sleng detention center[11]
C.S. Lewis - Oxford professor and writer; well known for the The Chronicles of Narnia series, and for his apologetic Mere Christianity.[12]
Gabriel Marcel - French philosopher and playwright (former agnostic).[13]
Norma McCorvey - "Jane Roe" in Roe v. Wade[14]
Alister McGrath - Biochemist and Christian theologian. Founder of 'Scientific theology' and critic of Richard Dawkins in his book Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life [15]
Lacey Mosley - Vocalist and lyricist for Alternative metal band Flyleaf.[16]
William J. Murray - author and son of atheist activist Madalyn Murray O'Hair[17]
Bernard Nathanson Medical doctor who was a founding member of NARAL, later becoming a Pro-Life proponent.[18]
Marvin Olasky - Former Marxist turned Christian conservative, he edits the Christian World (magazine).[19][20]
Enoch Powell - Conservative Party (UK) member who converted to Anglicanism.[21]
George R. Price - Geneticist who became an Evangelical Christian and wrote about the New Testament. Later he moderated his evangelistic tendencies and switched from religious writing to working with the homeless.[22][23]
Gerald Priestland - News correspondent who discusses having once been the "school atheist" in Something Understood: An Autobiography. He became a Quaker after an emotional breakdown.[24]
Anne Rice - author of Interview with the Vampire[25]
Dame Cicely Saunders - Templeton Prize and Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize winning nurse known for palliative care. She converted to Christianity as a young woman.[26]
Edith Stein - Phenomenologist philosopher who converted to Catholicism and became a Discalced Carmelite nun; declared a saint by John Paul II.[27]
Peter Steele - Lead singer of Type O Negative.[28]
Lee Strobel - Author of The Case for Christ (former atheist)[29]
Evelyn Waugh - British writer (former agnostic). [30]
Fay Weldon - British novelist and feminist.[31]
Monty White - British Young Earth Creationist (former atheist)[32]
John C. Wright - Science fiction author.[33]

[edit] From Buddhism
David Yonggi Cho - Korean Christian leader; Senior Pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Church.[34]
Mitsuo Fuchida - Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service Captain noted for involvement in the attack on Pearl Harbor. He later became a Christian evangelist.[35][36]
Jaruvan Maintaka - Auditor-General (Thai: ผู้ว่าการตรวจเงินแผ่นดิน) of the Kingdom of Thailand[37]
Chieko N. Okazaki - Relief Society counselor (convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)[38]
Talduwe Somarama - Former Buddhist monk and assassin.[39]
Charlie Soong - Chinese missionary[40]

[edit] From Cao Dai
Phan Thị Kim Ph?c - Subject of a Pulitzer Prize winning photograph by "Nick" Ut[41], she now heads a fund for children victims of war.[42]

[edit] From Confucianism
Note: It is debated whether Confucianism is a religion and some Confucians who became Christians considered themselves to remain Confucian in philosophy.

Hong Sa-ik - a Korean-Japanese WWII General who was executed for war crimes after the war.[43]
Heup Young Kim - Theologian and member of the International Society for Science and Religion[44]
Nakamura Masanao - Member of the Meirokusha who was baptized, largely retained the Confucian ideals that were compatible with Christianity.[45]
Xi Shengmo - Chinese Christian leader.[46]

[edit] From Hinduism
Tal Brooke (former follower of Sathya Sai Baba)- Christian apologist[47]
Bobby Jindal - Indian American politician. Governor of Louisiana, 1st person of South Asian descent to be a United States governor. Presently the highest ranking Indian in the United States Government. [48]
Jayasudha - South Indian actress.[49]
Sister Nirmala- succeeded Mother Teresa as Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity in March 1997.[50]
Pandita Ramabai - Indian Social Reformer[51]
Ramesh Ponuru - Writer and Editor for conservative magazine National Review [52]
Michael Madhusudan Dutt- Great Bengali poet [32]

[edit] From Islam
Magdi Allam - Italy's most famous Islamic affairs journalist [53]
Abo of Tiflis - Christian activist and the Patron Saint of the city of Tbilisi, Georgia.[54]
Utameshgaray of Kazan - khan of Kazan Khanate[55]
Yadegar Moxammat of Kazan - last khan of Kazan Khanate [56]
Sayed Borhan khan - Khan of Qasim Khanate from 1627 to 1679.[57]
Walid Shoebat - author and former member of the PLO[58]

Albanian monarch, Skanderbeg converted from Christianity to Islam but reverted to Christianity later in life[59]Nonie Darwish - freelance writer[60]
Mehdi Dibaj - Iranian pastor and Christian activist[61]
Eldridge Cleaver - Mormon[62] [63]
Ghorban Tourani - former Iranian Sunni Muslim who became a Christian minister. He received the death penalty for Apostasy in Islam[64]
Jean-B?del Bokassa - Central African Republic Emperor (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)[65]
Patrick Sookhdeo - British Anglican canon[66]
Mark A. Gabriel- Islamic scholar and writer[67]
Akbar Gbaja-Biamila - American football player.[68][69]
Alexander Kazembek - Russian Orientalist, historian and philologist of Azeri origin .[70]
Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila - American football player.[71]
Qadry Ismail - former American football player[72]
Raghib Ismail - former American football player[73]
Tunch Ilkin - former American football player[74]
Lina Joy - The desire to have her conversion recognized was the subject of a court case in Malaysia[75]
Carlos Menem - former President of Argentina. Raised a Muslim but converted to Roman Catholicism, the official religion of Argentina, due to his political aspirations. [76]
George Weah - Liberian soccer player (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)[77]
Nazli Sabri - Queen consort of Egypt. [78] [79]

On St George's Day, 2005 Bosnian film director Emir Kusturica left Islam and was baptised into the Serb Orthodox Church[80]Tuğ?e Kazaz - Turkish model; Miss Turkey 2001[81]
Begum Samru - powerful lady of north India, ruling a large area from Sardhana, Uttar Pradesh[82]
Abdul Rahman - Afghan convert to Christianity who escaped the death penalty because of foreign pressure[83]
Naveed Afzal Haq - Pakistani American charged for the July 2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting. He converted to Christianity in December, 2005 but reverted to Islam by the time of the shooting.[84]
Mathieu K?r?kou- President of Benin (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)[85]
Emily Ruete - Born Sayyida Salme, Princess of Zanzibar and Oman [86] [87][88]
Emir Kusturica - Bosnian film director[80][89]
Daniel Ali- former Iraqi Kurdish Muslim scholar and writer; evangelizes in Catholic, Protestant and Messianic Jewish circles. [90][91]
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross- from Judiasm to Islam to Christianity- counter terrorism expert.[92][93]
Zachariah Anani - former Muslim Lebanese militia fighter [94]
Malika Oufkir - Author, activist and former prisoner of the Moroccan Royal Family. [95]

Argentine president, Carlos Menem converted to Roman Catholicism due to his political aspirations [76]
Ramzi Yousef is said to have left Islam and embraced Christianity while in prison [96][97]Ruffa Gutierrez - Filipina actress, model and former beauty queen (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)[98]
Mohammed Hegazy - Egypt, suing to have official recognition of conversion on Egyptian ID card[99]
Francis Bok - Sudanese-American activist, convert to Islam from Christianity; but later returned to his Christian faith.[100]
Constantine the African - a Baghdad-educated Muslim who died in 1087 as a Christian monk at Monte Cassino. [101][102]
Tatar prince Abul-Khayir of Siberia - first of his dynasty to convert to Christianity in 1591.[103]
Estevanico - a Berber originally from Morocco and one of the early explorers of the Southwestern United States.[104]
Nasir Siddiki - Canadian evangelist, author, and business consultant.[105]
Matthew Ashimolowo - British pastor and evangelist. [106]
Skanderbeg - Albanian monarch and military leader converted to Islam from Christianity but reverted back to Christianity later in life. [59]
Amir Sjarifuddin - Indonesian socialist leader who later became the prime minister of Indonesia during its National Revolution. [107]
Dr.Thomas Yayi Boni - President of Benin. [108]
Ramzi Yousef - Al Qaeda member and the main participant in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. [96]

Shams Pahlavi - Iranian princess and the elder sister of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran.[109]
Marina Nemat - Canadian author of Iranian descent and former political prisoner of the Iranian government. Born into a Christian family, she converted to Islam in order to avoid execution but later reverted to Christianity.[110]
Hussain Andaryas - Afghan Christian activist and and tele-evangelist[111]
Hakeem Seriki (AKA Chamillionaire) - American rapper[112][113]

[edit] From Judaism
The Jewish Encyclopedia gives some statistics on conversion of Jews to Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, and Orthodox Christianity (which it calls "Greek Catholicism").[114] Some 2,000 European Jews converted to Christianity every year during the 19th century, but in the 1890s the number was running closer to 3,000 per year, — 1,000 in Austria Hungary (Galizian Poland), 1,000 in Russia (Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Lithuania), 500 in Germany (Posen), and the remainder in the English world.

Benjamin Disraeli, convert from Judaism to Christianity.The Apostle Paul - As a Pharisee (a Judaic leader), Saul of Tarsus was an enemy of the Church and a persecutor of its believers. A vision while travelling left him temporarally blind and led him to be one of the most prominent Christians (Act 9:5) and author of many New Testament epistles. His name was changed to Paul.[115]
Abd-al-Masih - a convert martyred for his faith [116]
Michael Solomon Alexander - former Rabbi and first Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem[117]
Petrus Alphonsi - physician in ordinary to King Alfonso VI of Castile[118]
Juan Alfonso de Baena - medieval Castillian troubadour[119]
Lovisa Augusti- opera singer and actress.[120]
Eduard Bendemann - German painter[121]
Sir Julius Benedict - English composer[121]
Leo de Benedicto Christiano - medieval financier[122]
Theodor Benfey - German philologist[121]
Michael Bernays - German professor of literature[121]
Gottfried Bernhardy - German philologist and literary historian[121]
Ludwig B?rne - German political writer and satirist[121]
John Braham - English tenor opera star[121]
Moritz Wilhelm August Breidenbach - German jurist[121]
Julius Friedrich Cohnheim - German pathologist[121]
Isaac da Costa - Dutch language poet[121]
Abraham Capadose - Dutch physician and writer; friend of Isaac da Costa[121]
Carl Paul Caspari - Norwegian theologian[121]
Jehuda Cresques - Catalan cartographer[123]
Ferdinand David - German virtuoso violinist and composer[121]
Ludwig Dessoir - German actor[121]
Benjamin Disraeli - British Prime Minister and leader of the British Conservative Party in the 19th century[124]
Alfred D?blin - German expressionist novelist[125]
Bob Dylan - popular musician who converted to Christianity in 1979.[126] He later began studying with Chabad, a branch of Hasidic Judaism,[127] though his current religious affiliation is uncertain.
Alfred Edersheim - Biblical scholar[121]
Rachel Felix - French-Swiss theatre actress[121]
Pero Ferr?s - Castilian poet[128]
Achille Fould - French financier and politician[121]
Jacob Frank - 18th century Jewish reformer[129]
Heinrich von Friedberg - German jurist and statesman[130]
Ludwig Friedl?nder - German philologist[121]
Arnold Fruchtenbaum - Founder of Ariel Ministries [131]
Eduard Gans - German philosopher and jurist, exponent of the conservative Right Hegelians[132]
Hermann Mayer Salomon Goldschmidt - German astronomer and painter[121]
Heinrich Heine - German writer[121]
Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle - German physician, pathologist and anatomist[121]
Jorge Isaacs - Colombian writer, politician and soldier[133]
Heinrich Jacoby - German educator[121]

Georg Jellinek, convert from Judaism to Christianity.Georg Jellinek - German legal philosopher[134]
William Herschel - British astronomer[135]
Paul S. L. Johnson - American scholar and pastor[136]
David Kalisch - German playwright and humorist[121]
Felix Philipp Kanitz - Austro-Hungarian naturalist, geographer, ethnographer, archaeologist and author of travel notes[137]
Leopold Kronecker - German mathematician and logician[121]
Hermann Lebert - German physician[121]
Karl Lehrs - German classical scholar[138]
Osip Mikhailovich Lerner - 19th century Russian intellectual and lawyer[139]
Fanny Lewald - German author[121]
Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger- Cardinal, former Archbishop of Paris [140]
Heinrich Gustav Magnus - German chemist and physicist[121]
Ludwig Immanuel Magnus - German mathematician[121]
Felix Mendelssohn - composer (1809-1847)[121]
Karl Friedrich Neumann - German orientalist[121]

Paul of Tarsus, convert from Judaism to Christianity.Albert Oppenheim - son of Salomon Oppenheim, member of the Oppenheim Family
Harry Frederick Oppenheimer - South African businessman[141]
Francis Palgrave - English historian[121]
Corey Pavin - PGA golfer[142]
Johannes Pfefferkorn - German theologian and writer[121]
Friedrich Adolf Philippi - German Lutheran theologian[121]
Lorenzo Da Ponte - Italian librettist[121]
Harry Reems - Adult film actor.[143]
David Ricardo - English political economist[121]
Gillian Rose - British philosopher and sociologist[144]
Moishe Rosen - Founder of Jews for Jesus[145]
Anton Rubinstein - Russian pianist, composer, and conductor[121]
Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky - Episcopal Bishop of Shanghai, founder of Saint John's University, Shanghai, bible translator[146]
Martin Eduard von Simson - German jurist and politician[121]
Dan Spitz - lead guitarist of the heavy metal band Anthrax[147]
Friedrich Julius Stahl - Prussian jurist and conservative thinker[121]
Edith Stein - Nun, martyr, saint. [148]
Nicolae Steinhardt - Romanian writer, Orthodox hermit and father confessor.
Mordechai Vanunu - considered a whistle-blower on Israel's nuclear programme who was subsequently kidnapped, tried and imprisoned by Israel.[149]
Rahel Varnhagen (born Rahel Levin) - writer and saloniste[121]
Otto Weininger - Austrian philosopher[150]
Joseph Wolff - German missionary[121]
Sir Moses Ximenes - 18th century English merchant[121]
David Levy Yulee, United States Senator from Florida[151]
Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. - American actor[152][153][154]
Israel Zolli - former Chief Rabbi of Rome[155]

[edit] From Manichaeanism
St. Augustine of Hippo[156]

[edit] From Paganism
Paganism is a term which, from a Western perspective, has come to connote a broad set of spiritual or cultic practices or beliefs of any folk religion, and of historical and contemporary polytheistic religions in particular.

While the term has historically been used to denote adherents of any non-Abrahamic faith, for the purposes of this list, only adherents of non-major polytheistic, shamanistic, pantheistic, or animistic religions will be listed in this section.

Statue of baptism of Clovis I, convert from Paganism to Christianity.
Constantine I, convert from Paganism to Christianity.
Jomo Kenyatta, convert from Paganism to Christianity.
Rollo of Normandy, convert from Paganism to Christianity.Aebbe the Elder - Scottish monastic founder.[157]
Saint Alban - first Christian martyr in Britain.[158]
Saint Apollonius - 2nd century Roman Senator, Christian apologist and martyr.[159]
Charles Atangana - paramount chief of the Ewondo and Bane ethnic groups in Cameroon; first Ewondo to be baptised.[160]
Francis Arinze - Nigerian Roman Catholic cardinal.[161]
Athenagoras of Athens - philosopher and early Christian apologist.[162]
Saint Barbara - Orthodox Christian martyr.[116]
Saint Bavo - eremitic monk who lived during the Dark Ages.[163]
Borivoj I of Bohemia - Duke of Bohemia (852/853 - 888/889).[164]
Boris I of Bulgaria - Bulgarian ruler and monk.[165]
Pertinax of Byzantium - Bishop of Byzantium from 169 until his death in 187.[166]
Cenwalh of Wessex - King of Wessex.[167]
Clovis I - early king of the Franks.[168]
Coelia Concordia - last Roman Vestal Virgin.[169]
Commodianus - Latin poet; first praciced Judaism, and later converted to Christianity.[170]
Constantine I (the Great) - Roman Emperor who legalized Christianity in the Edict of Milan in 313.[171]
Constantine of Cornwall - 6th century king of Dumnonia.[172]
Saint Constantine of Strathclyde - King of Strathclyde, and later abbot of Rahan.[173]
Samuel Ajayi Crowther - first African Anglican bishop in Nigeria.[174]
Cynegils - Anglo-Saxon king of the West Saxons.[175]
Saint Cyriacus - early Christian saint.[176]
Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite - judge of the Areopagus and early Bishop of Athens.[177]
Raedwald of East Anglia - King of East Anglia from about AD 599 to about AD 625.[178]
Sigeberht of East Anglia - King of East Anglia from AD 631 to 634.[179]
Leif Ericson - Icelandic Viking explorer.[180]
Saint Eustace - early Christian who was martyred, with his family, in a brazen bull.[181]
Evodius - early Bishop of Antioch who (according to tradition) first called the disciples of Christ "Christians".[182]
Gaius Marius Victorinus - Roman philosopher.[183]
Gelelemend - A prominent Lenape convert to the Moravian Church.
Riderch Hael - King of Strathclyde who established the first See of Strathclyde at Glasgow.[184]
Hone Heke - Māori chief and war leader in New Zealand.[185]
Honoratus - former Archbishop of Arles.[186]
Jogaila - former King of Poland.[187]
Saint Julius the Veteran - early Christian martyr.[188]
Queen Kaʻahumanu - Hawaiian monarch, wife of Kamehameha I.[189]
Helen Kalvak - Inuit artist from Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada.[190]
Ethelbert of Kent - King of Kent.[191]
Jomo Kenyatta - first Prime Minister and President of Kenya.[192]
Vladimir I of Kiev - Grand Prince of Kiev.[193]
Guthrum of East Anglia - King of the Danish Vikings in the Danelaw.[194]
Lactantius - early Christian author.[195]
Saint Ludmila - Orthodox Christian saint and martyr.[196]
Bernard Mizeki - African Christian missionary and martyr.[197]
Justin Martyr - early Christian apologist.[198]
Peada of Mercia - King of southern Mercia; helped found the monastery at Peterborough.[199]
Tāmati Wāka Nene - Māori chief who fought as an ally of the British in the Flagstaff War.[200]
Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba - Queen of Ndongo and Matamba in the 16th century.[201]
Leonard of Noblac - Frankish noble in the court of Clovis I.[202]
Rollo of Normandy - Founder of Viking province of Normandy.[203]
Samson Occom - Mohegan minister.[204]
Edwin of Northumbria - King of Deira and Bernicia.[205]
Saint Olaf - King of Norway.[206]
Saint Pancras - early Roman Christian martyr.[207]
Saint Pantaleon (Panteleimon) - early Christian physician and martyr.[208]
Pocahontas - Native American celebrity in 17th century London.[209]
Polycarp - early Christian bishop.[210]
Rabbula - early Bishop of Edessa.[211]
Ranavalona II - Queen of Madagascar.[212]
Rorik of Dorestad - Danish Viking leader.[213]
Rumwold - legendary "infant saint".[214]
Sabinian of Troyes - Christian martyr.[215]
Joseph Shabalala - lead singer, founder and musical director of Ladysmith Black Mambazo.[216]
Tertullian - Church leader and author
Theophilus of Antioch - early Patriarch of Antioch.[217]

[edit] From Sikhism
Bakht Singh - Indian Christian [218]
Duleep Singh - Maharajah of Punjab (later re-initiated into Sikhism in 1886).[219]
Sadhu Sundar Singh - Indian Christian [220]

[edit] From Zoroastrianism
Mar Abba, Metropolitan bishop and saint of the Assyrian Church of the East[116]

[edit] Prior religion undetermined
Josephine Bakhita - Roman Catholic saint from Darfur/Sudan[221]
Spencer Chamberlain - Lead vocalist of the Christian metalcore band Underoath, was not raised in a religious home.[222]
Tony Fontane - popular recording artist in the 1940s and 1950s[223]
Ren? Girard - philosophical anthropologist[224]
Emir Kusturica - Bosnian film director[80][225]
Barack Obama - U.S. Senator and Presidential Candidate. Former self-described skeptic, but converted to Christianity in his late 20s. [226]

Menurut saya, maaf bilamana ada kesalahan.
Alkitab memang tidak ditulis langsung oleh Tuhan, tapi oleh orang yang mencatatkan kejadian-kejadian yang berhubungan dengan Tuhan dan manusia.
Ini tergantung dari kepercayaan masing masing dan bagaimana cara memandangnya.
Menarik juga anda mempermasalahkan angka nol, saya juga baru tahu oncom, hehehehe. Bangsa yahudi tidak tahu angka nol dan bangsa arab yang memperkenalkannya ? mungkin iya, karena saya belum tahu. Tapi kalau dibilang bangsa arab yang memperkenalkan ke eropa, mungkin yang benar memperkenalkan kembali ke eropa, karena setahu saya banyak pengetahuan masa lampau dari yunani kuno dan romawi kuno yang diserap dan diperbaharui oleh bangsa arab.
Tampa kita sadari kita sudah buta, dan dibutakan hatinya. Jadi....walau diberitahu sesering mungkin, sekeras apapun dan sebesar apapun. Kita tidak mempercayai. Sesat. ya itulah nama tepatnya.
Apa jadinya, kalau petunjuk yang kita jadikan sebagai pegangan selalu berubah-ubah arahnya ? sesat juga namanya.
Petunjuk sudah jelas, akalpun seringkali mengatakan dan hatipun sudah seringkali membisikkan.
Ahh...sesat dan sesat dan tersesat trus sampai kiamat.
Nasib..nasib...memang nasib kita sebagai cucu adam, yang selalu digoda setan agar nemenin dia di neraka.