"Barang mewah" yang harus dimiliki semua dapur


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disadur dari poorstudentscookbook.com, tempat dimana para koki amatir belajar :D agak lebay memang deskripsinya tapi bolehlah ditengok dikit, dapurnya temen kita yang diluar negeri itu seperti apa, dan apa saja benda-benda "mewah" yang disebutkan oleh sang pemilik blog ;)

[lang=en]I’m going to assume that most of you out there have a stove, an oven, and a microwave at the very least. I will break this list down into absolute necessities, “luxury” items (in quotes because you should have these, but some of you cheap-asses won’t buy them), and true luxury items.

1. Bare necessities

* Cast iron skillet- If you don’t want to buy anything else at least buy one of these. You can do literally anything with one, and they’re pretty cheap. They also last like 100 years, so they’re a great value.
* Colander- How the hell do you plan to strain your pasta without one? If you have a better idea let me know.
* Spatula- You need to flip your food over at some point, and these things are like $1.
* A large sauce pot- You will need this to cook pasta, unless you want to do it in the cast iron skillet (I don’t recommend it)
* A sharp knife- pretty self explanatory. Go ahead and buy a whole set if you want to, but you’re gonna need at least one good knife to chop shit up with.
* A can opener- for opening cans, dipshit.

2. “Luxury” Items

* Whisk- You can probably use a fork instead, but these are cheap as hell already so you might as well buy one.
* Measuring cups/measuring spoons- You can probably just use the spoons you eat with, but if you’re going to get serious about cooking you might as well buy a set of these for like $4.
* Baking sheets- These are for putting food on so it doesn’t get all over your oven. You can probably get away with doing your oven cooking in your cast iron skillet, but you might as well buy these if you ever plan on using your oven.
* A frying pan- Again, you can use your cast iron skillet for this, but sometimes you need a bigger pan to do bigger things (ladies…;)
* A rice cooker- for you know, cooking rice. You can cook it in your sauce pot, but these are pretty cheap and make way better rice.

3. True luxury items- I won’t describe these, as the only people who will actually consider buying them are the people who know what they are already

* Garlic Press
* Microplane
* Cheese grater
* Mandolin Slicer
* Pepper Grinder
* Wire Cooling Rack
* Stovetop grill/griddle (Hella expensive, but hella worth it if you like to cook)

That’s all I can really think of for now, but I’ll post more as they come to me!

ceklis dulu ahhh :D megha udah punya alat mewah, "pengupas kulit wortel" seharga 20.000 beli di pasar loak <3D hehehe benda mewah apa saja yang kamu miliki dirumah?
semua barang yang ada didapurku .. termsuk barang mewah, karena dulu nenekku gak punya semuanya itu....
wah, lebih lengkap lagi, kalau ada gambarnya..

kalo den pentolan berkenan sok atuh ditambahkan gambarnya ;)

he ehh
keju parut juga mesti ada yaa,,
tuch barang mewah,,

Lebih tepatnya sih "alat" nya ;) karena keju yang sudah dalam keadaan halus banyak digunakan sebagai bahan makanan.

di dapur ada yg buat manggang untuk kue nastar, walaupun pake arang buatnya tapi berasa mewah aja klo liat hasilnya :D

bener banget :D merasa bangga ya kalo udah lihat hasil kue buatan kita

semua barang yang ada didapurku .. termsuk barang mewah, karena dulu nenekku gak punya semuanya itu....

Setuju, jaman dulu nenek belum tentu punya alat-alat masak yang sekarang ada didapur kita

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