Tips Home or Rumah Stay Comfortable in Rainy Season


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Tips Home or rumah Stay Comfortable in Rainy Season - The rainy season has arrived, every day of rain could come down at any time. This condition makes us more aware of the conditions demanded of the house or rumah, due to the heavy rains or the magnitude of the wind. Then how should we do in order to Stay Safe House Rainy Season?

Since the beginning of development planning, house design would have reckoned with, both in anticipation of hot weather or rainy weather. When summer house should be able to absorb and hold the heat so that the home remains comfortable and cool. However, when the rainy season like this, the house must be robust to withstand strong winds and rain so that the house does not leak.

Here I will membrikan tips, how to care for the house to be comfortable inhabited when the rainy season arrives. With good home care, of course, will make the selling price of the house tingggi if someday homes for sale. And here are some tips:

1. Check the condition of the roof, it is useful to see if the tile and the roof needs to get a fix or not. Check if there are #####s in the roof of the house or the connection between the tile is loose. If there are #####s, you can provide waterproof to seal all #####s that exist. If there is a connection or asbestos tile loose, you just rearrange the connections so that rain water can not enter from the sidelines loose connection. We recommend checking the roof of the house is done two to three months, in anticipation of rain at any time.

2. After roofs inspected and get a repair, the next is to check the ceiling of the house. If the ceiling of your house is made of concrete check if there is seepage from the roof of the house. Avoid puddles that there is in this no top, so that water can not seeped toward the ceiling. If the ceiling of your house made of plywood or gypsum check if there are any visible signs of water marks on the ceiling. Ceiling damage usually seen from the water marks on the ceiling. Immediately repair or replace the ceiling of the house when there is damage. Lafon Jikap damaged and humid allowed to continue, the consequences will be fatal. Ceiling could collapse and harm family members, if this is the case will require extra repairs to cost more.

3. Note the angle of the roof to maximize the ability of the tile in blocking the rainwater. In the ceramic tile angle required is about 30 degrees, while the asbestos roof took about 15 degrees. If the tilt angle gentenga not addressed properly, the rain that accompanied the wind can go through the gap tile.

4. Terrace house also needs special attention, to protect it from the rain you can add a canopy to the size of one meter or more. In addition this method can avoid rain water inside the house, this could also protects floors and paint the walls of the terrace houses of tampias rain and wind.

5. Check the drain water from the roof of the house. Is there trash or dry leaves that clog waterways. When the sewer is clogged, it will create a pool of water in this no house that could make the water overflow and leak into the house. Same with checking the roof of the house, this examination should be done two to three months.

That tips to keep the house comfortable when the rainy season that I can share, maybe you could add. Because in this rainy season as rain and wind the main enemy of our homes. Moreover, to the house that is less maintenance with baik. Hopefully this can help you in getting the comfort in the house when the rainy season. Thank you for visiting today, congratulations activity.
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di translet aja ke indonesia tia....untung orng ini pake bahasa inggris klo pakai bahasa Alien nyari translet kmn yuaaaa....he :)
Masukin aja ke aplikasi flitto yang promosinya lagi jor-joran di fesbuk tuh. Aku kena mulu -.-
Aplikasi penerjemah gitu non. Kalo kata iklan di fesbuk dia itu solusi untuk terjemahan smua bahasa :D