Video Tutorial IIS WebServer Only Rp. 50.000,- Free Ongkos Kirim


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Video Tutorial IIS Webserver (2CD)
Only Rp. 50.000,-
Free Ongkos Kirim



Fun, Interactive Scenarios and "Real World" Examples make our Web Server Training easy to retain! You will have a Windows Web Server up and running smoothly in NO TIME!

DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS...We Teach them to You! Whether it is How to Setup your first Web Server, Configuring DNS or Setting up Host Headers to Work with your IIS Web Server; we Walk you Through the Details, Step-by-Step.

"Instruction that is as good or better than any class I have attended and is between 1/10 and 1/20 of the price" Testimonial from Jeff Moore (Train Signal customer). Read More Testimonials

Extras! Extras! We offer "Extras" that other training companies don't. We include a 70+ Page Windows IIS Web Server Lab Book, Instruction on 3rd Party products and a 100% Money Back Guarantee. We Love our Windows IIS Web Server Training Course and we want you to Love it too!

Here are just SOME of the Topics we Cover in our
Web Server Training Videos:
- How to Setup your First Web Server in IIS!
- How to Create a "test" Web Site
- Setup a Secure Website using NTFS Permissions
- DNS Setup -- Allow the Public to connect to your Server!
- Learn How to Setup a FTP Server
- Host Multiple sites on one Server -- We'll Show you How!
- How to Secure a IIS Web Server
- Learn to Delegate Control of Websites to different people
- How Host Headers are used for Multiple Websites
- Learn to Optimize a Web Server for better Performance
- Test and Troubleshoot a IIS Web Server
- ...This is Just the Beginning!!!

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