pidato bertema bahaya narkoba

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New member
tulunk dunk buatin pidato singkt bertema bahaya dari narkoba. diberi waktu sampai besok malam. langsung isinya jg ga pa pa.. nanti iin kasih bintang.
Bls: pidato bertema bahaya narkoba

yang singkat. jangan panjang-panjang. tentang globang warming juga boleh.. pokoknya pidato!!!
Bls: pidato bertema bahaya narkoba

pidato ya..
coba ah...

hei every body. dont use drug!
oke, thank you

Bls: pidato bertema bahaya narkoba

speech is supposed to be from heart!

the guidelines to make any speech some of them are;
*theme---------------------------------------> drugs,sex,or politics..etc.
*audience-------------------------------------> age, purposes
*duration--------------------------------------> not too long, not too short
Bls: pidato bertema bahaya narkoba

nih ane tambahin..

Hei every body. Don't use drug!

As a former prosecutor who did his time in the war on drugs (Brooklyn in the golden age of crack, late ’80s, early ’90s), I agree wholeheartedly with Nicholas D. Kristof’s views that the war on drugs is over (“Drugs Won the War,” column, June 14).

In addition to Mr. Kristof’s three main points, let me add two of my own. First, abandoning the war on drugs will provide a tremendous opportunity to appropriately intervene in the lives of people who are abusing drugs. Forcing an addict to register with the government and be subject to attempts to influence his or her behavior in exchange for access to the drug of choice is appropriate; kicking in the door and arresting the person are inappropriate.

Second, the military is becoming increasingly entangled in the war on drugs, a law enforcement role that is entirely inappropriate. Our brave fighting men and women should be protecting us from real threats, not burning poppy fields and arresting drug lords in Afghanistan.

Tinkering around the edges will not do it, and I do not favor state-by-state experiments. The federal government declared the war on drugs, and the federal government should now declare victory (or defeat, it doesn’t matter), and end the war. Radical reform is needed now.

As Michael Douglas, portraying the drug czar, so wisely said in the movie “Traffic,” the war on drugs is a war on ourselves and our families.

oke, thank you
Bls: pidato bertema bahaya narkoba

tolong ya butin pidato bertema bahaya narkoba kalo bisa sekarang lasung jwab beserta isinya=b=
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