Different two words


New member
hii all friends,

what is different between accept and agree, done and finish, through and via,life and live, way and method, etc....:)
Bls: Different two words

according to me,
accept as reaction from action if there someone giving something to our then we accept.
while agree, as reaction from action when someone arguing opinion and we in agreement with his opinion.

in indonesian, life = hidup while live = tinggal.
- where do you live? "i live at Puncak malino street"

- I love you one in a life time

- He always live alone in his life
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Bls: Different two words

ya bisa juga seperti itu, tentang accept dan agree, live dan life memang berbeda arti juga. kalau finish dan done..sama- sama berarti selesai (telah dikerjakan), dan bedanya pada penggunakan kalimat tersebut untuk menjelaskan waktu kapan.

Nah kalau through dan via gimana dong?
Bls: Different two words

Kurang ngerti juga,tapi coba bandingkan:
Via post atw via email.
Through post atw through email keknya janggal,ya...
Bls: Different two words

haha yoai...bener bang ast,,

jadi dipilih juga konteks kalimatnya yak