Ada yang tahu filem ini?


New member
Judul: FEAR
Tanggal Rilis: '96


Nicole(Reese Witherspoon),is a fairly innocent teenager,but with a rebellious side particulary directed at her father,Steven Walker(William Peterson). At a rave,Nicole meets David McCall(Mark Wahlberg),and is swept off her feet by his sweet,polite nature. Steve seemingly overprotective,doesn't trust David from the moment he meets him. Steve also gets angry when Nicole,violates her curfews to spend more time with David. The closer Nicole and David become,the more Steven objects. One day,David scares Nicole when he sees her hugging her friend,Gary. He immediately assults Gary and shoves Nicole to the ground,when she tries to stop him. Nicole ends things with David,leaving him crushed. The next day he talks to Nicole,apologizes and things are smoothed over for the couple.

Nicole clings to David,and he uses that to his advantage,since he knows from their converstations,the tension between her and her father. He is more than happy to comfort her in every way. Steven is still suspicious so he does some checking into David's background,and finds out that David is not who he appears to be. Steven confronts David on a street corner,and orders him to stop seeing Nicole. David is still polite and says he has no intentions of hurting Nicole. Then he taunts Steven about wanting to keep his daughter a little girl forever,and that he's scared David will take her away from him. Steven is only interested in protecting his family,and drives off. David doesn't take orders very well. David beats himself in the chest,repeatedly,until he is bruised,and Nicole accuses Steven of assaaulting David. She leaves in an angry rage,with David,who was waiting in the car outside. Later,David drops Nicole off,asking if she'd rather come home with him. Nicole declines,but then changes her mind and drives to his house where,she discovers David,is sleeping with Margo(Nicole's Friend). Nicole is devastated and completely breaks it off with David,wanting nothing more to do with him.

Finally,David and his friends make their way into Steven's house. David ties up Steven,and brings him up to Nicole's room to "say goodbye", to his daughter. While David tells Nicole "It has to be this way", he asks her if she wants to go with him. She fakes affection for him and says"yes". Laura frees Steven,and he and David fight violently,Steven, then throws David out the second-story window to his death.
Bls: Ada yang tahu filem ini?

iya Fear kan ya.

numpang tanya juga donk, kan dulu aku pernah nonton film di TV gitu, judulnya aku lupa, jadi filmnya tuh menceritakan tentang seorang lelaki yang suka bercinta dengan mengikat leher sang wanita, dan wanita itu pun merasa senang dan menikmatinya karena setiap lehernya di ikat dengan selendang dia merasakan nafsu sex yang luar biasa.
memang agak aneh sih, tapi aku suka.
ada yang tau gak judulnya apa dan dimana cara dapet tuh film?
tolong cariin donk..
Bls: Ada yang tahu filem ini?

ew film sex ya?? -_-a ampun deh.. maaf, gak tau :) saya suka film yang aman-aman aja untuk ditonton..
Bls: Ada yang tahu filem ini?

Fear, pernah tayang di trans 7, seru ngeri lihat mark jd psyko.