Iseng iseng dapet bintang soal gampang


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Isilah 5 soal saja yang menurut kamu paling mudah, dilarang nyontek !!!!

1. Anda tamat SD tahun berapa?

A. What year you graduate from SD?
B. What year did you graduate from SD?
C. You graduated from SD what year?
D. What year do you graduate from SD?

2. Anda ke sekolah naik apa?

A. By what do you go to school?
B. How go to school by what?
C. How do you go to school?
D. How you go to school?

3. Bapakmu kerja dimana?

A. Your father works where?
B. Where is your father work?
C. Where does your father work?
D. Where do your father work?

4. Pada waktu itu, saya tidak sedang belajar?

A. At that time I was not studying
B. At that time I am not studying
C. At that time I not studying
D. At that time I was not studied

5. Siapa yang akan pidato?

A. Who do deliver a speech?
B. Who that deliver a speech?
C. Who will deliver a speech?
D. Will deliver a speech who?

6. Apakah kamu sudah menyerahkan tugas?

A. Have you handed your task?
B. Do you after handed your task?
C. What you have handed your task?
D. What have you handed your task?

7. Ketika anda menelpon saya, mereka tidak sedang bermain gitar.

A. When you call me they were not playing guitar
B. When you call me, they are not playing guitar
C. When you called me they were not play guitar
D. When you called me they were not playing guitar

8. Anda mau mengembalikan buku ini kapan?

A. When you will return this book?
B. When will you to return this book?
C. When will you return this book?
D. You will return this book when?

9. Gedung ini tidak pernah digunakan untuk pertemuan

A. This building is never used to have a meting
B. This building never used to have a meeting
C. This building is never using to have a meeting
D. This building is never use to have a meeting

10. Saya tahu alamat John.

A. I knows John's address
B. I know John's address
C. I know John address
D. I am know John's address

11. Bukunya dikembalikan tadi pagi.

A. The book returned last morning
B. The book were returned last morning
C. The book has been returned this morning
D. The book was returned this morning

12. Kita tidak diijinkan pulang duluan.

A. We didn't allow to go home first
B. We are not allowing to go home first
C. We don't allow to go home first
D. We are not allowed to go home first

13. Rudy sudah pulang

A. Rudy has gone home
B. Rudy have go home
C. Rudy has goes home
D. Rudy have gone home

14. Saya sering diingatkan pak guru untuk rajin belajar

A. I am often reminded my teacher to hard study
B. I am often reminded by my teacher to study hard
C. I often reminded by my teacher to study hard
D. I often remind by my teacher to study hard

15. Rony sedang nonton TV sekarang.

A. Rony is watching TV now
B. Rony was watching TV now
C. Rony watches TV now
D. Rony watched TV now

16. Pada hari Selasa perampok bank ditangkap polisi

A. On Tuesday the bank robbers arrested by the police
B. At Tuesday the bank robbers are arrested by the police
C. On Tuesday the robbers of the bank were arrested by the police
D. At Tuesday the robbers of the bank were arrested by the police

17. Pada waktu itu mereka sedang omong-omong didekat pohon itu.

A. At that time they are chatting under that tree
B. At that time they chatted under that tree
C. When they were chatting under that tree
D. At that time they were chatting under that tree

18. Saya sudah mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah(PR)

A. I has do the homework
B. I have did the homework
C. I has done the homework
D. I have done the homework

19. Saya tidak ketemu dia kemarin

A. I didn't met him yesterday afternoon
B. I don't meet him yesterday afternoon
C. I didn't meet him yesterday afternoon
D. I wasn't meet him yesterday afternoon

20. Saya akan memberi tahu Arman

A. I will let Arman to know
B. I will let Arman know
C. I will letting Arman know
D. I will to let Arman to know

21. Saya tidak akan melupakan anda

A. I will not to forget you
B. I will not forget you
C. I will not forgetting you
D. I am not forgert you

22. Adikku, Wahyu, selalu sarapan sebelum pergi sekolah

A. My brother, Wahyu, always have breakfast before going to school
B. My brother, Wahyu, always has breakfast before go to school
C. My brother, Wahyu, always breakfast before going to school
D. My brother, Wahyu, always has breakfast before going to school

23. Mereka tidak sedang mendapat pelajaran

A. They not have a lesson
B. They are not have a lesson
C. They are not having a lesson
D. They don't having a lesson

24. Siapa yang sudah makan siang?

A. Who has had lunch?
B. Who has lunch?
C. Who that has had lunch?
D. Who have had lunch?

25. Saya menelpon dia(wanita) tadi pagi.

A. I call her this morning
B. I called her last morning
C. I called she this morning
D. I called her this morning

26. Berapa orang yang sedang bekerja pada waktu itu?

A. How many people worked at that time?
B. How many people were working at that time?
C. How many people work at that time?
D. How many people are worked at that time?

27. Siapa yang bilang begitu?

A. Who that told you so?
B. Who did you told so?
C. Who told you so?
D. Who told to you so?

28. Apakah ada orang didalam kelas?

A. What is there anybody in the classroom?
B. Is there anybody in the classroom?
C. Are there anybody in the classroom?
D. what there is anybody in the classroom?

29. Siapa yang sedang menyanyi itu?

A. Who is singing?
B. Who singing is?
C. Who that singing?
D. Who singing?

30. Toko apa yang menjual sepatu?

A. What shop sell shoes?
B. What does the shop sell shoes?
C. What does the shop sells shoes?
D. What shop sells shoes?

31. Sekarang ada 6 orang di dalam kelas.

A. Now any 6 people in the classroom
B. Now there 6 people in the classroom
C. Now there is 6 people in the classroom
D. Now there are 6 people in the classroom

32. Teman-temanku sedang piknik minggu ini

A. My friends had a picnic this week
B. My friends is having a picnic this week
C. My friends are having a picnic this week
D. My friends has a picnic this week

33. Tidak ada yang sukar soal-soal ini

A. There isn't any difficult problem
B. There no difficult problem
C. There aren't any difficult problem
D. There isn't no difficult problem

34. Andy belum mengembalikan tas saya.

A. Andy haven't return my bag
B. Andy hasn't return my bag
C. Andy haven't returned my bag
D. Andy hasn't returned my bag

35. Apakah Tommy sudah pulang?

A. Has Tommy gone home?
B. Does Tommy go home?
C. What Tommy has gone home?
D. What has Tommy gone home?

36. Saya tidak sedang mengerjakan apapun

A. I am not do anything
B. I don't do anything
C. I not doing anything
D. I am not doing anything

37. Apakah anda sibuk kemarin?

A. What you busy yesterday?
B. Were you busy yesterday?
C. What were you busy yesterday?
D. Are you busy yesterday?

38. Septi tidak sedang memakai computer.

A. Septi doesn't use the computer
B. Septi not using the computer
C. Septi isn't using the computer
D. Septi doesn't using the computer

39. Lucy tanya sama saya apa kamu tahu alamat Dedy.

A. Lucy asks me if you knew Dedy's address
B. Lucy asks me that you know Dedy's address
C. Lucy asked me if you knew Dedy's address
D. Lucy asked to me if you know Dedy's address

40. Saya tidak membawa tas hari ini.

A. I don't bring a bag today
B. I am not bring a bag today
C. I doesn't bring a bag today
D. I haven't brought a bag today

41. Rudy bilang sama saya bahwa kamu memberi dia coklat

A. Rudy said to me that you give he chocolate
B. Rudy told to me that you gave him chocolate
C. Rudy told me that you gave him chocolate
D. Rudy said me that you gave him chocolate

42. Tadi malam kurang lebih jam 07.00, kucing itu sedang berbaring di depan pintu

A. Last night at about 7 the cat was lying in front of the door.
B. Last night at about 7 the cat is lying in front of the door.
C. Last night about at 7 the cat was lying in front of the door.
D. Last night at about 7 the cat lying in front of the door.

43. Kami tidak di rumah pada waktu anda menelpon kami

A. We were not at home when you phoned us
B. We not at home when you phone us
C. We are not at home when you phoned us
D. We are not at home when you phone us

44. Pada jam 9 tadi malam, anda sedang apa?

A. Last night at 9 what you were doing?
B. Last night at 9 what were you doing?
C. Last night at 9 what are you doing?
D. Last night at 9 what you were doing what?

45. Setelah bermain bola mereka sangat lelah, jadi mereka tidak belajar

A. After playing football they was very tired so they didn't studied anything
B. After play football they did very tired so they didn't studying anything
C. After play football they very tired so they don't study anything
D. After playing football they were very tired so they didn't study anything

46. Rony menyuruh saya menuggu dia disini.

A. Rony asked to me to wait for him here
B. Rony asked me wait for him here
C. Rony asked to me wait for him here
D. Rony asked me to wait for him here

47. Siapa yang haus?

A. Who does thirsty?
B. Who is thirsty?
C. Who thirsty?
D. Who do thirsty?

48. Kartini umur berapa, ketika dia meninggal?

A. How old was Kartini when she dead?
B. How old did Kartini when she dead?
C. How old was Kartini when she died?
D. How old was Kartini when she was death?

49. Saya tidak iri dengan kemampuan anda

A. I am not jealous of your ability
B. I don't jealous of your ability
C. I don't jealous with your ability
D. I am not jealous with your ability

50. Sewaktu aku datang terlambat guruku tidak marah sama saya

A. When I come late my teacher not angry to me
B. When I came late my teacher is not angry to me
C. When I came late my teacher was not angry to me
D. When I get late my teacher no angry to me

51. Wenny bukan kelas dua, dia kelas satu.

A. Wenny is not the second grade, she is the first grade.
B. Wenny doesn't the second grade, se the first grade.
C. Wenny not the second grade, she is the first grade.
D. Wenny not the second grade, she the first grade.

52. Kemarin sore kira-kira jam 3 saya di sana.

A. Afternoon yesterday about at 3, I were there.
B. Yesterday afternoon about at 3, I there.
C. Yesterday afternoon at about 3, I did there.
D. Yesterday afternoon at about 3, I was there.

53. Desi ada dikantin sekarang

A. Desi in the canteen now
B. Desi is in the canteen now
C. Desi does in the canteen now
D. Desi be in the canteen now

54. Kenapa ikan-ikan ini mati?

A. Why are this fish dead?
B. Why is these fish dead?
C. Why are these fish dead?
D. Why is this fish dead?

55. Lembu, kambing, dan kerbau adalah binatang piaraan.

A. Cows, goats and buffalos is domestic animals
B. Cows, goats and buffalos are domestic animals
C. Cows, goats and buffalos do domestic animals
D. domestic animals cows, goats and buffalos

56. Apakah Ratna tetangga anda?

A. Does Ratna your neighbor?
B. Does Ratna neighbor you?
C. Is Ratna neighbor you?
D. Is Ratna your neighbor?

57. Binatang apa yang tidak mempunyai kaki?

A. Animal what that doesn't have any legs?
B. What animal doesn't have any legs?
C. What animal that doesn't have any legs?
D. What doesn't animal have any legs?

58. Bambang cemburu dengan siapa?

A. Who Bambang jealous of?
B. Who is Bambang jealous of?
C. Is Bambang jealous of who?
D. Who Bambang is jealous of?

59. Siapa yang sedang duduk di luar kelas sewaktu anda berjalan kesana?

A. Who sat outside the classroom when you walk up there?
B. Who that is sitting outside the classroom when you walked up there?
C. Who was sitting outside the classroom when you walked up there?
D. Who sits outside the classroom when you walked up there?

60. Tono dan Tini tidak pintar Matematika.

A. Tono and Tini not good at Mathematics
B. Tono and Tini are not good at Mathematics
C. Tono and Tini don't good at Mathematics
D. Tono and Tini not good Mathematics

61. Buku-buku itu disembunyikan dimana?

A. Where is the books hidden?
B. Where is the books are hidden?
C. The books is hidden where?
D. Where are the books hidden?

62. Saya kecewa anda tidak menepati janji.

A. I was disappointed you don't keep your promise
B. I disappointed you didn't keep your promise
C. I do disappointed you don't keep your promise
D. I am disappointed you don't keep your promise

63. Apa yang dimakan anak-anak tadi pagi?

A. What is eaten by the child this morning?
B. What was eaten by the children this morning?
C. What are eaten by the children this morning?
D. What was eaten by the child this morning?

64. Siapa yang bisa membuat patung?

A. Who can make a statue?
B. That can make a statue who?
C. Who that can make a statue?
D. Who can a statue make?

65. Bisa nggak motor saya diperbaiki?

A. Can my motorcycle repaired?
B. Can be my motorcycle repaired?
C. Cannot my motorcycle repaired?
D. Can my motorcycle be repaired?

66. Berapa orang yang tidak datang kemarin?

A. How many didn't come people yesterday?
B. How many people that didn't come yesterday?
C. How many people didn't come yesterday?
D. How many people that don't come yesterday?

67. Apakah Dody dipanggil pak guru?

A. Is Dody called by the teacher?
B. Does Dody called by the teacher?
C. Are Dody called by the teacher?
D. Is Dody call by the teacher?

68. Semua pekerjaan harus diselesaikan dengan cepat.

A. All of the works must be finish quickly.
B. All of the works must finished quickly.
C. All of the works must be finished quickly.
D. All of the works must finish quickly.

69. President sedang diwawancarai para wartawan.

A. The president is being interviewed by the journalists.
B. The president is interview by the journalists.
C. The president is interviewing the journalists.
D. The president being interviewed by the journalists.

70. Apakah jembatan itu dibangun 1950?

A. Were the bridge built in 1950?
B. Is the bridge built in 1950?
C. What is the bridge built in 1950?
D. Was the bridge built in 1950?

71. Apakah buku-buku ini diterbitkan di Bandung?

A. Were the books published in Bandung?
B. Was the books published in Bandung?
C. What were the books published in Bandung?
D. Was the books publishing in Bandung?

72. Apakah masjidnya akan segera dibangun?

A. Will the mosque build soon?
B. Will the mosque be built soon?
C. Will the mosque built soon?
D. What will the mosque be built soon?

73. Kamus-kamus itu mungkin tidak dipinjampan

A. The dictionaries may not be borrowed
B. The dictionaries may be not borrowed
C. The dictionaries may not be lent
D. The dictionaries may be not lent

74. Pasar itu seharusnya segera direnovasi.

A. The market should immediately renovated
B. The market must be renovate immediately
C. The market should immediately be renovate
D. The market should be renovated immediately

75. Mereka sedang apa ketika anda datang?

A. What were they doing when you came?
B. What are they doing when you come?
C. What were they doing when you come?
D. Were they doing what when you came?
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Bls: Iseng iseng dapet bintang soal gampang

Satu aja belum tentu benar ya den

1. Anda tamat SD tahun berapa?

A. What year you graduate from SD?
B. What year did you graduate from SD?
C. You graduated from SD what year?
D. What year do you graduate from SD?
Bls: Iseng iseng dapet bintang soal gampang

2. Anda ke sekolah naik apa?

A. By what do you go to school?
B. How go to school by what?
C. How do you go to school?
D. How you go to school?
Bls: Iseng iseng dapet bintang soal gampang

Di blok aja kalau mau baca

Wa jawab sepuluh aja ya, lagi males masalahnya.

1. b
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. e. When you called me , they were not playing guitar
8. c
9. a
10. b

wa jawab 5 t'akhir skalian
70. d
71. a
72. b
73. c
74. d
75. a
Bls: Iseng iseng dapet bintang soal gampang

Pak Tukul engga ngerti ngeblok tuch. Paling2 nanya ama leptopnya den.
1. B. What year did you graduate from SD?
4. D. At that time I was not studied
5. C. Who will deliver a speech?
8. A. When you will return this book?
30. A. What shop sell shoes?
40. B. I am not bring a bag today
53. A. Desi in the canteen now

ada yg bner ga ya :3
Yang udah kejawab nomor 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 30, 40, 53. Oke, saya piliih lainnya:
3. C. Where does your father work?
6. A. Have you handed your task?
7. D. When you called me they were not playing guitar
50. C. When I came late my teacher was not angry to me
59. C. Who was sitting outside the classroom when you walked up there?