Mau lihat video kamu, masuk sini.

Bls: Mau lihat video kamu, masuk sini.

wauahuahaww.....ada tuh diriku..:D:D:D:D:D

wkwkkw..siapa yang nanya yaaa...:)):)):)):)):)):))
Bls: Mau lihat video kamu, masuk sini.

Ada komentar yang bagus buat Umi dari salah seorang reader atas videonya yang diunggah di youtube. Selamat ya....

How come your videos are so awesome?
Heya =D

I was just browsing through a bunch of videos and one of yours came up. I watched it and well, here I am PMing you because I thought it was pretty friggin' awesome!

It's the kinda of content that I come on YouTube for, made by people for people, not like the stuff that hits the front page, made by marketers for people haha!

How come you have so few views though? Have you tried adding in relevant tags and all that jazz?

I had the same problem myself actually, but what I ended up doing was pretty simple

It's basically a free trial to get 400-500 views daily to 3 of your videos for a month. It can REALLY make a huge difference in the way that you use YouTube because you'll find TONS of people looking at your stuff, which is pretty rad right?

Anwyays just thought I would give you a quick message and heads up, keep making the videos and I'll keep watching, tell me how it goes!

Masukkan disini foto atau video dirimu yang mau diedit seperti film agar bisa bergabung dalam komunitas masyarakat ii terpanas.

lihat sample berikut, ga suka jangan ketawa,... yang protes boleh melayangkan repu atau sms bintang ya. Yang mau buat serupa dan lebih OK, pasti kukasih repu deh.

YouTube- masyarakat

bagi yang belum termasuk dalam video ini harap dimaklumi, karena belum sempat termuat. Pinginnya sih semuanya, berhubung keterbatasan waktu dan sesuatu jadi seperti itulah adanya.

jadi kangen teman2 lama. Yg aktif sisa den lolo dan kalina, den aris aktif di sebelah di forumnya dipi