All About Juventus ...v^^

Juve: Grazie Indonesia
Para Juventini di Indonesia saat ini merasa bangga karena di situs resmi Juventus, mereka mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Juventini Indonesia yang sudah setia mendukung. Itu karena Indonesia menjadi negara luar Eropa dengan jumlah fans terbanyak, terutama di facebook page Juventus.

Dalam fan page Juve, Juventini sangat aktif dan terlibat didalamnya. Mereka juga menempati tempat kedua dalam peringkat khusus pengguna yang sering berinteraksi dan meninggalkan pesan kasih sayang kepada timnya, Juventus.

"Terima kasih kepada seluruh fans Indonesia yang berjarak ribuan kilometer dari Italia. Mengungkapkan kecintaan mereka terhadap Bianconeri. Forza Juve!" sebut situs resmi Juventus.

Video2 Highlights Selengkapnya/Skor Dpt diLhat/Klik di Link bawah ini Gan...!!!
forza juve ...

kapan ya juve datang ke indonesia?

setelah italy, negara manakah yang punya fanbase juve terbesar? :D

sore wa ...anata ga kimeru koto desu |:mad:|:mad:
mungkin JEpang ya...??

engga ...hehehe itu cuman pertanyaan retoris, harusnya udah tau lah, kan indonesia :D

kalu yg bahasa jepang ntu gara2 abis liat dorama ini :D


forza juve ...[<:)


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Welcome back Martin!
January 27, 2012


Italian public and especially Juventus fans know him very well, but José Martín Cáceres Silva - a 24-years-old talent from Uruguay - can give further proofs of his value. Because, even if in his first season at Juve he already struck by showing his drive and versatility, after one month and half his experience has improved, in particular thanks to his participation in the Spanish Liga, a though championship addressed featuring in a very ambitious side such as Sevilla.

Also in 2009, Caceres joined Juventus from Spain, on loan from Barcelona. And in Spain he started his European adventure, signing with Villareal in 2007, following two seasons at Defensor Sporting in Montevideo (where he was born), and where he became captain when he was 19 years old only.

However, he never featured in any games with the ‘Yellow Submarine’, because he was immediately transferred to Recreativo Vuelva, where he achieved 34 appearances scoring two goals. His records allowed him to move to Barcelona. In 2009/10 season he joined Juventus where he debuted on 12 September. Moreover, his permanence at the Bianconero club was embellished by the goal he scored against Lazio in Rome. This will be his only net over 20 appearances. Martin showed his ability to shift position without any difficulty: back, full-back, side midfielder… His tactical versatility was always an important weapon even in international fixtures: with the Uruguayan squad, he achieved the semifinal of the World Championship in South Africa in 2010 and he lifted the trophy of the Copa America competition in 2011. In the meantime, Martin continued his career at Sevilla who registered him in the summer 2010, at the end of his experience at Juventus. In Andalusia, Caceres totalized 46 appearances and two goals in a season and half. An important achievement who allowed him to come back to Turin and to Juventus.


selamat datang, caceres



Ouasim Bouy kontrak dengan Juventus

Ouasim Bouy telah sepakat pindah ke Juventus. Klub telah mencapai kesepakatan dengan Ajax dan gelandang itu telah menempatkan pena di atas kertas pada kesepakatan permanen sampai 30 Juni 2015.

Pemain yang sangat didambakan banyak membawa kegembiraan dan potensi untuk jajaran muda Bianconeri. Pemain 18 tahun asal Belanda secara luas dianggap sebagai salah satu prospek paling menjanjikan yang muncul dari akademi Ajax dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dengan Juventus bergerak cepat untuk menambah armada gelandang ke daftar pemain mereka. Lahir di Amsterdam pada tanggal 11 Juni 1993, Bouy berkembang melalui pembinaan pemain muda Ajax. Munculnya dengan cepat dan melihat dia bergabung dengan skuad tim utama dan juga mengumumkan kedatangannya di panggung internasional, mencetak tiga gol dalam lima penampilan bagi Belanda Under 19s.