Seven Years War


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Perang tujuh tahun (1756-1753) itu terjadi di Eropa, Afrika, India dan Amerika Utara yang melibatkan Inggris beserta koloni-koloninya, Prusia, Portugal dan beberapa pecahan negara-negara kecil di Jerman melawan Austria, Perancis, Rusia, Swedia dan Negara-negara Saxony.

Nah yang jadi pertanyaan gw, kenapa perang ini tidak disebut sebagai perang dunia I ? Padahal ini khan merupakan perang global.

Wikipedia said:
The Seven Years' War was a global military conflict between 1754/56/57 and 1762/63, involving all great powers of the time and affecting North and Central America, Europe, the West African coast, India and the Philippines. In the historiography of some countries, the war is alternatively named after respective theaters: French and Indian War (USA , 1754–1763), Pomeranian War (Sweden, 1757–1762), Third Carnatic War (India, 1757–1763) and Third Silesian War (Germany and Austria, 1756–1763).

The war was driven by the antagonism between the British Empire (in personal union with Hanover) and the Bourbons (in France and Spain), resulting from overlapping interests in their colonial and trade empires, and by the antagonism between the Hohenzollerns (in Prussia) and Habsburgs (Holy Roman Emperors and kings in Austria), resulting from territorial and hegemonial conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire. The diplomatic revolution established an Anglo-Prussian camp, allied with some smaller German states and later Portugal, as well as an Austro-French camp, allied with Sweden, Saxony and later Spain. The Russian Empire left its offensive alliance with the Habsburgs on the succession of Peter III, and like Sweden concluded a separate peace with Prussia in 1762. The war ended with the peace treaties of Paris (Bourbon France and Spain, Great Britain) and of Hubertusburg (Hohenzollerns, Habsburgs, Saxon elector) in 1763. The war was characterized by sieges and arson of towns as well as open battles involving extremely heavy losses; overall, some 900,000 to 1,400,000 people died.

Great Britain excelled her Bourbon rivals in the contested overseas territories, gaining the bulk of New France, Spanish Florida, some Caribbean islands, Senegal and superiority over the French outposts on the Indian subcontinent. The native American tribes were excluded from the peace settlement, and were unable to return to their former status after the resulting Pontiac's rebellion. In Europe, Frederick II of Prussia failed to complete a preemptive strike against Austria, and his numerically superior opponents repulsed and at Kunersdorf nearly annilihated his forces. Frederick however recovered, regained ground and managed to avoid any concessions in Hubertusburg, where the status quo ante bellum was restored. William Pitt's saying that "America was won in Germany" referred to the Prussian war effort, which enabled Great Britain to keep her continental commitment limited and focus on her "blue water policy," successfully establishing naval supremacy. While French and allied forces were able to occupy Prussian and Hanoveranian territories up to East Frisia, French ambitions to invade Britain and to continue with their guerre de course were thwarted by a British naval blockade, which also impaired French supply routes to the colonies. The involvement of Portugal, Spain and Sweden did not return them to their former status as great powers. Spain's short intervention resulted in the loss of Florida, though she gained French Louisiana west of the Mississippi in exchange and Britain returned Cuba as well as the Philippines.
Seven Years War kalo menurutku sih sudah bisa dimasukkan sebagai perang dunia. Di mana nggak hanya melibatkan satu negara melawan negara lainnya, tapi sudah melibatkan persekutuan.

Lalu kenapa nggak disebut sebagai perang dunia I? lebih karena sekedar masalah semantik sih kalo aku rasa. Juga mungkin karena efek yang ditimbulkan tidak sebesar perang 1914-1918 yang disebut perang dunia pertama itu. Bisa juga karena alasan bahwa "peserta" perang adalah masih dalam satu kontinen, meskipun lokasi perangnya menyebar. Tapi yang perlu diingat, jaman itu masih dalam gencar2nya kolonialisme, dan wilayah2 perang di seven years war itu masih berada pada masing2 daerah kolonial peserta perang. Ini sama kasusnya dengan Eighty Years War yang terjadi di Indonesia, dengan melibatkan Belanda di satu sisi dan Portugis+Spanyol di sisi lain.

Pada seven years war itupun setiap perang yang terjadi punya nama sendiri2, seperti yang terjadi di amerika utara yang sering disebut sebagai "French and Indian War".

Perang 1914-1918 itu juga merupakan perang yang terjadi pertama kali dengan melibatkan kekuatan yang teramat sangat besar, dan tidak terbatas pada negara yang ada di satu kontinen. Di pihak sekutu ada Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Selandia Baru, Australia, Kanada, India dan Afrika selatan yang berada di luar kontinen eropa. Efek yang diakibatkan setelah perang juga cukup signifikan yang sedikit banyak merubah tatanan dunia, seperti "hilang"nya negara Austria-Hongaria yang kemudian berubah menjadi Austria.

Jadi meskipun seven years war bisa dimasukkan sebagai perang dunia, tapi secara tinjauan2 di atas, perang 1914-1918 bisa lebih diakui sebagai perang dunia yang pertama.
