AIMP v.2.61 - Free Music Player


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AIMP is a full-featured free music player designed with sound quality and wide, customizable functionality in mind. Over twenty audio formats are supported. Audio is processed in 32-bit for crystal-clear sound. The player features a 18-band graphics equalizer with extra built-in sound effects.

You can extend the existing functionality adding Input, DSP and Gen plug-ins from Winamp. All local and global hotkeys are customizable. Full Unicode support. You can convert AudioCD to MP3, OGG, WAV or WMA. Similarly, you can grab sound from any audio device on your PC to MP3, OGG, WAV or WMA formats.

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Download :
AIMP v2.61 Build 583

AIMP Tools v2.61 Converter & Recorder

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aden termasuk orang lama

dimana orang pakai winamp aden masih setia sama windows

hehehe karena ane suka suara musik yang simple om, klo terlalu banyak effect malah kurang gimanaaaaaaaa gitu, gak natural, windows media player + software driver mobo sudah cukup jernih koq om
tapi amp/winamp tetep ane install, tapi cuma buat file detect klo bakar mp3