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all, ini ada game facebook yang masih rada baru. Katanya buatan indo lho. Cobain maen deh, bagus kok 
copy paste dari info page nya :

Click here to view the promo video clip(BETA)
"Ambrosia (Greek: ἀμβροσία) is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods, often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumes it. It was brought to the gods in Olympus by doves, so may have been thought of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of divine exhalation of the Earth."
Will you be the one to bear it ? Take a marvelous adventure, search for Ambrosia and be glorious !
Your adventure awaits for you !
> Change job from Apprentice to whichever job suits you best (Hunter, Cook, Alchemist).
> Do Special & Hidden Quests tailored specifically only for your job.
> Collect/create your own replenish items to aid you in your quests.
> Vending, gain cash to fund your journeys.
> Send item, help your friends grow.
> Build your very own unique Avatar with Stats and Look customizations.
So qta perlu interaksi sama karakter laen bwt nyeleseiin quest-nya. Soalnya bwt masing2 job yg ada, musti saling bantu (cook, hunter ato alchemist).
Buat special quest, perlu item tertentu yang gak bisa didapat sendirian. Soalnya itemnya cuma dihasilin dari quest job lain. Jadi kalo gak dikasih dari orang, beli di market. Makin byk temen yg job nya macem2 makin gampang bwt nge-questnya.
Ada juga House of Fame-nya. bwt jd the best di "bidang"nya, contonya dapet penghasilan paling gede dari market bakal dapetin titel, jadi kudu belajar dagang juga.
Fitur customization avatar-nya cukup oke juga sih, banyak item2 bajunya. ada banyak banget kombinasi yang bisa muncul.
Nih, gambar promonya yg ada di photo albumnya biar makin lbh tertarik
id gw di sana : orca
add yah
copy paste dari info page nya :

Click here to view the promo video clip(BETA)
"Ambrosia (Greek: ἀμβροσία) is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods, often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumes it. It was brought to the gods in Olympus by doves, so may have been thought of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of divine exhalation of the Earth."
Will you be the one to bear it ? Take a marvelous adventure, search for Ambrosia and be glorious !
Your adventure awaits for you !
> Change job from Apprentice to whichever job suits you best (Hunter, Cook, Alchemist).
> Do Special & Hidden Quests tailored specifically only for your job.
> Collect/create your own replenish items to aid you in your quests.
> Vending, gain cash to fund your journeys.
> Send item, help your friends grow.
> Build your very own unique Avatar with Stats and Look customizations.
So qta perlu interaksi sama karakter laen bwt nyeleseiin quest-nya. Soalnya bwt masing2 job yg ada, musti saling bantu (cook, hunter ato alchemist).
Buat special quest, perlu item tertentu yang gak bisa didapat sendirian. Soalnya itemnya cuma dihasilin dari quest job lain. Jadi kalo gak dikasih dari orang, beli di market. Makin byk temen yg job nya macem2 makin gampang bwt nge-questnya.
Ada juga House of Fame-nya. bwt jd the best di "bidang"nya, contonya dapet penghasilan paling gede dari market bakal dapetin titel, jadi kudu belajar dagang juga.
Fitur customization avatar-nya cukup oke juga sih, banyak item2 bajunya. ada banyak banget kombinasi yang bisa muncul.
Nih, gambar promonya yg ada di photo albumnya biar makin lbh tertarik

id gw di sana : orca
add yah