Citizen Kane (1941):
Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" is widely considered to be
the greatest film to ever come out of Hollywood. The film
is basically about a group of reporters who are trying to
decipher the last word ever spoke by Charles Foster Kane,
the millionaire newspaper tycoon: "Rosebud." The film
begins with a news reel detailing Kane's life for the masses,
and then from there, we are shown flashbacks from Kane's
life. As the reporters investigate further, the viewers see a
display of a fascinating man's rise to fame, and how he
eventually fell off the "top of the world.
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Link didelete, thread dapat di closed dan di move ke Archive, jika anda merasa ini kesalahan mohon pm saya
Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" is widely considered to be
the greatest film to ever come out of Hollywood. The film
is basically about a group of reporters who are trying to
decipher the last word ever spoke by Charles Foster Kane,
the millionaire newspaper tycoon: "Rosebud." The film
begins with a news reel detailing Kane's life for the masses,
and then from there, we are shown flashbacks from Kane's
life. As the reporters investigate further, the viewers see a
display of a fascinating man's rise to fame, and how he
eventually fell off the "top of the world.
Sesuai forum rules, dilarang memasukan materi link download yang kemungkinan ilegal seperti crack, bajakan dan semacamnya. Software freeware dan shareware yang dibagikan/direview secara benar diperbolehkan
Link didelete, thread dapat di closed dan di move ke Archive, jika anda merasa ini kesalahan mohon pm saya
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