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It is April of the year 1945, the last days of the Second World War. Berlin is under siege, and the empire of the Third Reich is crumbling down. Hitler is hiding in his Führerbunker, knowing full well that he has found himself in a hopeless situation. The highest ranking SS officers decide to execute a very risky plan. The most important personas of the Third Reich are to be evacuated before the Soviet flag is mounted on the Reichstag. The resistance learns of this plan...
General Features
General Features
* Use one of the many available vehicles and attack the enemy with even greater force
* Cooperate with the resistance movement in order to overcome the Germans
* Use the many varied weapons, such as the Luger Parabellum, the Tommy Gun and the MG-42
* Fight in ruined cities, factories and offices of the Third Reich on the verge of its collapse.
Minimum Requirements
* Windows XP
Processor 2.4 Ghz
512 MB RAM
6 GB of hard disk space
Video Card: GeForce FX 5900 or Radeon 9600
DirectX 9.0c
DirectX compatible sound card
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