Desa di China Bangun Tembok Besar


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Desa di China Bangun Tembok Besar​

Hal-hal kuno memang tak selalu ketinggalan zaman. Aplikasinya masih bisa dipakai hingga hari ini. Tak percaya? Tengok saja apa yang dilakukan warga Desa Aodi, Provinsi Zhejiang, China. Kesal karena ulah pencuri, warga mengikuti langkah kaisar kuno China dan membangun “Tembok Besar” di sekitar kawasan desa.

Tembok setinggi tujuh meter dan setebal satu meter itu dibuat dengan gaya Tembok Besar China. Bagian atasnya bergerigi dan pintu gerbangnya dari besi. Namun, tembok Desa Aodi itu tetap punya sentuhan modern. Warga menggunakan kartu gesek agar bisa masuk kalau pulang larut malam. Untuk membangun tembok itu, warga urunan hingga 500.000 yuan (Rp685juta).

Sumber : koran sindo - AEP/alvin
Feb 1, 2011
China village builds 'Great Wall' to deter thieves


BEIJING - RESIDENTS of a village in eastern China have followed the ancient emperors and built a 'Great Wall' around their increasingly well-off community to keep out thieves, state media said on Tuesday.

The wall around Aodi in Zhejiang province, seven metres high and nearly a metre thick, was even built in the style of the Great Wall, with a crenellated top and imposing iron gate, the China Daily reported.

But the old-fashioned security measure comes with a modern touch - residents use a swipe card to enter late at night when the double-doored gate is locked.

The 270 villagers raised most of the 500,000 yuan ($96,900) cost of building the wall themselves, fed up with rising theft of items such as mobile phones, computers and cash, the report said.

Incomes in Aodi have risen since the 2007 construction of a provincial highway through the area spurred development, including the building of dozens of factories.

'Thefts have occurred extremely frequently as people are richer and have more expensive furniture, electric equipment and even more cash at home,' the report quoted Ruan Guolin, a local official, as saying.

Sumber: Straittimes
