Bls: download XILERO
Prikitiew.... bang kita coba step by stepnya yagh, ogut dapet dari forum resminya nih
XiLeRO Installation Guide Feedback regarding the guide is recommended. Send a private or visitor message to me.
I've noticed the lack of an installation guide and help so I decided to quickly put one together in order to help players know what files they need as well as when to install, update, or patch and using which links/files. Anything that is yellow in the required files is a download link and anything thereafter in the guide is likely a screenshot, mainly if there's a shroud of text surrounding it. Screenshots are located below their informative text.
[Step 1A] - Downloading Ragray
Visit and scroll down to the download links where there happens to be a date with the label
Latest! next to it. In this case, the most recent ragray download is 2010/04/15 since it was only 16 days ago from the time this guide was created so we'll be downloading from that date.
You have the choice to either download ragray in several pieces from their which is time consuming or you can download the and use a torrent client such as BitTorrent, µTorrent, Vuze, etc. with no effort or trouble at all.
*Note: If you choose to download the torrent it's missing part 8 so you'll have to download it from their website or rapidshare.
[Step 1B] - Extracting Ragray
Once you've finished downloading, you'll need a program that combines the .rar files and extracts the ragray installer such as 7-Zip or Winrar, which I've provided a link for already. Once winrar is installed, open one of the parts of the ragray .rar files that you downloaded and click extract.
It'll prompt you with a statement, select the first option to process all files in all the volumes and it'll begin extracting the ragray installer.
[Step 1C] - Installing Ragray
After extracting, double click the
RAGRAY-FULL.exe installer. It'll take a couple of seconds to open and click the
I Agree button.
It'll bring you to the next screen which deals with the different parts you're given an option to install. It's unnecessary to mess with it unless you know what you're doing or what you need. Don't touch anything and press the
Next button.
It'll allow you to select a destination folder to install Ragray. It's best left untouched unless you know how to patch it using this server's patch. Click the
Next button once you're done.
It'll begin installing and show progress. Once finished, close it.
[Step 1D] - Updating Ragray
Once installed, go to your RO folder and open Ragnarok.exe and let it update.
Afterwards, continue opening Ragnarok_RE.exe, RSU-Ragnarok.exe, and RSU-Renewal.exe allowing each to update and ensure that they're all updated.
Step 2 - XiLeRO Patch v4
[Step 2A] - Downloading XiLeRO Patch v4
On that page, click
- Download XileROPatchv4 28mb - and download the file.
[Step 2B] - Installing XiLeRO Patch v4
Open the patch you just downloaded and it'll allow you to install. Click the
Next button.
Pick the directory you installed ragray to and choose it then click
Next and finally the
Install button.
[Step 2C] - Updating XiLeRO Patch v4
Go to your RO folder and run XiLeRO.exe
NOT XiLeRO!.exe in order to patch your client fully. Once that's finished and if you followed all of the instructions properly, you should be able to play XiLeRO without problem.
Feedback regarding the guide is recommended. Send a private or visitor message to me.
I've noticed the lack of an installation guide and help so I decided to quickly put one together in order to help players know what files they need as well as when to install, update, or patch and using which links/files. Anything that is yellow in the required files is a download link and anything thereafter in the guide is likely a screenshot, mainly if there's a shroud of text surrounding it. Screenshots are located below their informative text.
You have the choice to either download ragray in several pieces from their ] which is time consuming or you can download the
single torrent file and use a torrent client such as BitTorrent, µTorrent, Vuze, etc. with no effort or trouble at all.
*Note: If you choose to download the torrent it's missing part 8 so you'll have to download it from their website or rapidshare.
[Step 1B] - Extracting Ragray
Once you've finished downloading, you'll need a program that combines the .rar files and extracts the ragray installer such as 7-Zip or Winrar, which I've provided a link for already. Once winrar is installed, open one of the parts of the ragray .rar files that you downloaded and click extract.
It'll prompt you with a statement, select the first option to process all files in all the volumes and it'll begin extracting the ragray installer.
[Step 1C] - Installing Ragray
After extracting, double click the
RAGRAY-FULL.exe installer. It'll take a couple of seconds to open and click the
I Agree button.
It'll bring you to the next screen which deals with the different parts you're given an option to install. It's unnecessary to mess with it unless you know what you're doing or what you need. Don't touch anything and press the
Next button.
It'll allow you to select a destination folder to install Ragray. It's best left untouched unless you know how to patch it using this server's patch. Click the
Next button once you're done.
It'll begin installing and show progress. Once finished, close it.
[Step 1D] - Updating Ragray
Once installed, go to your RO folder and open Ragnarok.exe and let it update.
Afterwards, continue opening Ragnarok_RE.exe, RSU-Ragnarok.exe, and RSU-Renewal.exe allowing each to update and ensure that they're all updated.
Step 2 - XiLeRO Patch v4
[Step 2A] - Downloading XiLeRO Patch v4
Open [
On that page, click
- Download XileROPatchv4 28mb - and download the file.
[Step 2B] - Installing XiLeRO Patch v4
Open the patch you just downloaded and it'll allow you to install. Click the
Next button.
Pick the directory you installed ragray to and choose it then click
Next and finally the
Install button.
[Step 2C] - Updating XiLeRO Patch v4
Go to your RO folder and run XiLeRO.exe
NOT XiLeRO!.exe in order to patch your client fully. Once that's finished and if you followed all of the instructions properly, you should be able to play XiLeRO without problem.
Eeeeeehhhhh kok pada nyengir aja??

ayo sini-sini kasih aku dobel-dobel bintang