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Belajar Jaringan Komputer, Instalasi Jaringan Komputer, Belajar Mikrotik, Complete Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certification, Complete Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Complete Cisco Certified Network Profesional (CCNP), WireShark University, dll
Materi#1 - Complete Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certification (Harga Ecer Rp. 50.000,-)
CCNA - Networking Basics Competencies
Students have an understanding of networking basics including:
Computer hardware and software, electricity, networking terminology, and protocols
LANs and WANs, Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, Ethernet, and Internet Protocol (IP) addressing
Design and documentation of a basic network and structured cabling
Network-to-network communications
CCNA - Routers and Routing Basics Competencies
Students have an understanding of routers and routing including:
Router user interfaces, components and configurations
Basics of IOS versions, naming and software backup
TCP/IP Protocol Suite and IP addressing and subnetting
Interior routing protocols?RIP, IGRP
CCNA - Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing Competencies
Students have an understanding of switching and intermediate routing including:
Switching and VLANs
Spanning-Tree Protocol
Routing and Routing Protocols
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Network documentation, security and troubleshooting
CCNA - WAN Technologies Competencies
Students have an understanding of WAN technology basics including:
WAN devices, encapsulation formats, and communication
PPP components, session establishment, and authentication
ISDN uses, services, and configuration
Frame relay technology and configuration Industry-recognized Certification
Materi :
1. CCNA 4.0 Discovery & Exploration
Discovery 1: Networking for Home and Small and Business
Discovery 2: Working at a Small to Medium Business or ISP
Discovery 3: Introcduction Routing and Switching Computer Networks
Discovery 4: Designing and Supporting Computer Networks
Exploration 1: Network Fundamentals
Exploration 2: Routing Protocols and Concept
Exploration 3: LAN Switching and Wireless
Exploration 4: Accessing the WAN
2. CCNA Video Mentor 2nd Edition
3. Cisco Press 640-802, ICND1 & ICND2 (PDF)
4. Cisco Official SlideICND 1 & ICND 2
5. Packet Tracer 5.0 + Activities
6. CBT Nuggets CCCNA 640.802 (ICND 1 & ICND 2)
7. Router eSIM v1.1
8. Cisco Network Academy CCNA 3.0
9. Learnkey - Cisco Authorized series CCNA
10. Routersim Network Visualizer6.0
Students have an understanding of networking basics including:
Computer hardware and software, electricity, networking terminology, and protocols
LANs and WANs, Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, Ethernet, and Internet Protocol (IP) addressing
Design and documentation of a basic network and structured cabling
Network-to-network communications
CCNA - Routers and Routing Basics Competencies
Students have an understanding of routers and routing including:
Router user interfaces, components and configurations
Basics of IOS versions, naming and software backup
TCP/IP Protocol Suite and IP addressing and subnetting
Interior routing protocols?RIP, IGRP
CCNA - Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing Competencies
Students have an understanding of switching and intermediate routing including:
Switching and VLANs
Spanning-Tree Protocol
Routing and Routing Protocols
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Network documentation, security and troubleshooting
CCNA - WAN Technologies Competencies
Students have an understanding of WAN technology basics including:
WAN devices, encapsulation formats, and communication
PPP components, session establishment, and authentication
ISDN uses, services, and configuration
Frame relay technology and configuration Industry-recognized Certification
Materi :
1. CCNA 4.0 Discovery & Exploration
Discovery 1: Networking for Home and Small and Business
Discovery 2: Working at a Small to Medium Business or ISP
Discovery 3: Introcduction Routing and Switching Computer Networks
Discovery 4: Designing and Supporting Computer Networks
Exploration 1: Network Fundamentals
Exploration 2: Routing Protocols and Concept
Exploration 3: LAN Switching and Wireless
Exploration 4: Accessing the WAN
2. CCNA Video Mentor 2nd Edition
3. Cisco Press 640-802, ICND1 & ICND2 (PDF)
4. Cisco Official SlideICND 1 & ICND 2
5. Packet Tracer 5.0 + Activities
6. CBT Nuggets CCCNA 640.802 (ICND 1 & ICND 2)
7. Router eSIM v1.1
8. Cisco Network Academy CCNA 3.0
9. Learnkey - Cisco Authorized series CCNA
10. Routersim Network Visualizer6.0
Materi#2 - Complete Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) (Harga Ecer Rp. 150.000,-)
Sertifikasi Ethical ####### and Countermeasures (CEH) merupakan sertifikat yang tidak berpihak kepada salah satu vendor bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang untuk mencegah terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan yang bertentangan dengan hukum yang berlaku. Sertifikasi ini sangat sesuai untuk orang-orang yang sudah profesional dan berpengalaman di bidang IT maupun orang-orang yang telah memperoleh sertifikasi lainnya di bidang IT.
Seseorang yang telah memperoleh sertifikasi Ethical Hacker adalah tenaga profesional yang mengerti dan tahu bagaimana cara melihat kelemahan dan kerentanan pada sistem yang ditargetkan dengan menggunakan pengetahuan dan alat yang sama dengan yang digunakan oleh hacker yang lain. Hacker sering kali digolongkan pada kegiatan kriminal pada beberapa negara. Pengaplikasian teknik-teknik yang dipelajari pada modul ini hanya dapat dilakukan atas permintaan organisasi atau perusahaan yang sistemnya akan di-####.
1. Career Academy : Modul CEH
Paket ini banyak memberikan Video Tutorial Bagaimana memahami Sebuah Sistem menjadi lebih Baik dan tentunya kita akan belajar seperti Real Time. Video training ini memberikan pelajaran bagaimana cara scan port, menganalisa jaringan, dan #### dan tidak lupa juga mengamankan sistem yang telah kita buat. Tidak hanya teori, tapi juga demonstrasinya ditunjukkan dengan jelas, dan jangan khawatir, juga penjelasannya dari mulai konsep dasar hingga tingkat lanjut.
Daftar modul lengkap dan isinya adalah terdiri dari :
Module 1: Ethical ####### and Penetration Testing
Module 2: Footprinting and Reconnaissance
Module 3: TCP/IP Basics and Scanning
Module 4: Enumeration and Verification
Module 5: ####### & Defending Wireless/Modem
Module 6: ####### & Defending Web Servers
Module 7: ####### & Defending Web Applications
Module 8: Sniffers and Session Hijacking
Module 9: ####### & Defending Windows Systems
Module 10: ####### & Defending Unix Systems
Module 11: Rootkits, Backdoors, Trojans & Tunnels
Module 12: Denial of Service and Botnets
Module 13: Automated Pen Testing Tools
Module 14: Intrusion Detection Systems
Module 15: Firewalls
Module 16: Honeypots and Honeynets
Module 17: Ethics and Legal Issues
2. Certified Ethical Hacker VIDEO
Di dalam DVDnya sudah disertakan bagaimana cara menggunakan Tool yang akan digunakan untuk Penetrasi.
3. Operating System CEH-BACKTRACK 3
BACKTRACK adalah Salah Satu Operating System Favorit yang digunakan oleh Para Hacker Ternama untuk melakukan Penetrasi Pada Jaringan dan OS...Hebatnya Lagi di dalam Tool ini sudah lebih 150 TOOL HAACK.....Jadi Anda tidak perlu mencarinya Lagi...Dalam DVD ini Anda Tinggal melakukan BURN ISO Ke CD Kemudian BootTABLE....OS yang digunakan adalah LINUX...
4. Full Modul CEH Presentation Version 6
CEH-Classroom-Lab-Setup-v6.pdf 1.5 MB
CEHv6 Module 00 Student Introduction.pdf 590.7 KB
CEHv6 Module 01 Introduction to Ethical #######.pdf 3.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 02 ####### Laws.pdf 3.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 03 Footprinting.pdf 10 MB
CEHv6 Module 04 Google #######.pdf 4.2 MB
CEHv6 Module 05 Scanning.pdf 16.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 06 Enumeration.pdf 4 MB
CEHv6 Module 07 System #######.pdf 15.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 08 Trojans and Backdoors.pdf 9.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 09 Viruses and Worms.pdf 5.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 10 Sniffers.pdf 10 MB
CEHv6 Module 11 Social Engineering.pdf 5 MB
CEHv6 Module 12 Phishing.pdf 2.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 13 ####### Email Accounts.pdf 1.8 MB
CEHv6 Module 14 Denial of Service.pdf 3.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 15 Session Hijacking.pdf 1.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 16 ####### Webservers.pdf 4.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 17 Web Application Vulnerabilities.pdf 4.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 18 Web based Password kracking Techniques.pdf 5.4 MB
CEHv6 Module 19 SQL Injection.pdf 3.2 MB
CEHv6 Module 20 ####### Wireless Networks.pdf 12.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 21 Physical Security.pdf 3.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 22 Linux #######.pdf 6.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 23 Evading IDS Firewall and Honeypot.pdf 4.7 MB
CEHv6 Module 24 Buffer Overflows.pdf 1.4 MB
CEHv6 Module 25 Cryptography.pdf 0 Bytes
CEHv6 Module 26 Penetration Testing.pdf 5.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 28 Writing Virus Codes.pdf 599 KB
CEHv6 Module 29 Assembly Language Tutorial.pdf 1007.9 KB
CEHv6 Module 30 Exploit Writing.pdf 2 MB
CEHv6 Module 31 Exploit Writing.pdf 239 KB
CEHv6 Module 32 Exploit Writing.pdf 640.8 KB
CEHv6 Module 33 Reverse Engineering Techniques.pdf 2.8 MB
CEHv6 Module 34 MAC OS X #######.pdf 1.3 MB
CEHv6 Module 35 ####### Routers, Cable Modems and Firewalls.pdf 3.2 MB
CEHv6 Module 36 ####### Mobile Phones, PDA and Handheld Devices.pdf 4 MB
CEHv6 Module 37 Bluetooth #######.pdf 2.5 MB
CEHv6 Module 38 VoIP #######.pdf 3.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 39 RFID #######.pdf 2.2 MB
CEHv6 Module 40 Spamming.pdf 2.7 MB
CEHv6 Module 41 ####### USB Devices.pdf 1.8 MB
CEHv6 Module 42 ####### Database Servers.pdf 1.6 MB
CEHv6 Module 43 Cyber Warfare- ####### Al-Qaida and Terrorism.pdf 2.7 MB
CEHv6 Module 44 Internet Content Filtering Techniques.pdf 2 MB
CEHv6 Module 45 Privacy on the Internet.pdf 5.4 MB
CEHv6 Module 46 Securing Laptop Computers.pdf 1.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 47 Spying Technologies.pdf 4.3 MB
CEHv6 Module 48 Corporate Espionage by Insiders.pdf 2.2 MB
CEHv6 Module 49 Creating Security Policies.pdf 2.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 50 Software Piracy and Warez.pdf 2.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 51 ####### and Cheating Online Games.pdf 2 MB
CEHv6 Module 52 ####### RSS and Atom.pdf 1.7 MB
CEHv6 Module 53 ####### Web Browsers.pdf 1.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 54 Proxy Server Technologies.pdf 2.3 MB
CEHv6 Module 55 Preventing Data Loss.pdf 3.7 MB
CEHv6 Module 56 ####### Global Positioning System.pdf 2.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 57 Computer Forensics and Incident Handling.pdf 2.5 MB
CEHv6 Module 58 Credit Card Frauds.pdf 2.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 59 How to Steal Passwords.pdf 1.5 MB
CEHv6 Module 60 Firewall Technologies.pdf 2.8 MB
CEHv6 Module 61 Threats and Countermeasures.pdf 24.9 MB
CEHv6 Module 62 Case Studies.pdf 713.9 KB
CEHv6 Module 63 Botnets.pdf 1.1 MB
CEHv6 Module 64 Economic Espionage.pdf 653.3 KB
CEHv6 Module 65 Patch Management.pdf 7 MB
CEHv6 Module 66 Security Convergence.pdf 630.6 KB
CEHv6 Module 67 Identifying the Terrorists.pdf 1.8 MB
5. Bonus eBooks
CEH - Comprehensive guide certified ethical #######.pdf
For.Dummies.#######.Wireless.Networks.For.Dummies. Sep.2005.eBook-DDU.pdf
Google ####### for Penetration Testers Volume 2 - Syngress.pdf
Hackers secret.pdf
####### For Dummies 2nd ed - K. Beaver.pdf
#######.Exposed.Sixth.Edition.Network.Security.Sec retsAnd.Solutions.pdf
McGraw.Hill.#######.Exposed.Linux.Third.Edition.Ju l.2008.eBook-DDU.pdf
McGraw.Hill.#######.Exposed.Windows.3rd.Edition.De c.2007.pdf
dan masih banyak materi lainnya...
Materi#3 - Complete Cisco Certified Network Profesional (CCNP) (Harga Ecer Rp. 50.000,-)
Course Objective : In this course, students will learn how to create an efficient and expandable enterprise network by installing, configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting network infrastructure equipment (especially routers such as Cisco ISRs) according to the Campus Infrastructure module in the Enterprise Composite Network model. The routed network includes the most commonly used and emerging IP routing protocols.
B. Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Network (BCMSN)
Course Objective : In this course, students will learn how to create an efficient and expandable enterprise network by installing, configuring, monitoring, and troubleshooting network infrastructure equipment (especially Catalyst Multilayer Switches) according to the Campus Infrastructure module in the Enterprise Composite Network model. The campus switched network includes converged IP data, IPC (voice), and Airspace WLAN (Wireless) connectivity
C. Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks (ISCW)
Course Objectives : After completing this course the student should be able to:
Explain the Cisco hierarchical network model as it pertains to the WAN Describe and implement teleworker configuration and access
Implement and verify frame mode MPLS
Describe and configure a site-to-site IPSEC VPN
Describe and configure Cisco EZVPN
Explain the strategies used to mitigate network attacks
Describe and configure Cisco device hardening
Describe and configure IOS firewall features
D. Implementing Converged Cisco Networks (ONT)
Course Objectives : After completing this course the student should be able to :
Explain the Cisco hierarchical network model as it pertains to an end-to-end enterprise network
Describe specific requirements for implementing a VOIP network
Describe the need to implement QoS and the methods for implementing QoS on a converged network using Cisco's routers and Catalyst Switches
Explain the key IP QoS mechanisms used to implement the DiffServ QoS model
Configure Auto QoS for Enterprise
Describe and configure wireless security and basic wireless management
Berikut ini isi dari Complete CCNP :
CCNP Video Mentor
Cisco Network Academy CCNP 5.0
The Boson NetSim 7
Cisco Press CCNP
BOSON Netsim For CCNP 7.06 Portable
Cisco Official Slides
Cisco Configuration Notes
Testking CCNP
Cisco IOS 12.4 Colls
Cisco Network Asistant 5.2
Dynagen Tutorial
Materi#4 - WireShark University (Harga Ecer Rp. 50.000,-)
Materi :
Wireshark Functionality and Fundamentals ($299)
Learn how to use Wireshark efficiently and effectively by placing Wireshark in the ideal location to capture traffic (even on a switched network). Learn to focus on key traffic using filters and display your results with Wireshark’s graphs.
Wireshark TCP/IP Network Analysis ($299)
This course focuses on both the normal and abnormal communication patterns of the TCP/IP suite and most common applications including DHCP, DNS, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, POP and SMTP.
Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance ($299)
This course focuses on the causes of poor network performance including packet-loss, retransmissions, high latency, low throughput rates, minimal bandwidth, application errors, configuration faults, resolution problems and protocol behavior problems.
Wireshark Network Forensics and Security ($299)
This course focuses on network forensics including capture locations, stealth-mode capture, optimal capture and display filters, validating encrypted logins, identifying reconnaissance processes, locating header and payload signatures, catching penetration tests, malware behavior, backdoor communications and virus traffic.
Materi#5 - Jaringan Berbasis Windows 98/2000/XP (Harga Ecer Rp. 15.000,-)
Materi : Konsep dasar jaringan, konfigurasi LAN Card, konfigurasi jaringan, Printer & Files Sharing, Internet Sharing, dll.
Materi#6 - Merakit Jaringan Wireless (Harga Ecer Rp. 15.000,-)
Materi : Merakit beberapa notebook dan beberapa PC di rumah atau kantor dengan jaringan wireless, materi meliputi setting internet, setting LAN, setting Wireless, setting Client, browsing, dll
Materi#7 - Merakit Komputer (Harga Ecer Rp. 15.000,-)
Materi : Merakit peripheral PC seperti Motherboard, VGA Card, Drive, Harddisk, CPU, dll hingga menjadi sebuah PC yang siap pakai.
Materi#8 - Networking Windows Server 2000/2003 (Harga Ecer Rp. 15.000,-)
Materi : Mempelajari jaringan komputer berbasis Windows 2000 dan Windows Server 2003 mulai dari konsep, topologi, setting, sharing, hingga security semua dibahas lengkap.
Paket Networking (NW) = 10 DVD
Harga = Rp. 200.000,-
SMS ke 0812-2266-1488
Networking # Buy # Kota Anda
Nantikan Balasan SMS kami secepatnya
Pin BB: 2946E79B
YM: susantius1@yahoo.com
Tunggu, ada bonus spesial buat Anda yang pesan hari ini...
Terdiri dari 3 ebook dengan materi sebagai berikut :
1. Rahasia Membangun Bisnis Warnet & Game Center Yang Pasti Untung
Merupakan panduan ebook terlengkap untuk membangun bisnis warnet Anda, mengulas berbagai hal mengenai warnet seperti pemilihan lokasi, penataan, perakitan komputer, instalasi jaringan, provider internet, sistem keamanan menggunakan CCTV, penanganan berbagai kecurangan yang mungkin terjadi oleh karyawan atau pelanggan, penanganan virus, pengendalian jarak jauh dengan VPN dan VNC, pengembangan bisnis, dll.
Semua materi dibahas lengkap dan rinci.
2. Mikrotik - Professional Setting for Internet Cafe
Membahas lengkap membangun warnet menggunakan mikrotik berbasis sistem operasi Linux serta menjadi penyedia layanan Hot Spot.
3. The Metamorfosis
Mengulas berbagai hal mengenai pemodalan, ijin, desain warnet, dll
Spesial Bonus#2 - Softbiz Warnet
Berbagai program billing system untuk bisnis warnet Anda :
Softstack Advanced Internet Kiosk v5.4
Internet Cafe Software 5.4 0i
KBilling v2.0.5
CyberCafe v5.1.533 (Ultra Edition)
Billing CafeManila v8.66.Full
Billing Cyber pro v5.0c.Full
Billing Explorer DeskPro v6.Full
Billing Indobilling.Full