FBI Warning: Video Girl Barbie Used To Create Child Porn?


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Published: Dec 6, 2010
FBI Warning: Video Girl Barbie Used To Create Child Porn?
by Toshiba Reynolds


Barbie cam? A new Barbie doll has arrived on the scene, but it's equipped with a camera that allows kids to film themselves and others. Now the FBI is worried this will become a popular toy for pedophiles, which has prompted an FBI warning about 'Video Girl' Barbie.

Mattel's latest Barbie, called 'Barbie Video Girl', not only allows kids to film each other, they can view the video clips up to 30 minutes long on an LCD screen built into Barbie's back, and even download the videos to their computers, and thereby the internet.

Parents are up in arms over the possibility that kid videos will be picked up and used by pedophiles, among others, in the continuing battle between internet predators, concerned parents, and law enforcement. Some are urging a boycott of the product.

Of particular concern is the fact that children don't view things the way some adults do, and they may inadvertantly upload inappropriate content that kids might innocently consider funny or silly.

The FBI has also issued a warning, saying the doll could be used by the pedophiles to make child pornography. Video Girl Barbie wears a hot pink shirt and high-heeled boots, and knee length jeans.

"When we're doing the search warrant, looking for media that a child pornographer may have used, we're going to have to put Barbie on the list. Just like we have any other cameras, computers," one FBI official told ABC News.

The doll retails for about $110.

Sumber : http://www.postchronicle.com

Terjemahan bebas :

Sebuah boneka Barbie baru telah diluncurkan, namun boneka Barbie ini bukan boneka biasa, tapi dilengkapi dengan kamera yang memungkinkan anak-anak dapat menggunakan kamera tersebut saat bermain.

Boneka Barbie buatan Mattel terbaru ini disebut dengan ‘Barbie Video Girl’. Boneka Barbie ini dapat digunakan untuk mengambil gambar dan memainkan video klip selama 30 menit pada layar LCD yang terdapat pada punggung boneka. Dimana gambar dapat di-unduh (download) maupun di-unggah (upload) pada komputer maupun internet.

Peluncuran boneka ‘Barbie Video Girl’ ini membuat FBI menerbitkan peringatan. FBI mengatakan boneka ini dapat digunakan dan disalahgunakan oleh pedofil untuk membuat film pornografi anak maupun digunakan untuk mengamati anak-anak. Dan dikhawatirkan anak-anak dapat meng-unduh konten yang tidak patut dilihat oleh anak-anak.

Beberapa orang tua, penegak hukum sudah mendesak untuk memboikot produk tersebut dan menarik dari pasaran. ‘Barbie Video Girl’ dijual dengan harga sekitar US$ 110.
