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New very nice project: GanfBank
-We accept: Liberty Reserve / Perfect Money / EgoPay / PexPay
-Dedicated DDoS protected Server - KoDDoS
-Referral commission: 3-7%
-Unique Design
-Unique Script
-ganfbank.com is hosted on a dedicated server.
-Manual Withdraw
Link to view and register ==>>>
New very nice project: GanfBank
Start Jan 17, 2013GanfBank is a private company offering financial investment services worldwide. The company`s main direction of activities is capital and investments management for profit. We offer profitable and attractive investment products for physical persons, state institutions and private companies.
Our dynamic and motivated team of highly professional brokers, traders and analysts combines superior talent and long-time experience on the market. Our confident and strong positions on investment market are produced by our hard work.
1.1% daily for 30 days
$10 - $20000
Principal returned at maturity
But if you wan't cooperate with us for longer time, you can leave money with us for longer time and already receive 1.3 % every calendar day and after this term you can request principal at any time you want. Just the minimum term is 30 calendar days. Maximum is up to you.
1.4% daily for 45 days
$251 - $20000
Principal returned at maturity
But if you wan't cooperate with us for longer time, you can leave money with us for longer time and already receive 1.6 % every calendar day and after this term you can request principal at any time you want. Just the minimum term is 45 calendar days. Maximum is up to you.
1.8% daily for 60 days
$501 - $20000
Principal returned at maturity
But if you wan't cooperate with us for longer time, you can leave money with us for longer time and already receive 2.0 % every calendar day and after this term you can request principal at any time you want. Just the minimum term is 60 calendar days. Maximum is up to you.
-We accept: Liberty Reserve / Perfect Money / EgoPay / PexPay
-Dedicated DDoS protected Server - KoDDoS
-Referral commission: 3-7%
-Unique Design
-Unique Script
-ganfbank.com is hosted on a dedicated server.
-Manual Withdraw
Link to view and register ==>>>