
Japanese Comic - English Version - Vols 12 - Rapidshare
Plot: Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. It's name... Gantz.
Author: Hiroya Oku
Artist: Hiroya Oku
Publication Status: Incomplete
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Shounen, Supernatural

Japanese Comic - English Version - Vols 11 - Rapidshare
Plot: Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. It's name... Gantz.
Author: Hiroya Oku
Artist: Hiroya Oku
Publication Status: Incomplete
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Shounen, Supernatural
Plot: Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. It's name... Gantz.
Author: Hiroya Oku
Artist: Hiroya Oku
Publication Status: Incomplete
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Shounen, Supernatural
Plot: Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal - few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. It's name... Gantz.
Author: Hiroya Oku
Artist: Hiroya Oku
Publication Status: Incomplete
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Shounen, Supernatural
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