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First, be sure you are the owner of the file or the system administrator of the network; otherwise you will not be able to access the right security level to remove the password.
Next, you need to decide if you want to completely remove all of the passwords for the file or just the password needed to open the file or to modify it. There is an added step if you want to allow modifications to the workbook.
Removing the modify password -
To remove the password from a workbook in Office 2010 so it can be edited, first open the workbook in Excel. Go up to the File menu, and click Save as. Then go up to the top to the Tools menu, and click on General Options. You should see Password to modify as one of the options. Click in the box, highlight the asterisks, and then press delete. Click Ok, and then click Save. You may be prompted to replace the current workbook with this version. Click Yes to accept, or you can change the name and save it with a new name, if you want to preserve the original file.
Removing the open password -
If you want to just remove the password on open, follow the same steps as above, but clear out the asterisks next to Password to open instead, then click Ok and Save.
Office 2003 instructions -
For Office 2003, the process is a little different. Open your workbook as before, and click Tools then Options. Navigate to the Security tab and click it. You will see two options – Password to open and Password to modify. You can clear out the passwords from either or both, then click Ok at the bottom when you are finished. You have the option here to uncheck Read-only as well.
If you are feeling really ambitious, there is code available on the internet you can locate and use to add in through the command prompt to remove the password lock by changing display alerts to “false” and changing the password property to nothing, literally by coding a blank space between the quotation marks in that line of code. Too advanced? Totally agree, but if you like doing that kind of work, the complete lines of code are available.
Backup versions first -
If you want to be able to share the file and have people make edits, but ultimately you want to preserve the original, be sure you make a backup copy of your original file first, then unlock the passwords. Once you have shared the workbook and the changes have been suggested and returned to you, you can add them into your copy and still maintain the level of security you want for that version.
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