den mojave keren, udah jadi penulis yaYang Belum Tercapai selama 2013
1. mengunjungi Madagaskar
2. menyelesaikan hunian asri utk masa pensiun
Yang sudah tercapai
- menyelesaikan buku Motivasi dalam 2 bahasa yg ak tulis "The Thousand" yang Insya Allah naik cetak januari 2014
den mojave keren, udah jadi penulis ya
lalu kenapa harus ke madagaskar den mojave? bukan tujuan travel lain?
Life is wonderful, but due to some reasons and some moments, the wonderful things of life can be hidden. When it happens, frustration that is felt by someone can kill the spirit and the motivation that the person has. The worst thing is, the heavy depression that is felt by someone can kill oneself as well. There must be someone and something that saves the depressed person before that person goes too far by doing something wrong to lift the pain away. If there is no one can do this, a book like “The Thousand” maybe can be very useful to heal the psychological wound.
waahh mojave bikin buku.. Gratis dong, buat masyarakat ii ?
Impianku yang udah tercapai..
1. Punya pacar, setelah tahunan ngejomblo
2. Punya gadget baru, android
3. Adik kalin gak minggat-minggat lagi
4. No Way Out udah sampe season 13: After 6 Years
5. Berhasil mengatasi rasa gak pede, dan akhirnya berani tampil nyanyi di mana-mana.
6. Udah punya empat mobil
Yang belum tercapai..
1. Punya bukunya pak Dahlan Iskan
2. Nonton The Phillosopher
3. Belum punya rumah
4. Belajar drive car
5. Nikah
iya ada. Cmn, waktu ke gramed nya yang gak ada..