John Bates Clark


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Clark, John Bates (Providence, 26 Jan 1847— New York, 23 Mar 1938). Ahli ekonomi Amerika, Tahun 1899 mengembangkan gagasan Distribution of wealth (Ing.), suatu teori nilai yang mendekati teori marginal. Pemikirannya tentang inti sari teori ekonomi (Ing.: Essentials of economic theory, 1907) lebih diarahkan pada pemikiran ekonomi yang dinamis [FOOTNOTE]Ensiklopedi Indonesia, 1992, Penerbit PT Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve, Jakarta, PT Intermasa, Jakarta[/FOOTNOTE]


John Bates Clark adalah ekonom neoklasik dari amerika dan salah satu tokoh terkemuka dari Revolusi Marginalist. Setelah lulus dari Amherst College pada tahun 1875, John Bates Clark pergi ke Jerman, dimana ia belajar di bawah asuhan Karl Knies di Heidelberg. Sekembalinya ke Amerika Serikat, Clark mengajar ekonomi, sejarah dan serangkaian mata pelajaran lainnya di Carleton, Smith dan perguruan tinggi Amherst sebelum akhirnya mengajar mahasiswa pasca sarjana di Johns Hopkins. Pada 1895, Clark akhirnya mengajar secara tetap di Columbia University.

John Bates Clark terkenal dalam mengembangkan konsep "produktivitas marginal" dan tesis "keausan/keusangan produk" di balik Teori Produktivitas Marjinal Distribusi, yang pertama kali dia kembangkan pada tahun 1889. Dia juga mengembangkan teori utilitas berbasis permintaan marjinal independen pada 1885.

Karya-karya John Bates Clark

  • "The New Philosophy of Wealth" 1877, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Unrecognized Forces in Political Economy", 1877, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "How to Deal with Communism", 1878, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Business Ethics, Past and Present", 1879, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "The Nature and Progress of True Socialism" 1879, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Spiritual Economics", 1880, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "The Philosophy of Value",1881, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Non-competitive Economics", 1882, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Recent Theories of Wages", 1883, New Englander and Yale Review
  • The Philosophy of Wealth, 1885
  • "The Moral Outcome of Labor Troubles", 1886, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Christianity and Modern Economics", 1887, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Capital and Its Earnings", 1888, Publications of AEA
  • "Possibility of a Scientific Law of Wages", 1889, Publications of AEA
  • "The Law of Wages and Interest", 1890, Annals of AAPSS.
  • "The "Trust": A New Agent for doing an Old Work: or Freedom doing the Work of Monopoly", 1890, New Englander and Yale Review
  • "Distribution as Determined by a Law of Rent", 1891, QJE
  • "The Genesis of Capital", 1893, Yale Review
  • "The Origin of Interest, 1895, QJE
  • "Real Issues Concerning Interest", 1895, QJE
  • "The Future of Economic Theory", 1898, QJE.
  • "The Modern Appeal to Legal Forces in Economic Life, 1894, AER
  • The Distribution of Wealth: A theory of wages, interest and profits, 1899.
  • "Natural Divisions in Economic Theory", 1899, QJE.
  • "Disarming the Trusts", 1900, Atlantic Monthly
  • "Wages and Interest as Determined by Marginal Productivity", 1901, JPE
  • Essentials of Economic Theory, 1907.
  • "Review of Schumpeter's Theory of Economic Development", 1912, AER
  • "The Economic Costs of War", 1915, AER
[FOOTNOTE]Biografi John Bates Clark Oleh Dipi Purnomo[/FOOTNOTE]

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