Jual 16E1+100M 2-Port Optical Multiplexer

16E1+100M 2-Port Optical Multiplexer


- High density monolithic design for easy integration
- Complete function switches and alarm indications to display the working - status, and the local led
- indications can display the status of remote device
- Supports the loop back function on each E1 channel
- Supports 1+1 protected optical port
- Supports two Ethernets are 100M switch-mode channels
- Supports two RS232 channels or one RS232 and one ex-warning indications channel
- Supports console interface according the order of the customer
- Supports one hot-line port according the order of the customer
- Supports the AC220V and DC48V power supply simultaneously

This chapter is an introduction to 16E1+100M 2-Port Optical Multiplexer and includes the following sections: Overview Features

This device apply large-scale integrated circuit developed independently as its hardcore and can multiple 16-channel E1 signal, 2-channel 100M Ethernet and 2-channel RS232 and 1 hot-line port onto a pair of fiber to realize the hybrid transmission

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atas nama : Pt. Inti Telecom Nusantara
nomor rekening: 101-000-606-520-3

Rekening Bank BCA :
atas nama : Handi Tri Apandi
nomor rekening: 718-0123-789

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PT. Inti Telekom Nusantara
Jl. Delima Jaya IV No.8E
Rempoa - Ciputat Timur
Banten 15412

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Phone : +62 21 744 5850
Fax : +62 21 744 5849

YM : eos_gi@yahoo.com / dilremp@yahoo.com
PIN BB : 300B6985
Email : radian@inti-nusantara.com
Website : www.inti-nusantara.com