Jual DNT-FV E1 to V.35 Converter

"DNT-FV E1 to V.35 Converter"

"The DNT-FV protocol converter provides the physical layer conversion between the E1 interface of the ITU-T G.703 standard and the standard V.35 interface. It provides safe and seamless connection for the communication among equipments with different interfaces in the network. It can also extract the specified time **** from G.703 E1 to form t he V35 path of N *64K (N =1--32). It is applied in the circumstance where part of the time **** of the E1 path of the transmission equipment is available, while the equipment needing to transmit data only has t he V35 outlet port. The data interface mode is DCE and can be connected with the DTE or DCE equipments. "

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