Jual PDH - Fiber Optic Multiplexer FME-2; FO to 1E1 & V.35

PDH - Fiber Optic Multiplexer FME-2; FO to 1E1 & V.35

" FME-2 provides two interfaces of E1(g.703) or V.35, and the rate to every transmitting channel of E1 or V.35 can be up to 2Mbps. It was made by ASIC circuitry technology, we can also call it "" PDH""

Obviously, the advantage of this equipment is reduced the cost. It can achieve fiber to V.35 directly in stead of using the PDH and converter. What's more, the clock (slave) of local FME-2 will automatically follow the clock (internal/external) of remote FME-2 ,so it's very easy to operate."

Cara pemesanan:
1. Silakan ditransfer ke rekening (harga + ongkos kirim):

Rekening Bank Mandiri :
atas nama : Pt. Inti Telecom Nusantara
nomor rekening: 101-000-606-520-3

Rekening Bank BCA :
atas nama : Handi Tri Apandi
nomor rekening: 718-0123-789

Pengiriman dilakukan by JNE. Biaya kirim untuk wilayah Jakarta=5500, Depok,Tangerang,Bekasi=6500, Bogor=6500, Bandung=9900, Surabaya=11.000 , untuk kota2 lainnya ada tambahan

2. Konfirmasi-kan / SMS nama, alamat dan no. telp penerima ke +62 838 99757566/+62 21 71699022 atau PM / Email saya.
Contoh Format SMS: "Dah dikirim trf 650.005 BCA dari rek. Budiarta IL-292, krm ke a/n: Lisa, d/a: Jl. Kencana Raya no.83, Surabaya. Telp: 0784-852564"

3. Paket dikirim ke tempat anda by JNE


PT. Inti Telekom Nusantara
Jl. Delima Jaya IV No.8E
Rempoa - Ciputat Timur
Banten 15412

Contact :

Phone : +62 21 744 5850
Fax : +62 21 744 5849

YM : eos_gi@yahoo.com / dilremp@yahoo.com
PIN BB : 300B6985
Email : radian@inti-nusantara.com
Website : www.inti-nusantara.com