Jual Script Youtube 2 Mp3 dalam hitungan detik saja.
Fitur Script :- No MySQL or other database needed
- The system checks if the file is already stored before converting the video again
- You can choose to store the MP3 files for a specific duration
- The system can check the video size before converting it, useful to save your bandwidth (on/off)
- You can add, delete or choose between different audio qualities for the conversions
- The video title can be used as filename
- You can display a links box that users will use to copy and paste links to your website/files, which could increase your trafic (on/off)
- Progress Bar displaying the video size, the download progress, and the conversion process
- Old files can be automaticaly deleted using a cron job (on/off)
- You can easily translate it to your own language, everything is stored in a separated file.
98% of the source code is delivered, and the style can be easily modified
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