[langtitle=en]4Buxs - 4Buxs.com - Same Script with VCBux[/langtitle]


New member
4Buxs - 4Buxs.com | PTC Evolutions

I am not The Owner or Site Admin

At 4Buxs you get paid just by browsing our sponsor's ads.
Unlike many other PTC sites,
our goal is to innovate and reach the needs of our users as well as our advertisers.
Our site is completely designed from scratch because,
as users of other PTC sites we were sure that, besides many offers,
none could give us what we wanted as users or advertisers.


Minimum Payout : $2.99
Payout via : Verified Paypal | Alertpay | Liberty Reserve
Payment Method : Instant

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[lang=en]This site up again and acessable..
Previously running on Zeus Script but now they change and
running on PTC Evolutions platform...
all user need to register again as a new user....

Please check my 1st posting regarding current payrate / payout policies:-

Users from China/Taiwan/Vietnam/Hong Kong need to upgrade their account if they have referrals in order to get paid,
else if they don't have any referrals then normal payment policy of 20 clicks and a verified account are to be followed.