[langtitle=en]Buxsl - buxsl.com[/langtitle]


New member

As our member you can:

Earn up to $0.02 per click you make.

Earn up to $0.02 for each referrals click.

Access detailed account and referrals statistics.

Instant Payments.

The minimum amount paid is $2.00 on the first cashout. This amount will increase by $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $10.00

All payments will be made via AlertPay or PayPal in USD currency.

During BETA we offer you a free Pioneer membership for life!

BUXSL - Welcome To BuxSL

Last edited:
[lang=en]Instant payment
[lang=en]Live statistics are now available for all users.
BuxSL reached 50.000 registered user!

[lang=en]BuxSL reached more than 86 000 members in just two months and already paid them over $5 700.
Cashout waiting period after payment info modification was reduced to 72 hours (previously 7 days).
